    How do you get rid of a zit???

    +3  Views: 566 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    i thought you could answer just about everything but i guess i was wrong

    6 Answers

    First of all, try not to pick it.  Make sure you have a good facial cleanser and use it everyday, morning and night.  If you are a girl, take your make-up off every night.  It clogs your pores and causes blemishes.  If you are a guy, you still need to wash your face twice a day.  If you can't afford expensive soaps, get some Clearasil and wash with that.  You can get blemish cover too by Clearasil, it hides and heals at the same time.  If you feel you are starting to get too many blemishes, ask your Mom or Dad to take you to see the dermatologist (skin doctor). 


    When I was a teenager, I did all that and it never helped my acne. The only thing that helped was getting older. My mom wouldn't take me to a dermatologist, b/c she took my brother and got some stuff for him. He always got all the breaks

    If you are in a hurry to get rid of one then just pop it.  However, if you are a teenager or someone with a very oily complexion  and you have a bunch of zits on your face then here is what you do.  Pour  two tablespoons of salt in a bowl and  then  add about  one tablespoon of water. ( It needs to be thick enough to not run off your face).   Stir this mixture and then rub it all over your face, be careful not to get in your eyes. Let this set on your face for 10-15 minutes and then rinse. Do this 3 nights in a row and then apply it to the face every other night for about one more week. Then do it once a week (or as needed) for ongoing results. I have a teenager who has acne and we have saved a bunch of money on not having to  buy commercial acne products. Try it, it really works. This was advice given to me from a cosmetologist.


    thanks! my grand daughter has a few troublesome zits. wish i knew that when i was in my teens!

    Wash and wash the area put on the area that is invected slightly hot facecloth on the area and keep doing this until it comes to a head and it will pop on its own then clean so it wont get infected or put some thing on that closes the pores if its really bad see a derm person

    Blow torch.

    Put egg white on it.

    Honey clean it with plain peroxcide and then clean your whole face with witch hazel it really works.And it don"t cost alot of money like some of the over the counter stuff.

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