    It's happened again, 17 students and teachers shot and killed at a florida high school, it\s sickening, when are your politicians going to stop this, how many kids and adults have to die before something positive is done?

    The black market in military weapons is thriving because of corruption and power.

    +11  Views: 1142 Answers: 10 Posted: 6 years ago

    How long will it before before the nuts "come out of the woodwork", claiming as they did regarding the massacre in Newtown, CT., that this never happened?

    2/16: The FIB has admitted it failed to forward credible "anonymous tips" about the suspect twice. This tragedy could possibly been avoided if people did their jobs efficiently and responsibly.

    10 Answers

    We aren't "shocked" any more, ""

    nothing will improve, it's ALL about the constitution that was originally written to safeguard the Militia, always good to hear that your safe I suppose.

    Now let's hear the same ol', same ol'.......again and again and again.

    * Guns don't kill people. People kill people.

    * We have to do more for those who are mentally ill.

    * We are all hurting and we send our thoughts and prayers.

    * Now we need to open up a dialogue.

    * We'll do all we can to prevent this from happening again.

    * We need to monitor those who seem to have emotional problems.

    Many U.S. politicians seem to be in hiding today. I hope they feel ashamed of themselves for continuing to be gutless fence-sitters! 

    I don't know if the internet, social media, lack of human interactions, lack of [fill in blank], lousy parenting, lousy education, stupid gun laws, or just humans in general are at the crux of these mass insane-style shootings ... but I will not consider this shyte the 'norm' ... like ever.

    It's one thing to 'have' to protect yourself from say an intruder or attacker with a gun but this twisted 'style' of mass murder is an example of the banality of evil that lies within our human condition..... I don't 'get it' ....


    You DO get it, there is only one solution, nuke us all.

    Oh, God! I’m becoming callous, I only thought another one? It’s all the reports since then that are hammering in the vile sickness of it all. Ya know? All these guns were bought legally. This Florida shooter had his guns a year before he started shooting classmates. The Las Vegas shooter exhibited none of the nut signs everyone seems to think are so apparent. I know better then to shoot anyone but I was raised in fear of my mother. I care unless it’s just another shooting..... and that’s the way it is.....

    bulletman, most of us Americans feel the same way you do ........when are our politicians going to do something to prevent the sale of AR 15s and other automatic military style weapons over the internet, or wherever the h- - -  he bought these guns and ammo. And where were his parents when all this was going on ? I understand he got expelled from school more than once.

    G'day Kent. 8 school shootings in USA,and we are only into week 7 of 2018..i reckon we are gonna need a calculator by the end of 2018..the lawmakers have gotta do something..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    What's your plan, Terry? It's not a gun problem. It's a societal problem.
    terryfossil 1

    Good answer here Bob, if you have the time to read the way i was the same as this guy,i did not believe in our gun law,but now i do..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Ms.Bob your gun problem is a Social Problem and vice versa, forget the so called protection of having one, it is safer not to have one.

    Sorry, "mates", I'm keeping my gun.
    And, there have not been 8 school shootings in the USA since January 1, unless you count a pellet gun shot, or a misfired gun.
    I'm not saying mass murder isn't a concern. I'm saying the root of the problem is not the gun. Great diversionary tactics, but it doesnt cure the problem.
    terryfossil 1

    Under good laws still get to keep your gun,your just not allowed to have a bazooka..and Trump is talking about opening up more mental places..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    terryfossil 1

    Guns Ben.????????..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Take the profit away from gun trafficking will take away the prevalence of guns.

    This shooter had given all manner of warning via social media, and there was nothing legally that law enforcement could do prior to him actually shooting people.

    A friend observed that - since it's the vehicle, not the drunk driver, that kills people - perhaps we need to outlaw vehicles.  


    Yep, explaining a joke is like dissecting a frog. But the frog still dies at the end, so to speak.

    This needs no explanation.


    To the kids demanding new gun laws,
    Did the LAW stop you?

    What about in Chicago people being shot and killed everyday from gun violence. 

    Guns dont kill people , people kill people. 

    I have no problem at all with vigorous background checks on firearms, while we are at it do the same for immigration and voter id. 


    Taking out "guns" will drastically reduce DEATH, more innocents are killed by guns, throw freckin bricks at y'all, it hurts, you get the message but it won't freckin kill ya.

    How do you take guns away from the criminals ???

    Institute the proper laws, and try to stop your citizens paranoia, won't happen though, keep living in your bubble!

    Laws are passed , but people keep breaking them.

    terryfossil 1

    You gotta step outside of the square you guys live in Zorro,and TRY something drastic,ANYTHING would be better than doing nothing,the Australian option may not work for you,but you could tweek it to make it point, as you said "how do you take guns away from criminals",if a crim breaks into one of your houses he takes whatever gun he wants,make a law,all guns licensed and under lock and key and mag and ammo locked separate..bloody easy place to start,not enough but a START has gotta be better than nothing.just my point of view mate..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Zorro, you will have to change your thinking, i think most Americans are aware absolute gun control is the only way to go but remain silent fear of backlash.

    You all are right, There will always be somebody acting out because of screwed up decision making process. They will kill , no matter what. Next will be chemical weapons. But some have done that. Arming guards in school entrances. Better yet, put a police department in every school. They can patrol in and out of school grounds. I really dont think i would trust most teachers with firearms.
    terryfossil 1

    Trump is talking about opening up mental places that were closed during the last government,,i am guessing that is a good move in the right direction..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Zorro, we may not be on the exact paragraph, but we're on the same page.

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