    how hot is the sun

    0  Views: 759 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    The surface, or photosphere, of the sun is about 10,000° Fahrenheit (5,500° Celsius). Cool, dark areas of magnetic disturbance that erupt on the photosphere, called sunspots, are only about 6,700° Fahrenheit (4,000° Celsius).

    The layer of the sun's atmosphere that lies just beyond the photosphere, called the chromosphere, is only about 1,900 miles (3,000 kilometers) thick. Where it meets the photosphere, the chromosphere is about 7,800° Fahrenheit (4,300° Celsius). The temperature rises throughout the chromosphere. Where the chromosphere merges with the sun's outermost atmospheric layer, the corona, it is about 180,000° Fahrenheit (100,000° Celsius). Temperatures rise to 3,600,000° Fahrenheit (2,000,000° Celsius) in the part of the corona that's farthest from the sun.

    The sun is hottest at its center—about 27,000,000° Fahrenheit (15,000,000° Celsius)!

    Sources: Abell, George O. Realm of the Universe, 5th ed., pp. 225-28; Asimov, Isaac. Isaac Asimov's Guide to Earth and Space, pp. 159-61; Moore, Patrick. Atlas of the Solar System, p. 19


    You need to add a link as to where you get the information. Some sites do not like if you copy their work but do not give them the credit. Then the admin get to hear about it. On the internet, it is actually considered theft if you do not give credit to the site ;)

    I try to, at least I credit Wiki. Sometimes it's hard to know WHERE the stuff came from...I'll work on it. Thanks for all of the TUs....

    Just copy the URL address in the address bar. Your welcome, thanks for all the researched answers ;)

    I don't know how to copy more than one item to the answer block, I've tried and asked CB but I just don't get it.....

    Put the first link in. Then move your cursor over 2 clicks, then hit your enter key. This moves the cursor down so you can now post a second link and so on.

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