    If you'll be given a minute to tell to someone what you should have expressed a long time ago, what would it be and why?

    +1  Views: 942 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    Back in 1973, I was attending college in northern California and a guy from high school had moved there to attend school also.  I had liked him in H.S.  We were friends, but he never asked me out.  At college, we started hanging out and developing a good relationship.  One night we were out and I made a remark which I think upset him.  To this day, I don't know.  Our date ended a little awkwardly.  I think my feelings were hurt The next day was Valentine's Day.  I went to my classes (maybe), and got back to the dorm in the late afternoon.  My roommate told me that the guy had come by and left a box for me.  It was a little white box and inside was a thin gold band.  For some reason, I never called to thank him.  Never saw each other again.

    If I had one minute to say tell someone what I should have expressed long ago, I would tell this man thank you for a very lovely, thoughtful gift.  I would apologize for the remark that I had made on our last date.  (To this day, I think that he is probably the man I was meant tohave married)

    I have recently started wearing the ring on my right hand.  It sits under a silver band that has the words, "Let go, let God" engraved in it.   The gold ring reminds that friendships are priceless and to never let pride get in the way.

    "" This would be for one of my daughter-in-laws.

    I cheated my brother while playing Monopoly and though I think I told him sometime during the last 45 years, I still find myself wanting to apologies....

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