    How can i sell better

    +1  Views: 442 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Sell? what?? 

    selling is a 'frame of mind' enthusiasm sells-- "The old saying, a good salesperson can sell a bucket of S*** and make it sound like a bouquet of flowers."   You must sell yourself first, then you sell your company, then the product.. You must be trusted, your company must be trusted and finally, the product.. If you sell the first two, the product will be easy, afterall, its the product they came to buy.

    A good salesperson must be an actor/ess, they know how to turn on the charm and turn off personal life at a given moment, selling is an art, and not many can do it but many try.. It's one of the oldest professions and most rewarding done right. It's the amateurs, the wannabe salespeople that give the profession a  bad name, unfortunately, people remember them but not the good ones, these bad ones try it for awhile, make their mark, usually a bad one then leave and go do something else..   I have been in 'active sales going on 30 years, but I was around some type of selling all my life, we all are selling something, even when you say to our friend, lets go to the movies, you are selling that fact and what movie to see.. all day long we are selling..

    Best hint I can give you is be yourself and understand the buying signs, you have two ears, one mouth because listening is far more important than talking, shut up and listen..  Don't be afraid to close, do it often, over and over, follow up with phonecall, email, text, whatever, just don't let your prospect get away.. 72 hour rule, if you don't make contact within 72 hours, you have been forgotten..   Close, close close..  Never push though, a good closer  knows how to close without the prospect even knowing it happened, make the close their idea, not yours.. Takes practice but you'll get it...

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