    Does anyone like old Elton John songs ? What's you favorite one ?

    He was a musical genius with his bending and sliding of the notes, the keys, and runs; and that piano playing of his was innovative.

    +9  Views: 1416 Answers: 24 Posted: 12 years ago

    24 Answers

    "daniel"... really hits home with me...

    I loved '' Daniel '' when it came out
    I cannot pick one...all his songs have touched my heart pretty much.

    and still does
    Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, my mom loves his music, I've seen him in concert and he is very talented.

    Another fave of his!!

    that's my fave too :-)

    Yes, great song thanks for the comments.
    The only one ilike is Candle in the Wind

    Sorry, but that one is one of my least favorites..........

    He wrote that for Marilyn Monroe and when Princess Diana died, he dedicated it to her.
    After that, I didn’t like it so much. or him.
    funeral for a friend

    I forgot about that one. I love it
    Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

    Hey copy cat You stole my answer... lol Thumbs up.

    Sorry Leeroy. Its not that I stole your answer. Simply I am faster than

    Hey, that's mine!

    schubee....Too late. lol

    that's my fave too
    pinball wizard

    Didn't the '' the Who '' make Pinball Wizard'' ?
    .......specifically Roger Daltry ?

    yes, however elton did the movie soundtrack

    Yes & the movie was TOMMY! haha

    to Tommy; yes, adn I saw that movie when it came out. It was good, and the music was fantastic.
    Benny and the jets
    ole hipster

    How's your python (you must have one!) Earl (my python) is sitting here with me right now (:

    Yes mine are here with me in thier tank hibernating atm because its winter time here in Australia.
    ole hipster

    How many do you have? Yours hibernate?? Mine never did and I've had him over 10 years and live in Chicago where it gets really cold in the winter...mine is a ball python...does that make a difference with the hibernation process?? (:

    I have 2 pythons one is a coastal python and the other is a centralian python,if they are held in captivity it is no big deal if they dont hibernate.Ijust choose to turn the heat pad off at winter time,saves on giving them a feed lol.Ive had mine for 6 years now and only been bitten twice,but that was my stupidity that it happened. Thanks for asking about them anyway,im sure my name says it all lol.

    Awesome song!!

    pythons - how amazing to own such a creature!
    Avid fan of Elton & his song writer Bernie Taupin. Seen him live in concert many times. Love all his music, but "Someone Saved My Life Tonight", "Daniel" and "Sacrifice" are amongst my favorites.

    Someone saved my life tonight> > > > > I used to sing that and play the record from sun up to sun down. Ditto for Hey Jude.
    Sorry seems to be the hardest word.

    that IS pretty !

    a true genius there is no doubt.All of the above.

    country bumpkin

    Hi Tommyh: MY sons father just called to let him know he is stranded in Hawaii for a couple of days. He was supposed to fly into Australia and hang out there for 2 weeks. I must pay more attention to the news, I had no idea what was happening with the strike.

    Qantas is totally grounded until there is a resolution.Apalling state of affairs.We're carrying on like a mob of imbeciles & turning this great place into a third world country.STUPID! Sorry for your FILs predicament but if you are gunna be stranded somewhere Hawaii wouldn't be to hard to cop.Maybe he can look up Chaing mai while he's there & find out what's happened to him.LOL
    country bumpkin

    I miss him too. There are a few people on here that I haven't seen for awhile.
    country bumpkin

    I miss him too. There are a few people on here that I haven't seen for awhile.

    Sacrifice. (Especially when he does it with that woman singer who once shaved off all her hair because she was angry with the pope.)

    b b b benny ... Benny and the Jets

    I wouldn’t say he’s one of my favorites but when someone mentions a song of his ... It plays in my head ... the entire song. Other musicians don’t effect me quite that way 

    country bumpkin

    Sinead O' Connor

    country bumpkin: Thank you. Sinead O’Connor. With oncoming age I forget names. It worries me kind of.

    You're OK I'm the same you helped me - I also got mine wrong - yeap it is that age thing - happens to us all.

    Poppy ... Hi ... Where you been, girl? You know maybe we just have so much stuff in our head some of it has to leave otherwise our heads would explode.

    istsmee - you have no idea how my head feels - I have so much going on - indeed I feel it will explode anytime soon. I have had a headache since before Christmas literally - you keep well.

    Oh Poppy, I don't like that you have that headache. I feel like I REALLY know you and I want to say this: Go to your internist. Tell him/her about all the stuff that's going on in your life. Why are you doing so much? Anyway, I feel like I'm just blabbing but it's important that you do this. You could have a health problem that needs to be diagnosed and treated. Or you could just have a problem that could be helped by Xanax Whenever I get that overwhelmed feeling I take a Xanax and things get better.
    Maybe I'm getting on your nerves, I sure hope not, xxx

    itsmee - you are not getting on my nerves at all I thank you for your concern. This headache my Doctor feels is tension due to all that is going on here re- my flat. I had bilateral cataracts last year - she referred me back to have the eyes checked - all OK - I am taking pain killers for back etc. not many but strong - I am trying to reduce these to eliminate cause - I will change to milder - having weaned myself off. Doctors do not dole out stuff like Xanax here - difficult enough to get my sleeping tablet. I will get the frontal headache (which I only feel if I raise my forehead) checked if it does not go
    away for any organic reason. Thankyou so much you are just adorable xoxxoo

    I will keep you in mind for sure. Xanax is good for me. My head can be just so full and I take it and I calm down, I am 100 per cent for pain pills. If I didn't take them, I'd be spending my life in bed. As to is, I can do almost everything. I have cataracts too. They aren't ready to be fixed.It's hard to read. Maybe next year I'll be ready for the surgery. Tomorrow I will have two teeth pulled..... eeeeek. Later, Poppy. (I'll have total anesthesia)

    itsmee - do not worry about the cataract operation - it is just so easy. While you are waiting - people are in and out having had it done - It takes the surgeons only a matter of seconds and so good after you have had it done - only need to have reading glasses off the shelf if needed. When I had mine done - I was blind in the right eye and it was the discusion here re: glasses that prompted me to cover my left eye and discover I could not see my face - would you believe, and there I was driving around - apparently you can drive with one eye - the Consultant did say though - what were you doing??? Well itsmee my life can only get better - has been a nightmare since my retirement despite my for the main part wonderful life. Good luck with the dentist - I wish you well far from pleasant - I need to make an appointment there too - probably will need some of the remainly teeth removed. I will be thinking of you and get back to you. I am seeing Doc Friday. x0x0

    Like Mr. Den I like them all and especially "My Song" is that what it's called "and you can tell everybody, this is my song" etc.   - also grew up with them.


    One of my faves!!!

    I believe it’s, “You can tell everybody this is YOUR song.” The title would then be Your Song.
    Oh, I dunno.

    Thanks itsmee - yes you are right - and he says "how wonderful life is with you in this world" guess I'll have to listen it again.

    All  of them..... grew up  with them...................they still in  my   head

    LEVON the best song ever. Elton is a genius.

    you got that right!

    Loves his cricket too.Never misses a match when he's down here in summer.     Last Song. "A real tear-jerker." The line"Today, I weigh less than a shadow on the wall"; well, I can't think of any other that has ever had such an impact. Absolutely brilliant and chilling.

    I  think   I  will go listen  to  his  songs   now....................................

    don't  forget   Island  Girl

    How about "Rocket Man",  'nother  fantastic song!

    I remember seeing him in an interview a  few years back and he stated that he wrote the theme song for the "Lion King" in one sitting in 30 minutes. Now, that is genius!!  And it's a great song!

    Saturday night

    Crocodile Rock,  Wow!!!   And how about  "Pinball Wizard"??? Both my husbands  suggestions,.....and he isn't even crazy about  E J  like I am. I feel so ashamed!  These are his personal faves, even though he says he doesn't much care foe E.J.....He is an old time heavy-metal rocker who can't confess.........

    DANIEL, (my brother). Very touching song.

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