    I had the flu and with it bronchitis so I ask ...

    shouldn't I have an x-ray? this could be pneumonia and the doctor took it lightly. she "took it lightly once before" and I ended up i the hospital for 4 days with pneumonia caused by an antibiotic. I'm just taking a chance that maybe someone here has had bronchitis.. don't feel like googling.

    +3  Views: 529 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    A TU for not being well hope you get better soon itsmee LOL

    6 Answers

    Buy dried Thyme in healthfood store. Put 1 Tbsp. in coffee filter, twist to close and tie white cotton sewing thread around and leave about 3-4 inch long threat. Put boiling water in large cup and add thyme(like a teabag) and let steep for 8 min. Sip little at a time.Repeat 2 more times during day.Do the same for 2 more days. It helped me when I had Bronchitis.You can also buy dried Thyme in grocery store in spice aisle.

    well done Ann I will try this also thanks LOL
    You need to get this checked out you could have pluresy are you in pain when you breath "when you breath does your lungs hurt" if any pain what so ever get to the Hospital at once you may have nothing just a chest infection and that case you will be put on antibotics good luck anyway
    There are a lot of variables in a question like yours.
    What is your age? General health status? Do you have an increased temperature? Are you coughing? If so, what color mucus is coming up? Are you having trouble breathing?

    Not sure what you meant in your statment "you ended up in the hospital for 4 days with pneumonia caused by an antibiotic"
    Did you have a reaction to the antibiotic? Or not get one.
    Do you have a history of breathing problems?
    Is thee a flu bug going around the area in which you live?
    If this is viral, antibiotics will not help. However, if you have a history of sever bronchitis, asthma, COPD or other lung problems and are not getting better I suggest you see your physician again.
    Also, suggest you increase your fluid intake to help rid your body of the products of illness.
    Good luck.

    If you feel you have pneumonia, go to the ER. They are great for ordering xrays. They love ordering xrays. They order xrays if you sneeze :) Really, I'm being serious.
    what a doctor would go by is if you have progressive symptoms after you've been treated for your bronchitis, if you do, then yes you should take the next step and have x-rays.
    The flu is caused by a virus (which doesn't respond to antibiotics), and bronchitis is caused by bacteria. It could be that the first time aroound, your infection was strictly viral and she put you on antibiotics (which was the wrong thing to do!) The antibiotics could have wiped out most of your normal lung flora and allowed a pathogen like strep pneumo to grow, thereby putting you in the hospital. Before you go on antibiotics, the doctor should be doing a rapid test for influenza (the virus that causes the flu), and if it's negative, a sputum culture should be done to test for bacterial pathogens that could be eliminated with antibiotics.
    Also, you need to find out WHY you're having recurrent respiratory problems; these are usually due to a compromise in the immune system or damage to the lungs from asthma or smoking. Try to eliminate unnecessary stresses on your lungs, and see if you don't feel a lot better.

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