    what is the number 1 cause of teenage pregnancies

    +3  Views: 1331 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    dum dum dum dum duuuuummmmmm

    16 Answers

    Not using birth control

    Sex ,  and NOT using protection !!!!!


    In my day it was the fault of cars with back seats.. And drive-in movie theaters


    Good old days Vinny

    Yeah, really, now cars have back seats but you can't even get in them and there aren't many 'passion pits' anymore, drive-in theaters have all but disappeared..

    Fun days, just "making out" in the back of the van. My boyfriends were surfers and they all had vans. Don't come a knockin' if this van is a rockin'! I was too afraid to go past 2nd base! LOL

    Sex education in school and practise outside school without following the directions 100%.



    Hmmmmmmm... you think so? I'll meditate on this... ;)

    Yes, and I can prove it.


    Getting Drunk and not taking precausions and not thinking and not having respect for thier selves

    Ignorant boys playing with ignorant girls.

    Parents wouldn't talk about sex, they thought it was talking dirty. Lack of education.

    However, I did have a 7th grade school teacher that told the class, if a boy holds your hand it means your doing it. If he puts his arm around you it means your pregnant.

    Need I say more?




    The desire to be loved by someone is one reason teenage girls are getting pregnant.  Some of them think their boyfriends are going to love them if they have sex with them.  Some of them want to have babies so they will have someone to love who will love them back.   Some girls think it is a status symbol of some sort.   Don't get me started....I am loaded with opinion on this topic. 

    Two years ago, my eldest son and his girlfriend announced they were having a baby.  Several months into the pregnancy, my son and I were talking about how he and the GF didn't get along very well most of the time. I made a comment about not understanding how they could have gotten themselves pregnant.....both know how to use birth control.  Imagine my absolute shock when he told me they had planned the pregnancy and wanted the baby.  

    She is now 2 and her little (unplanned) sister just turned 1.  Little one was born with meth in her system.  Son was recently arrested for some felonies/possession of controlled substance. 



    So sorry, Bob. Really. Is this why you moved here?

    Hi, and no. My ex-husband and I moved here 25 years ago to be married and live closer to my parents (vs. his in upstate NY). We wanted whatever children we had to be close to family. My relationship with this son and his GF is good, but I keep my nose out of their business and am a hands-off grandmother. Her mom is very domineering, mean, and kind of belligerent. I'm not like that (anymore) and just walk away from confrontation most of the time. Some day I will probably explode and you will find parts of me floating in the Atlantic Ocean. But, if I keep my focus on faith, I should be able to stay in one piece!lol

    Sad story Bob.So sorry.How are the little kids?

    Well, Tommy, thank you for asking. I guess the kids are OK enough for now. They both are screamers (the little one just starting to do more), but maybe because they don't know my mom or me very well. Don't know what their disabilities will be (there was some drug use during 1st pregnancy, too), but 90% chance of something. The "adults" are very crude and have been physically abusive to each other. Violence in the home is what these kids see & hear, and I would bet the same is true at the GF's folks' home. The father used to be abusive, but the mom has the upper hand now and is a piece of work. I don't see anything good coming at this point, but I have faith. My prayers are sporadic, and I know better. No one can say anything to my son because he gets belligerent; it's just wait and see for now. I'll update if you want. I don't talk to many people about it because it is such a downer & I can't change them. No point in complaining! :)

    I am so sorry, there are no words to express how I feel. My nephew is exactly like your son. It's a nightmare. He went to jail for one year. He is trying hard to make it, and provide a better life for his family.He married the girl, she hasn't decided to change, or grow up yet. They have two babies. She is a real piece of work. My nephew was a very bad boy. He worked hard in jail and got his GED, works at Wal Mart, and is in the national Guard. If he ask her to work, she'll get pregnant, it's a repeated behavior.
    He refuses to leave her, and take the kids. He turns 21 in December.
    Kids can rip your heart out.
    I pray everything works out for you and your family.

    Immature  teenagers  who  think  they know it all and are ready to face  adulthood  HA HA HA

    " In most cases (teenage boys) ! "

    children playing grown up games

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