    I believe “God”, our father, being omnificent, first created heaven and at some point in time found it necessary to give His life to Satan. My question is: Why would such a creator give His life to Satan who, in a convincing rebellion, challenged His authority?

    0  Views: 2527 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: religion

    16 Answers

    Woh! Who has been feeding you this crap? You need to read your Bible and stop listening to the BS someone is obviously feeding you!

    Lucifer (Satan) was God's number one angel. Lucifer decided he could be god and the s*&t hit the fan. Lucifer was cast out of heaven and now walks the earth to try and dis way the people away from God.

    If this is a direct slam on any religion, as in simply to make fun of it and twist it and put it in a non real light, then it is not allowed. Please explain yourself and what "religion" you are following if any.


    I don't agree with your supposition that God gave HIS life to Satan, at some time or any time.  What is the basis for you to make this statement?  Your question, as far as I am concerned, deserves no serious answer if I'm not convinced that what you are saying has some shred of believability. 


    Has me wondering too.


    I don"t understand what you are asking?? I mean God has never gave his life to satan!!!!! Not in my Christian faith nor in any other , I am sure that would be blasphemy not only to the Christian faith but to Jews and Muslims also . Maybe Colleen is right either you are being nasty or you are just ignorant!!  

    you stand for nothing , then you'll fall for anything..

    "" "Hmmm...these people are confused. I'm still alive and still creating the stupid ones too.



    Man by virtue of a Physical body of the world and a Spiritual Body that is Life and light, is two  yet One, enamated with his Spark of Life  ".   This Divine Idea is perfect.  For how can one know the Light without the Dark, for there can be no Light without friction.

    How could one know the Light if there was not but Light.  Therefore is man both, and the struggle or friction is within him, his dark side Satan and God side Life.  This is the solution to the Metapor or Riddle of Eve, the snake and the Apple. (ponder this in reason)

    The dark side is ruled by the senses, personality, thus the ways of the world are  Satanic by reason of their domination,  While the Spiritual Side the Light Side which is the True Man, by understanding of this Divinity, thus is Satan, revealed and undersood as  the desires of the body and the world.  Thus is satan (the sensual body) overcome;  becoming servanted to the Soul which is now become the proper Master.

     "for man was made of life and Light into Soul and Mind, of Life the Soul of Light the Mind."  Thus satan is simply a demanding worldly body, by the virtue of this secret being revealed; his being is exposed in its nakedness in the light of Understanding. 

    "it is therefore I simply answered "by giving it to man."  Indeed by doing this all material things were set in motion.

    I would here like to offer you a beautiful metaphysical verse written by a beloved Group Soul Mate and fellow traveler/Metaphysican;


    Born of a Mighty Dream are we,

    Whose thoughts sustains each breath,

    And in Mind's great reality, find we our place within.       

    Lucifer was God's number one angel. Lucifer, having free will decided he could be god and Lucifer was cast out of heaven and now walks the earth to try and lead the people, having free will away from God.

    They say go to heaven for the scenery and go to hell to be with friends. So maybe God and Satan are friends now and It’s all Good!... Kidding of course.

    ""It was fun, he's still here. He's having more fun. Said he was sick of roaming around with a load of no hopers in long dresses.

    ""Here I am. I'm more powerful than the Supreme Being. Would you like a cigar?

    country bumpkin

    Eggy: Do you know those are marijuana leaves in the shaded green area behind Santa? I just noticed this myself. That's a big-fat hooter Santa is smoking. LOL

    Are you sure it's not mistletoe?
    country bumpkin

    Yes Eggie, I'm positive. There is a big difference between marijuana leaves and mistletoe. I'm an old pro at identifying pot leaves, I was around that stuff almost every day in my teens and early 20's.*~*

    Oh, okay. I was a goodie two shoes. I wouldn't have a clue. We didn't have drugs here in Australia when I was growing up. It could have been there, but no one knew anything about it. Australia, was always about twenty years behind the rest of the world. We've caught up!
    country bumpkin

    I had a good feeling that you had no idea what they were. I just wanted to make sure that you knew. I doubt that many people have realized what they are. Have a great weekend, Eggie.

    All I know is God never gave his life over to Satan end of story.

    Indeed, by giving it to man.


    Your beliefs, opinions, suppositions and supporting considerations obstruct your comprehension of the beings you mention in your opening question. Read the Urantia Book for a different set of views.


    I didn't deserve a TD though...

    I didn’t give you a TD. The TD-TU buttons are too close together and I must have TDed you in error and didn’t notice. I liked the warning on TD if accidental and didn’t see one either. So ,Sorry about that dear.

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