    can I be paid for caring for my elderly disabled parent

    paret became un able to see & can not prepare his meals or drive to doctors appointments, he doesn't have money to pay

    +3  Views: 484 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    You can apply to the Deprtment of Social Service for IHSS (In Home Supportive Service) for your parent and tell them that you want to be your parent's caregiver.  A social worker will come to assess your parent's disability.  If he is qualified, they will provide you with an orientation and will pay you for your service. 

    Yes you can apply for a carers pension,ask at social security office.

    Yes In the Uk you can and you are intliled to have restbite as well get intouch with social services and they will assease you good luck

    I find it an absolute shame that a child would even want to be paid for taking care of their own parent in a time of need.....just my way of and everyone else may think differently!


    Not because he doesn't want to work, but he is homebound to take care of his disabled parent.

    You probably can get paid but, what do you want for taking care of those who loved you all of your life?


    I think he just wants to be able to live I took care of my elderly parents and worked full time for 8 years as well as being a parent to three teenagers. I ruined my health

    Careing for elderly parents is a full time job that even the most loving child deserves to get paid for. You certainly do not have the time or energy to do any other job.

    You are right, I didn't think before I answered so quickly...

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