    Anybody have a greenhouse ? What you growing?

    I am thinking about building a below ground greenhouse. Want to grow year round.

    +3  Views: 871 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    Great idea >>

    Underground oranges are my favourite, can never get down deep enough!


    country bumpkin

    I've seen this unique piece of fruit before in the bottom of my crisper. Funny thing is I don't remember buying it. (*~*)

    Hey, I just threw out one of these. Are they tasty?


    Okay then, I'll start growing some more.

    I;ll send you the mould!

    LOL!! Very quick indeed.

    What a great idea! If I had one, I'd grow berries and tomatoes, tropical plants.  My dog would probably have the whole place chewed up in a matter of two days.

    No greenhouse, but i do start some plants for the garden.  Latest idea, take a plastic tray with the lid from a cooked whole chicken.  It is almost a perfect greenhouse for seedlings.  Cut a three-sided flap in cover, for ventilation.  Add soil mix, water slightly but not drenched, plant seeds, put it in sun with cover on, flap shut.  In a few days, seedlings appear, check heat, if too hot, open flap, adjust temp with that flap.  Only water if they seem dry, not too much moisture is needed because of the domed lid and condensation.  Opening flap will also let excess moisture out when needed.  So far, been only 2 wks. looks like a success... 

    I have had several and have one now. I have grown produce for the table...letuice, salid plants, herbs and spices and flowers of course. I do enjoy my greenhouse that is part of my home. Some plants are in containers with soil, some in hydroponic beds or NFT racks. And the system is automated of course. Even a small greenhouse can be prolifically abundant in excess to your personal needs. They can be organic also and many things can be adapted to assemble the things needed to keep it all working nicely and expediting green house growth by any method I have tried or seen, does not benefit flavor. Flavor takes time to develop, and cool nights can also help. Increasing CO2 in a greenhouse may yeild more growth but dim flavors. Enhansing 

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