    Do you think they'll ever get the usama/osama story about the killing right?

    When was Osama actually killed? Sometime last week? Or was it Sunday, May 2nd as Obama said? If it was last week, then there was time to get a conclusive DNA test result back. If it was Sunday (May 2), then there's no way there's been time to get the results from a DNA test. First there's no official photo's, then there are and then not, but then yes, there are photos but no the White House won't release them. Why are none of the stories matching up? I'm starting to believe this is one big rouse for Obama to increase his popularity ratings. Elections are coming next year........

    +2  Views: 1511 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    Does Bush know something?

    Bush declines Obama invitation to ground zero

    WASHINGTON (AP) – A spokesman for George W. Bush says the former president has declined an invitation from President Barack Obama to attend an observance at New York's ground zero.

    Obama plans to visit the site of the destroyed World Trade Center towers Thursday in the aftermath of a Navy SEALs raid that killed Osama bin Laden. The al-Qaida attack, which killed about 3,000 people, occurred in the early months of Bush's presidency in 2001.

    The spokesman, David Sherzer, says the former president appreciated the offer to attend but has chosen to remain out of the spotlight during his post-presidency.

    Sherzer says Bush celebrates bin Laden's death as an "important victory in the war on terror."


    Yet he doesn't want to be a part of the finalization of something he started? ~ Interesting.
    Headless Man

    Bill Cinton even declined an invitation.

    I had not heard that. That says even more. This joke in the WH needs to be impeached and imprisoned.
    Navy SEALS do not "storm" anything. They are a stealth unit. They go in quietly obtain their target and leave as quickly and quietly as possible. The only fire fight they might find themselves in is if they are spotted on their way out. This is why the SEALS are an elite force and not a combat force. Who were they shooting back and forth with? It was reported that Osama had no security at this compound.
    How did we ever get DNA evidence on Osama in the first place to compare DNA from the body to? How do we know the "sample" they obtained previous to his "death" is his? Did we ever have him in custody to get it? Did anyone?

    The sample was from a close family member, sister if I recall correctly.

    A sample from her as in her DNA? Or she brought us his DNA? And if that's the case, do we trust that she actually brought his DNA and not another siblings?
    Some of the White House contradictions and corrections that have emerged so far:

    —White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan told reporters Monday that bin Laden's son Khalid was killed in the raid. When the White House released a transcript of Brennan's briefing, it substituted the name of a different son, Hamza. The White House said that was a transcription error.

    —Brennan said bin Laden's wife died while shielding the terrorist leader from U.S. gunfire. Carney said Tuesday that the wife hadn't died and was merely shot in the leg, although another woman did die. But it wasn't clear that either of them was trying to shield bin Laden.

    —Brennan and other officials suggested that bin Laden was holding a gun and even firing at U.S. forces. Carney said Tuesday that bin Laden was unarmed.

    —Officials have offered varying accounts of how President Barack Obama and his team in the White House Situation Room were able to monitor the raid. Without providing details on the technology involved, Brennan said that "we were able to monitor in a real-time basis the progress of the operation from its commencement to its time on target to the extraction of the remains and to then the egress off of the target."

    CIA Director Leon Panetta told PBS on Tuesday that "Once those teams went into the compound, I can tell you that there was a time period of almost 20 or 25 minutes that we really didn't know just exactly what was going on."

    —The night of the raid, administration officials held a telephone briefing for reporters. "During the raid, we lost one helicopter due to mechanical failure," one of the administration officials said. Later in the same call, another official contradicted that: "We didn't say it was mechanical."

    Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, clarified Tuesday that the explanation was more technical: The air temperature in the compound was hotter than expected and the helicopter was too heavy to stay aloft under that condition.
    ed shank

    Your points are well taken. Our President wouldn't have put his butt on the line if he wasn't 100% sure that we got him. Obama's looking for ratings and being wrong on this would have torpedoed his re-election. He's dead, period.

    As it will do in the end. He killed his chance for re-election with this. I haven't checked the ratings today yet but I've been told that his ratings are dropping again already.
    ed shank

    Should come as no surprise. Is this guy the biggest con man you ever saw? Must have attended the Bernie Madox school of honesty.

    I have to say, he's not the best con man.

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