    What would you do if it were to happen to you?

    After dropping my wife off at one of her house-visits, I decided to kill time and went for a walk. On returning to our car I was greeted (or so I thought) by a large dog running towards me with his tail wagging happily. On reaching me, we both looked each other in the eye, when suddenly, and with a loud growl, he leaped up and made a go for my upper arm. Fortunately for me, I was wearing a loose-fitted coat and his bite missed me by inches. I must have been mesmerised because, for several moments, I couldn’t speak. The dog’s owner, a young mother, managed to get it under her control. Her explanation and defence of her dog were that it is only 2 years old! 

    It is only now, 2 days later, that I realise it could happen again and, God forbid, to a child. 

    +6  Views: 984 Answers: 7 Posted: 5 years ago

    7 Answers

     The dog being only two-years-old is no excuse for its behaviour.  It's my opinion that all dogs no matter size, age, or breed should be placed on a lead before exiting one's own property.  I think people who allow their dogs out of the yard/garden to roam free or walk their dogs without a collar and lead should be fined. (Dog parks are the exception)

    I think there are a lot of people who do not bother walking their dogs with a lead in public because they believe their dog is harmless to other so why be concerned.  What people don't understand is having control with a lead is also protecting their pet.    

    If the dog was only roughhousing, I would have informed the woman that her excuse for her dog's behaviour was lame and then I would have explained to her all the reasons she should keep her dog on a lead.  

    If the dog was aggressive and intentionally wanting to bite and cause harm, I would have called the police and followed the woman until the police arrived.  


    I will comment later.
    country bumpkin

    Okay, I'll pretend I haven't seen anything. :))

    Generally speaking the laws and regulations for keeping a dog here in Germany are mostly well known and adhered to. In towns, cities, and communities it is an offence to let your dog off its lead, any owner doing so will most certainly pay a penalty.
    It is the duty of every owner/handler to dispose of any excrement deposited by their dog, but in practice, this is mostly ignored.
    I shall try and trace the dog’s owner and inform her in no uncertain manner of her wrongdoing.

    I don't know what I would do because the type of dog owner who breaks the "leash law" and the "pooper scooper" law, really doesn't care. They always say the same thing, "Oh my dog is really friendly. He wouldn't bite". None of them ever bite....until they do. As far as those who don't clean up after their pet, that is plain laziness and you can't fix 'lazy' either! 


    Thank you Ducky, I thought your post to be a good assessment of the situation in general.

    Never had the experience or one close to it. We have leash laws that are very adhered to. Or should be. (I have a neighbor who walks his hounds at 2:00 in the morning without a leash so he won’t get in trouble much.) ALL dogs must be on leashes unless they’re at a dog park. They’re real strict around Austin...

    ....go home and clean my pants


    I did!

    Just a walk in the park case for a good lawyer. 

    Many dogs are very different when confronted with strangers. One of our dogs was perfect at home with us ,But strangers were not liked. Also never look animals in the eye. Some dogs feel this to be a challenge to them. But I knew someone who stare a dog down and make it cry and run away. Also I would report the dog as it could be dangerous.  But I am sorry you had to experience this. Dogs are relatives from wild animals but most dogs I meet we get along.

    Both times that happened to me, it involved a pre teen or early teen boy . when I lived on my old street, the german shepherd next door to me was let out of his front door by the young teen boy when he saw me coming out to walk down to the curb.The dog got down and was growling, snarling, baring his teeth at me and I knew he was ready to pounce and bite. I was thrusting my purse at him. Between that and the boy calling him back,he went back to his door.

          The 2nd instance was at the house I live in now. When I came out of my house,I was walking down to my car at the curb. the pre teen boy two doors down let out his dog at me that was also a german shepherd mix , and that dog too was very scary- - - - standing in front of me snarling and growling and baring his teeth at me.He kept calling " Buster, Buster " till the dog came to him .

                 The 3rd scenario was when my sig other and I went to his niece's house up north and I took off my crocks at the door so I was barefoot. Everyone sat at the table. I sat at the end. The pit bull was lying down near me. He suddenly took my whole foot in his mouth. Fortunately, he didn't chomp down. He was giving me the message that he didn't want me there. Pit bulls are unpredictable. I know somebody on this site is going to say , " It's all on how  they're raised "  b/c pit bull owners always say that.

           When my bro was in the 9th grade, the Doberman Pincher from across the street, ran across the street and bit my brother in the calf for no reason .......unprovoked. My mom took him to the hospital and they said they don't stitch up puncture wounds.

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