    Are childen in the U.S. expendible - it appears that way, the lastest and 22nd mass murder of schoo l children thisx

    +2  Views: 832 Answers: 3 Posted: 6 years ago

    THE X= YEAR,IN TEXAS, are American children being treated as Collateral Damage by N.R.A.

    3 Answers

    Man, you sure would think so. But hey! We can all pray! And feel sorrow later. Or we can get together and know one another. Get our noses out of phones or tablets just long enough to recognize the living person to your right. Or left. In my day, we all knew one another. We could feel like, love, and even hate but we could attest as to why! Because we knew the person. Knowing is what’s missing these days. Knowing and recognizing one another. Empathy.....


    If only there were more like minded people than you J!

    Thanks, Roy. We should chat more....

    Jules, correct me if i'm wrong, can a hand gun be openly worn in a holster in the Great State of Texas.

    We have open carry laws here. Pistols to be sure..... yes, I hate them.....

    The old man broke the law Kent,if he had kept his gun under lock and key,the kid would not have got a gun so easy,,however i do not know if that law exists where he lives..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    It does

    I respect and like your answer, MsBOB.
    terryfossil 1

    @Bob,,Apparently not ..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    There are other resources, Terry. You can be charged with a misdemeanor or felony if your child under 18 takes your gun and hurts or kills someone, or even has possession of it because you have neglected to secure it properly.

    No, Bulletman, neither our children nor others are expendable. Your understanding of the N.R. A. Is ZERO. You do not have to respect that we are allowed to own a firearm here. I had to pass a written test and a background check, with a 30 day waiting period before I could take possession of my gun. MY gun, which is in a locked box and I am the only one who knows where the key is. Our gun laws are more than adequate...Dad not locking the gun case, or a school's lack of discipline, follow through when a concern is received by law enforcement....THOSE are bigger issues, not the gun itself. I have the right to protect myself, home, property, and any guests in my home/on my property. 

    My friend is teaching his 4 year old daughter archery, as he taught her mother 25+ years ago. Is that also a problem? 

    Sane people do not drive big rigs into crowds of pedestrians,  mail pipe bombs, blow up buildings, poison water coolers, or shoot random people (hoping to be shot themselves).  If my home is broken into, I will take any step necessary to protect myself and my property. I defy you to explain convincingly how that is unacceptable. 

    I'm really glad you don't live in the US, too. You probably think using your own tax dollars to support undocumented residents (food, clothing, shelter, medical) makes perfectly good sense. 


    Ms.Bob, you are missing the point, if you have gun control, you would not need a gun to protect yourself, maybe the U.S of A. IS TOO FAR GUN HO ! TOO EVER COME BACK A PEACEFUL GUN FREE SOCIETY yes vehicles,trucks, knives maybe a cross bow, these do not contribute over all the population killed by guns, more victims have been killed by guns in America this year than than American military in . Afganistan,

    You are missing the point. Taking away the guns of law abiding citizens makes them more vulnerable to those who are not law abiding citizens. I find it incredible all the violent crime in Australia simply vanished when you were ordered to turn in your legal firearms. Guess the Mexican cartels and criminal gangs aren't brazenly traipsing across your border and terrorizing Aussies.
    The number of people killed in a single plane wreck often exceeds 250. Drunk drivers kill thousands annually.
    Nothing STOPS a gun LIKE a gun.
    If you study American history, you'll find the right to bear arms allows us to protect ourselves from an aggressive government.

    terryfossil 1

    @ Kent,our gun laws are pretty much the same as some of the states,but maybe we police our gun laws better,also i believe Shotguns are a higher Category in Aussie..which does not mean you cannot have one,but you need a better reason to own one..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..I give you a link that is a 4 minute read,and worth reading..

    Ms.Bob, i'm afraid you are missing the point, U.S.A. will never change regarding guns when the mentality is still back in the days of the wild west - Live by the GUN Die by the Gun. - as far as being broken into the likely hood being shot is inevitable if confronting perpetrator with a gun, material items can be replaced, lives can't..

    Terry, the laws regarding gun control are the same in all Aussie states as it is a federal law.
    terryfossil 1

    @ Kent,sorry mate,but our gun laws are not Aussie wide,the States and Territories have their own watered down laws..have a look at the 3rd comment down from Bobs,it is only a 4 minute read,it explains Aussie and American gun laws in short form..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I am so NOT missing the point. Legally and responsibly owning a gun is not the problem, bulletman. You may feel no one here can accommodate those guidelines, and obviously have a distorted picture of the United States. Further conversation with someone who appears to think the US is "GUNG HO. Live by the gun, die by the gun, still back in the days of the old west" is a misuse of life's precious few minutes.
    But, you are right that the likelihood of being shot by an intruder greatly increases if I've nothing with which to promptly defend myself from beyond an arm's length.
    We clamp down and follow our immigration laws, and follow our gun laws, stop looking the other way when people have miscreant behavior so we don't hurt their feelings, and advocate family, faith, and moral values that respect all, one's self included, THEN maybe we see something better. We have gun control laws. They are not enforced adequately. Guns are not disbursed helter skelter to people, except by the Obama administration, and those were to very bad people.
    You want to take away the sticks and stones. I want to take away why people would use them to hurt others.

    MsBOB, We may disagree but i respect your last comment.

    Thank you.
    terryfossil 1

    Nice finish Kent old mate..and well put has been an interesting debate..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

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