    Why is USA hit so hard by Covid19...??????

    USA leads the world in ..infections,deaths and testing,,do you think this guy has the answer??????..

    +4  Views: 1507 Answers: 5 Posted: 3 years ago

    5 Answers

    The guy seems to have good reasoning and knowledge as to why the USA  is now the hotspot for Covid-19/Corona Virus infections.

    He has not provided an answer to the solution.
    ( Please don't give me some sort of list for the guidelines to stop the spread of the virus. I am  not ia mushroom).

    terryfossil 1

    I dare say you are not a mushroom CB..but there is a lot of boatloads of mushrooms in the USA,,,
    One of the states of Aussie we call Victoria,,and sadly it is the shame of Australia.the covid is getting out of hand down there.because like Trump,,they stupidly believe it is just the flu.. >>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Continuous denial. Since yesterday, 50,000 new cases but I heard this morning on live tv....."It's going to disappear". In my opinion, thousands of Americans will and have died needlessly.

    terryfossil 1

    Sadly a lot more to come Quacker..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Because of MORONS who think it's a joke, and they don't wear masks as recommended, nor practice social distancing. Even many politicians don't take it seriously, despite the jurisdictions they represent being overrun with cases. Even Trump downplays it, likening it to "Kung FLU"!


    I wonder if Trump goes to visit Don Jr. while he and his girlfriend are in quarantine with Covid. After all, it's just the sniffles.

    Heard it all this morning. We're very aware of what goes on in the U.S. and it's sad to watch that leadership. Even sadder to see some still being "head-nodders" so they can keep their jobs while they cause thousands of deaths. Will the next election have a different outcome? The whole world is watching.
    terryfossil 1

    Hate to say this mate,but you are only saying what most of us have been saying ever since the virus hit,,2 months ago a bloke said USA will hit 140,000 dead by of 11.7.2020.they have 137,403..and averaging 800 and up a day..just look at the numbers Clonge.>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Well Terry, here goes.. yes America has alot of idiots.. a very corrupt government, and I'm just not talking about Trump, but most in Congress and the states themselves . And their playing this virus to a tee. Did you know that if you have covid in New York state and many others,  and you die, you died from covid.. a man with the virus put a lot of his head on a wall with a handgun, death certificate said he died from covid. Motorcycle accident, he had  covid, so he died from covid. We know two people that went to be tested, they filled all the paper work out, found out it was going to be a few hrs so they left............ A week later they got positive test results back. How in the he!! Does that work??  Yes this virus is real.. but their playing it to a tee. 

    terryfossil 1

    I do not believe we have that sort of problem here JD..But why would you take yourself out. covid is not a certain death sentence,,it mainly depends on your health and date Aussie has 15,392 infections and 176 deaths..and most of those deaths were over 60 years old with underlying there is a lot of people recovering from covid JD..stay safe mate.>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Hi Terry I guess my point is if you have covid and die, doesn't matter how. Your death certificate is covid. Not accidental, not suicide, not stroke, you died from covid. We couldn't go to church, but thousands can get together and protest. Small mom and pop shops were forced to shut down but big box stores could stay open. Our local meat market had to close for weeks, so folks had to buy that crap from Walmart or Meijers. Thankfully we buy a half of a beef or whole hog once a year or so.

    ....opinion: many seem to be in a television mentality; it will be over soon and we will move to the next attraction 

    ....we can't just change the channel on this reality without being disciplined and caring for others over our own selfishness 

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