    What cultural assumptions do you resent the most? Can stereotypes ever be helpful in understanding personality?

    +4  Views: 986 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    deep down we're all the same , we all need food, water, shelter as well as human companionship. iv'e met people from many cultures we all like to laugh,,enjoy good food and to live and let live.


    loved your answer totatly agrea with you xxx

    I live in a city where everyone is everyone except the drug dealers.  "Spot the drug dealer"  is a game.... does it count if you don't care for those guys?

    I have been steteotyped my entire life and it doesn't feel good. I am that "Artsy-fartsy" chick. It is almost as if you are written off before you open your mouth and so why bother?  It is horrible.

    Live and let live... no single person fits into a box.


    You know...I think maybe one day we should meet, your a really neat lady!

    I have learned a lot these past three weeks.  I have met a wonder of a human being and I am glad he has changed my thinking.  Now I need to "Grab Some Guts"...shoot yet again.  




    He is a quiet man of very few words. Interesting.

    I actually don't know why this answer is here...I was answering something else. I must have been cliking quickly and lost my way. Ooops!

    Good Question Producer Daren maid a good point and I feel exactly the same live and let live we are all the same in the end we all need to sleep and work and eat and have a roof over our heads...Over the years in living inn different countrys I met people who are brilliant and then I have ment people who wouldnt give you time of day

    How much time do you have?


    The assumption that if one has no money or property they are seen as a failure.
    The assumption if one does not have a college
    education they are dumb.
    I could go on an on too!

    and if one does not follow a certain type of religious belief, for example, then they are perceived as radicals or weird. This attitude must stop.

    We call ourselves a melting pot. Very little tolerance for any group that does not appear to be like us. Shame on all of us.

    So far, in the U.S., only Hawaii comes close to living harmoniously among peoples of different groups and backgrounds.

    Not long ago I had a bit of a "set to" with a neighbour. During the conversation she told me that because I rent, I am a nobody in life. Immediatly I shot to my defence. I would rather be a nobody and work for all I have than have a silver spoon shoved up my #$# and have my hand out my entire life. I have a problem with anyone looking down on someone for not having all the "things" that some of society considers makes you important. Nobody knows what circumstances each person has faced or how hard each and every one of us work for what we have. Ignorance and assumptions towards anyone or looking down their nose really gets my goat.


    I agree with you. Wow. You just don't know... the journey is a curious thing.

    I agree with you. Wow. You just don't know... the journey is a curious thing.

    Spunk !

    You are lovely. One day when I am in your neck of the woods I will book an appointment for a haircut! ... Or ... you are always welcome for a studio visit and a cup of coffee. I am usually up to my elbows in mud but I have been told I make delicious coffee.

    It seems we as a nation are getting more polarized and opinionized  when  we should be looking to common goals, and higher good for all! Perhaps there are communities working for this but they do not receive the attention they deserve.due to the media feeding on the opposite.






    Great thought, thanks for sharing.

    Even the political parties are differing on their thoughts of who their actually serving. Stereotypes? Too much of being stereotyped as liars as far as politicians.

    Personality is very understandable. Your either going to be easy going or very pragmatic in social issues. Far left/right, moderate, extreme, or on and on. Gosh... when can we all start profiling? That's where were headed.

    I think that making assumptions about a persons ethics due to their culture and evironment is ludicrous. I do feel that there are certain similarities within a culture that can lead to general assumptions, but to make broad assertions like that is a mistake.

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