    Ye Gods, when is the rain going to stop in New South Wales, Australia? The chickens will need to be evacuated tomorrow if it is still raining.

    +2  Views: 1845 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: animals

    4 Answers

    Well eggy looks like you are going to have chicken lodgers in your home, although the news said it was going to clear. I hope so for your sake and the "girls"

    I have a daughter at North Richmond that I must call to see how they are, they are high up so normaly don`t have any worry except they can`t do a lot of their work.

    They own Ponderosa Pest Control, have done for somewhere around 30 years.

    It rained and rained last night, but this morning we have had rain on and off. The chickens are sticking around the back door, it's dryer there. Their pen is mostly flooded, but their sleeping quarters were not flooded as expected. So, tonight they can sleep in their own beds. So, the human helicopter doesn't need to evacuate the chickens at the moment. I'll be North Richmond is copping it.
    Do you want me to send my floaties down?

    I'll only need floaties for the chickens. Our house is up very high and cannot be flooded out, but part of the backyard is quite flat and that's where my girls live. It's getting quite flooded. This afternoon I had to put a brick at their front door to make the water change direction. By tomorrow morning the water will breach my levy and they will need to be evacuated.

    It's still pretty full on, here in Sydney as well .


    I'm on the Central Coast Mr Python.

    I am miss python,and i am down Parramatta way.Are you before Gosford or after ?

    You are sure copping it.I feel for you.


    It has rained all day and it's heavier now. By tomorrow morning my girls will be evacuated to a dryer place.

    Girls?? you mean the chooks right??

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