    What are hand baggage restrictions?

    0  Views: 465 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Baggage allowances

    Hold luggage - how much can you take?

    Each passenger who pays for a hold bag can take up to 20kg of luggage. This weight allowance applies to the passenger rather than to the bag so purchasing extra bags is possible but will not increase the weight allowance. If you think you’ll need to take a little bit more with you, you can buy some extra weight – it’s best to do this online before you fly as the online charges are considerably cheaper than at the airport.

    If you are travelling in a group of two or more on the same booking and have booked bags, you may spread the weight of your luggage across the bags. For example, two passengers with a bag each may carry 20kg of luggage each, but if you wish to put 18kg in one bag and 22kg in the other, then that’s okay with us. You’ve just got to remember that you cannot exceed the 40kg total weight allowance without paying additional charges. A few really important things to remember:

    We support health and safety guidance for checked luggage and recommend that you keep the weight of each individual bag below 23kg wherever possible.Legally we must by Text-Enhance" href="">apply a maximum limit of 32kg so any individual bag weighing more than 32kg cannot be accepted!Infants who share your seat do not have a baggage allowance, therefore, their items will need to be packed in your bagTo keep our fares low, be able to board the plane as quickly as possible and ensure your comfort onboard, if you bring more than one piece of hand baggage we’ll check the extra into the hold. We’ll need to charge you for this – at check-in this fee is £25 due to higher handling costs at the airport if you don't buy the bag online and at the boarding gate this increases to £40 to ensure that we can bring you to your destination on time.

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