    before kate middleton married prince william, was she a virgin?

    +4  Views: 6877 Answers: 36 Posted: 13 years ago

    No. I thimk she was Libra?

    Who cares? It's none of our affair.......... well said about Diana

    36 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    Why are you obsessed with yes or no, does not mean a thing one way or the other so my answer is "Mind your own business" Were you or are you a virgin I couldn`t care less it is none of anybodys` business except the two involved. Leave the poor buggers alone,Dianna was hounded to her death by people wanting to get photos for sticky beaks who have no life of their own.

    Thanks arryoudini, hope you gave me a thumbs up.

    Well ... well, it sure is a private question but people of the curious kind may surely want to know. So let's be a little courteous and broadminded.
    Of course she was a virgen before she got married, but was she still pure on her wedding day? Well thats another question, and something only she and he need to know,
    would it really make a differance to anyone....beside prince william

    besides Prince and the princess

    Who Cares? 


    You got that right Dr. Doolittle.

    Yahoo. It's the doo! Good to see your "smiling" face. :D
    no one but william & her gynecooogist know the answe to that one. why do you want to know?

    gynecooogist ?

    With all that is going on in our world, why would anyone be concerned about this, take up a productive cause and do some good for society.  If you can pass a BCI, go and volunteer at a childrens cancer hospital, or go rock a crack addicted baby to comfort him.  Get a life!


    We are just bantering-on-about a tasteless, untouchable subject in humor Love.

    You dont have much to think about, put your mind to some thing use full.

    They lived together while at the university so I'm going to

    William may have been first but I doubt it.

    We may see a post somewhere from another guy saying he got it!

    Was Kate a virgin before she married William.    Most certainly.
    Was Kate still a virgin WHEN she married William.  NOYFB. 


    So you ... lol
    I didn't know one's virginity could be checked after being married. Does that also mean someone can be unborn? or un-baptised? My OL says they unscrew light bulbs don't they? Who knew?

    Some Muslim girls have their hymens repaired before marriage to cover evidence of their prior sexual relations.
    Muslim men do not have to prove their 'innocense'.

    That is sad. Since women are suppose to be virgins as evidenced by the presence of a hymen maybe male boys should have their dicks stitched to their leg until their coming out party. Let's be fair about this. What do you say?

    some women still have a hymen after having sex, b/c it tears a little bit ,then grows back together again.

    I thought that was only true for Jessica on HBO’s "True Blood".
    No. For one thing, they were living together. And she prob had relationships before William. Prince Charles was pressured to marry a virgin, b/c that's they was it was done back then.
    Many times the white dress is just tradition.

    Actually the dress was Ivory, as a lot of brides dresses are now-a-days. It is so much more flattering than white.

    Thank you Lindylou, It was late in the a.m. here in the U.S. when I saw the wedding, must not have had my glasses on...

    I saw it again on my smaller bedroom t.v. and I couldn't tell it was ivory until the close up shot, even then it was difficult to see...
    ole hipster

    you too need new glasses huh?? (:

    Yeah, I had them but ran them over with my work truck, couldn't see them... Funny ,,can't see them to save them.
    ole hipster

    Just saw your comment to my comment...yes...I sympathize...had mine run over by a CTA (Chicago Transit Authority) bus awhile back...too funny...a kindred spirit I have in you..(:

    the ivory dress traditionally meant that the girl was married before, or widowed, or was just plain not a virgin.
    Her would-have-been mother in law had to submit to a 'discreet gynecological examination' prior to her marriage to the heir presumptive to prove her innocence. Times have changed, fortunately.

    when in history did this happen?

    As to the date and time of the examination. I have no idea, but obvoiusly it was before the Charles/ Diana wedding

    Nom, fortuneately, they don't do that anymore, b/c it was such a disaster, when they told Charles he had to marry a young virgin; so he married the girl they picked out for him. He really wanted to marry Camilla from the start.
    Its none of our business
    Kate and William have been open about their relationship from the start, and the years before their wedding were the only ones they will ever have out of the public eye.

    Were you? that matters about as much

    Saw today a hoarding for a French magazine ' Camiila's deadly secret, Kate and William can't have children'.
    Crap, obviously, as her (Kate's ) purpose in life is to produce an heir, and anyway how would Camilla know?

    How amusing to have this question come creeping back up the day Kate and William celebrate the birth of their first child.
    Yes, for quite a long time from birth.
    Who really cares. It's not any of our business. There are so many more important people and things going on and you asking such an unimportant question. Think about this, they did live together.
    Get real! They have known each other for nine years and they are in LOVE. Anyway it is their business only and not the business of an infantile questionaire.
    Were you?
    A prostitute I knew and loved dearly, in Japan, told me that to be married to a Japanese boy who had proposed to her that she was going to a doctor who would re-virginize her for her wedding night. Apparently this procedure was a fairly common practice. Why bother explaining anything to anyone if it's that important.
    People who want to learn more about the Royals, read the book by Kitty Kelley. The book has not been released in the UK (I wonder why?) but can be obtained via the usual suppliers.

    What't the name of the book? I'll buy it.
    ~ ~ ~ Julie

    'The Royals'by Kitty Kelley
    Or course she was, isn't all brides.
    Nope. Maybe he tried to her out to see she is not frigid.
    Of course she was a virgin. You can't become a princess unless you are a virgin.
    To answere all your questions? Yes! It was stated fm, the queen her self, she was a virgin! now what? tht's nor business? do u actually, care? i believe in true love do you? I happen to b a close friend fm, there and yes she was ok.. ty! plp. <3
    How stupid can you b and survive? the LIVED together for 8 years????????????? Duh, common sense just tells you sometimes they are not always royal, they like to party to and let it all hang out!!!
    Prince Charles (really) DID say to me they have been practicing long enough... so umm.. yes she was. P.S. He IS a very nice and sincere man.

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