
    +1  Views: 28104 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago

    10 Answers

    Bottom line is the Goverment is running Our lives and WE sit back and take it...My house was broken into and the cop that came just gave me paper work to fill out for the insurance company...didn't take finger prints ..nothing,but let me go 5 miles over the speed limit and he's all over my ass...It's all about money...That's the problem with everything and everyone...Our ancesters came to this country for freedom of religion,Our justice system is based on the 10 comandments..But We have to stop saying GOD in the pledge of alligence. O.J.Simpson walks because of money...I think WE as the REAL workers of this country need to REALLY start standing up for OURSELFS and quit letting glory,moneyhungry hounds tell US what to do..Bring back paddling in schools..bring back the chain gangs,bring back honor to this country...30 years ago the goverment paid my uncle 10 mil. to shut down his dairy farm cause it was driving down the price of milk...what the hell...I know I'm just ranting but I've been stewing a long time...I'M SO SORRY....HAVE A GREAT NIGHT>>>


    Some of this makes sense to me.I can tell you are angry & you should be.I am a non US citizen but I know your country is hurting.This country (Australia) is heading the same way,I think. So go ahead & rant,maybe someone will eventually hear you.

    I'm genuinely sory u've been stewing. Unfortunately, your basic premise is flawed since ur ancestors came here for religious and economic fredom but stole the land, enslaved and /or slaughtered the indiginous population, kidnapped and enslaved others to do work they would not, and , in short, perpetuated the evils they allegedly fled. As long as ALL people live down to their basest instincts instead of to their highest aspirations, this world will continue to be a sorry place for too many people. Jonny Apples, another respondent on this issue, thinks that surrender to "White Males" is the answer. He's as deluded as u since it was and is "White males" who control the economy, stole the the land, ruin the ecosystem, create and extend crime, exacerbate suffering, practice hypocracy, and yet whine about the very conditions they create. As an educated, intelligent Black/Amerindian male, I have stewed over the injustices perpetrated on AND BY my people over the centuries. I advocate strict adherance to the "Golden Rule". Until that time comes, however, we will all suffer.

    paddling in schools is wrong unless the parent comes to the school to do it. noone should lay a hand on a child unless its their own child. the fact that my mom let some huge man whack her 6yr old haunts me to today. left major emotional scars especdially since i got them for doing what my older sister told me to do. i didnt know i was doing wrong. just sayin
    btw good call TLJ

    i agree very much with what you are saying and i can,t understand why football players and movie stars get paid so much when there is pople out there risking there very lives for them all and get paid hardly nothing. children are getting out of hand because we can,t give them a good spanking with a switch or belt like i got when i was a kid. we had prayer in school and said the pledge of alegence each day in school. there were so many kids playing outside not stuck inside playing games and on the computer. some kids are getting so lazzy they don,t want to help anyone hardly at all. prisoners shouldn,t have tvs,phones,or anything fun there there to be punish. hard work and learning about god and education and there wrong is what should be pounded in there heads each day.prices keeps going up so much that noone can hardly go anywhere unless they got money comming out of there behinds. noone should get away with wrong doing and money shouldn,t be paid to anyone to leave them go to hurt or kill or whatever else. we need our farms and we need our tree,s and people need to keep there homes they had for many years. i see so many houses forsale and it is so sad. no jobs and people have to sale there homes or land they got from there parents. these things means so much to these people. we need to fight back and stand up for our rights. hell i remember when neighbors broght food over and help you out when you need it. now you hardly see this. i look outside and i see no kids out playing ball or playing or making even a snow man or sled riding. then they wonder why so many are getting fat now. noone goes outside to have fun hardly at all anymore. we need to get our kids outside and active and show them fun and not give up.we need to have fun weather swimming in a pond or river which i hardly see much either or playing in the rain to camping with a tent.LET,S HAVE FUN PEOPLE GET OUT SIDE HELL WITH THE GAMES AND COMPUTER LIVE FOR ONCE. PLAY BALL,HORSE SHOE,HAVE A COOK OUT AND PLAY VOLLEY BALL OR BAD MITTIN EVEN. STAYING INDOORS JUST MAKEING US WEAK AND LAZZY. WE ALL NEED TO WIZE UP BEFORE IT,S TO LATE.

    your pretty right money talks and bad people get away instead of paying the price in prison. i was rape and the police left the guy go. they did investegate just took his word and two others. they even called me a slut. noone cared that i broke down in the office or almost past out. so do i care about our police force noooo''''. movie stars they make tons of money when there is people out there working there butts off and riskong their lives for small wages. this never made sence to me. but will pay even 200.00 or more for a concert ticket. but we sure don,t pay a firemen that or doctor,or anyone who puts there lives on the line or saves alot. paddling needs to be in school and in our homes our kids are walking all over us these days. i never hardly see ant kids outside having fun playing ball or swimming in a pond or sled riding,making a snowman or playing in the rain. no they sit for hours in there house playing videos games or watching tv. not wanting to be active and reallt have fun. milk we all need for our bones and fruit and vegtables but look how much they cost. noone should have to give up there farm we need farms and we needs lots of them. there are money hungry hounds and they don,t give a rats hind end who they hurt to get what they want. but if we don,t fight back hard they will always win and will be the loosers. isn,t it time to take action and fight for our homes amd land? to make sure that justice is served and a person who killed or done something really bad don,t get away because of money? shouldn,t we pay our hard workers good money instead of movie stars and football player and other sports on tv? come people wake up and smell the coffee here. how can jesus be pleased in us all if we don,t give to the poor and love one and all of all races? jesus accepted all races and he loves us all. he said it is easier for a poor person to enter heaven than a very rich person. greed don,t get you to far in life and taking what was not yours for the taking will come back on you later down the road. i am very upset what is happening to us all. we let the kids now call there parents names and even hurt them. we let no fault devorce make it easier to just give up on our marreige instead of working hard at it. we took prayer out of our schools. we let our prisoners enjoy prison with good food,tv,radio ect when they should be having hard labor and strong couceling.not fun stuff to do in prison come on.prison should be tuff and they all should be working hard and learning how wrong there action was? they should learn to see there wrong and feel the pain of there wrong.they should not be alowed at all to hurt another prisoner. if they do they shouldn,t be alowed one bit around anyone bad if they get lonely they ask for it. i love my parents and i don,t regret at all the switch or belt i got. they love me enough to make sure i grown up right. a paddle is fine as long as you don,t go way to far. a smack on the hand or a slap lightly on the face if you swear or mouth off to your parents. beatings noway i love kids alot but i don,t like them disrespecting there parents.

    You think that the Government is running this place and is trying to raise prices then they have won , Corps Run every thing and have bought this country one vote at a time . YOU FOOL. why do we vote Millionaires in and think that they will help the pore and under payed . !!!

    I feel so much like you do, not sure about the paddling, but I understand what you are saying..there needs to be more discipline instilled in our children and more respect for adults and authority. I believe this is a situation of spiritual decay in all of mankind, everywhere in the world. If we all had a healthy idea of our God, whom we will answer to, and what the benefits of living by the "Golden Rule", as TLJ mentioned, we would exist without greed and evil. Don't think it will ever happen, never has since the first record of the beginning of mankind. We all need to stay on top of our government and what they are doing to us, try to make our voices heard loud and clear. If we have to take to the streets, then so be it, and God willing it will be non-violent, but it is obvious something huge needs to be done.

    I agree with most of this comment. I have researched where some farmers have been paid NOT to grow product in their fields. I was always curious as to why this was. I could not get or find a reasonable answer to this question. The WORLD needs product to survive and we are forced to cut down on needed product so people will not starve. I did find out that those paid off for not growing the product they used to would end up going under in the end and were forced to sell out. I could go on and on with this, but what I would like to see is A PROFIT CAP. Most Pharmaceutical, Oil, some Reality and Chemical companies make BILLIONS of dollars profit each year. If there was a cap on profits for these companies (where the rest would go back to Health Care, Education and just the advancement of man-kind), not only would this country be a better place...So would the WORLD. Just my opinion.

    I agree. I too have been stewing about this economic greed that reaches right to the governing core of this country. It's a real disgraceful shame and disappointment that this awesome powerful machine of greed has so much momentum and far stretched global ties that stopping its function or changing its course is practically impossible. We are the new Rome, and IT IS BURNING! I know it sound silly, but other than trying not to get burned, what else can one do? If we could only be fair, just, and conduct our lives with integrity, honor and truth, we may have a chance.

    End of America is muslim radical Obama finishing the job that the 9/11 attacks faild to do!!!! That is to ruin us financially and economically and take over this country without firing a shot!!! That is my friends Obamas budget agenda!!!


    obama is being backed by the us communist party in his next election if that tells you anything.

    But Yet we vote the same congress in year after year and think that if get a new president it will all change ? doing the same thing over and over and expecting some other result is insanity!!!!!

    Hey TurboD! Excellent choice of words. You really have voiced your intellect quite clearly! I applaud you in drawing attention to your ignorance. You are my comic relief for today. Keep up the comedy! You're dangerously funny!!

    Remedy is for white males born in states  to exit U.S. citizen recognition by returning  to birth right 10th Ammendment common law standing American citizen.   This ocuppies the succession position of law and authority the Founders intended future people to be.  Foreign nations/international law limits sovereign recognition to white males as all founding signatures which empowered U.S. govt. were white males. Thus only white males that seperate can kick start the 10th Ammendment voting process to reserve new rights not known which changes govt. and the entire political/financial landscape.  First vote is to make 10th Ammendment standing people all inclusive whereby everyone becomes one of the dejure.bonafide people govt. is to serve. Next people vote can be to make all foreigners outside America sponsored into American Embassadorship by pledging allegience to Constitution for the United States of America. Whats being done is making all human kind sovereign in repect to all govt. Not above law but equal under it.  Makes war impossible,cleans up global  political process, ends foreign lobby influence, ends money power in politics,creates true justice,empowers people,seperates everyone from being tied to debts and obligations of govt.,and, most importantly, protects govt. and people  from debts which no U.S. citizen can challenge or question nor govt. can impair or resolve.  It does unto the lenders of last resort what they've allowed to happen against all govt. and all people and became enriched doing so.

    end of america is people coming and killing everybody and take it over and call it whatever they want

    its happening we are surrounded everywhere by people who i think really are rememberring the alamo coming here illegally and draining our resources and businesses on every corner owned by people from other countries and they are taking away from our jobs and sending the money back to their countries of origin to better their economies. js
    Methinks, the end is nigh...

    amen brother saw a picture of the blood red moon yesterday...

    If I were president and had the authority Here are some things I would do. First only senior citizens would receive a Social security check comfortably enough to live on and NO ONE else would receive anything, NO CHECKS , period. You have problems ask your family to help you out , not the taxpayers, that's what families are for, that solves the welfare problem. YOU lose your job, move in with family , it's their responsibility to help you. Next  on the list. ONce your house is paid off, no more property tax, its your home you shouldn't have to pay the gov. to live there, everyone deserves a peice of land, no one ownes it. Next on the list. what the hell is going on with these dam toll booths, traffick is doing 55 mph and everyone has to stop in the middle of the road to give the state 2 dollars, take the toll money out of taxes and keep the traffick moving, are they crazy. Next on the list, take all the parking meters out of the ground, you paid for the streets, you shouldn't have to pay to park on them. Next would be to remove every dam public camera and burn them, I no people think they are for safety, but NOONE should have that much power, when someone evil gets in office imagine what they could do with all that power. As far as getting this country out of debt, charging people for tickets isn't going to do it. Doing what is right is going to do it. Keep ticketing the working people and we won't want to work, I seriosly considered becoming homeless just to see what it feels like to be free of everything. I live in fear every time I drive thinking if I make a simple harmless mistake I will have to pay the gov. AS far as the government issuing free phones to people, are u out of your &^^*^* minds. OH and by the way it's none of your business if I don't put my seatbelt on to run to the local store, get a life. Next on the list , well this one can't be enforced but I would ask all americans to stop having babies for a few years till we can get this country out of debt, and no we won't give you a ticket if you have a baby, I just think we need to get things under control , and this could help,. As far as all these tickets being issued from these cameras, you have the God given right to make honest mistakes without having to pay  money for them, when you cause damage then you pay. These are a few of the things I would do, and much more.


    You have my vote. I'd love to stop paying taxes on my house and my vehicles. I own all 3 vehicles and my house outright. I pay a lot of taxes just to own them. Sigh.

    To the one who has the name of TLJ;      What they fail to teach in schools now and everyone seems to want to ignore is that the african slaves were sold by their own Chiefs and people! And there have been white,black,indian,irish,english, oh (H) just about all nationalities at some time or the other have been enslaved.

    Its nice everyone will speak in this blog but Americans tend to roll over & take whatever this Government wants to do us &  then just bitch to each other. Doesn't it piss anyone other than me off that someone who has never paid taxes here & cant speak english comes here & our taxes buy a business for them yet we cant get help to open a business ourselves? People are given SSI for a child with learning or behavioral problems, & before anyone starts bitching, yes america can help them with medical but why do they need a check? it does'nt cost anymore to raise that child than any other child. Why give a check to someone who over eats? I know I'm going on but there are so many problems with this country giving our money to other countries so they can prosper while we go bankrupt and we pay thousands for congressmen to buy flowers  Am I the only one who is outraged about how our country seems to care about everyone but the man working to pay the bills for this country????

    Im sorry but, if you dont like it here go some place else and find out how bad it is then you will be glad to live here in the USA..I went to a different country you have to pay to use a restroom and then you have to pay for TP you get 2 squares of it and no more. You cant drink the water nothing. I was soo glad to come home.Yes we have it easy here and yet everyone complains about it. If you had to live like some other country's do this is heaven. Yet look at the kids now days they do what they want and dont have respect for anyone or anything.We as American's need to clean our own back yard before trying someone elses.

    power is a problem and money and this can very much distroy inosence people. there people that had homes that been in there familey for generations and end up having to give it all away. there is someone who killed or rape someone but just gets a slap on the hand instead of hard punishment. there people hating blacks,whites,jews and so on when we are all really the same. noone is better than the other. we need to band together and help all our races. there people dieing of deseases,going hungry,loosing there homes or wanting to end there lives from hardship and stress. hate is a awful thing and we need to stop hating and start careing. our world is in danger and there is more killing and drugs,and other crimes than ever people throwing money away foolishly when there people in our own state starving,and dieing . but they rather buy a new house or car or tons of clothes or shoes. i say jesus laugh opon you because you don,t give to the poor as much as you think. none should make anyone a slave and noone should try to take someones land or freedom. this earth is huge there is alot of room for everyone.


    I saw the commercial and went to this website out of curiousity. Your comments are important. What is a terrible example is the poor usage of the English language seen exhibited here. This shows how the public school system has failed. A huge number of Americans cannot even spell or use their own language properly. How sad. At least, learn the difference between "there", "their" and they're.

    Thank you Heavensent, I belive we should all remember to depend on only ourselves and make our neighbors a community,and help others when possible also.We need to go to and buy our own crops and grow them in our own backyards(seeds from this crop used for next year), use these same plants-flowers-stems-roots to make poultices,decoctions,infusions,teas to get healthier bodies and not depend on pharmacies.Use essential oils to sanitize,clean wounds,get rid of bugs naturally,etc.I realized these last few years I was looking for my purpose in life, what my career s/b,& am I heading in the right direction----DUH-I'm doing exactly what I need to be doing.Helping others w/info,sharing my knowledge w/others who are not aware,loving as many ppl as possible and making sure they know how much being w/them means in my life.Talking to others on the internet like this,& not expecting to have changed anything or anyone,but just putting it out there in the ether to be created by our words through the universe "ENERGY FOLLOWS THOUGHTS" what you create in your mind and imagination appears instantaneously,as do our dreams.good luck all

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