    Do you think race relations between black and white people, in America, have really gotten better on a personal (person to person) level?

    +5  Views: 1113 Answers: 8 Posted: 6 years ago

    8 Answers

    For a flat unintelligent answer i would say YES,,but still a long way to go on both sides...>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..



    I think it is better but if you do not know any ( black or white) people you really can't reply.  Many folks respond without really knowing a person of any color

    Do you mean this year {2017} or pre - civil war, when i watch the news at night and see violent demonstrations mainly in the southern states, i would definately say no. it is like seeing da je vu of the 60's. in Watts. i would say worse if anything as weapons more freely available to every one

    .... yes 


    that was a succinct answer

    Benthere, I think yes too. Related to black and white people in America, I see more blacks and whites beings friends, in more situation than occurred 40 years. more children that are mixed and more young people that have been taught better values regarding race relations and don't like prejudice or the thought that people might think they are prejudice. Of course we still have the die- hearts, but they are dying out. and another strange humans and animals always prefer their own kind. nothing wrong with that either. I believe as long as there are people we are going to have to train and retrain people not to be evil hateful and aggressive to people we view as having less. we should have learned that lesson when millions of Jewish people were incinerated, but we did not. so we have to always program each to be righteous and upright regarding race issues.

    We should have learned in 1915, when Ottoman Turks massacred 1.5 million Armenians.
    Hitler summed it up, "Who remembers the Armenians!"
    Lest we remember, it will happen again.

    Speaking for my relationships with black Americans, all but one has been fine for years. The one that has deteriorated is with someone who seems to think his "people" are the only ones who have faced discrimination and inequality. He's a liberal, so his narrow-mindedness is to expected.


    All liberals are narrow minded? That's a pretty broad brush Bob. Welcome back.

    Welcome back Bob/PKB. Missed your comments and you! Not to get a debate going, but that's fun too. I heard a man on the radio talking about narrow minds and he said conservative were more narrow minded and harder for them to be objective and open to really taking in opposing viewpoints and information. He also offered reasons why. But he also said most people have a hard time changing a belief and tend to search for information that supports what they already have in their brain.

    Ducky, on certain topics, i would say so.
    Tabbers, in response to your comment, I read several articles from various sources to arrive at my own conclusion that, if you look hard enough, you can find something to validate your opinion.

    Bob/PKB I agree and that's what people do, find info to validate their existing opinion. I bet non-liberals do it more.

    Tabber, I suppose you could find statistics to back up your supposition. Since you know I am "non-liberal", I can only guess the purpose of your comment.

    Bob you know when you attack a group, in this case (liberal narrow mindedness), you can expect a little feedback. you are a strong person, me too, Lessons can be learned. I agree with some conservative thinking and I agree with some liberal thinking, but if I say conservatives are more narrow minded, it might be true, but you might feel sad about it. we've been good friends on this site and I look at this as a touchy conversation, but that's great. Don't get conservative on me. Just kidding. Have a great day!!!

    I'm not here to offend people, nor to be offended.
    In general, I find people who consider themselves "liberal" to be far less accepting of values that are different than their own. This has been my experience.
    Destructive demonstrations at UC Berkeley to prevent a conservative speaker from speaking is one example. Calling for the resignation of a school board member who doesn't endorse unisex locker rooms is another. A college professor who erases authorized free speech on a sidewalk that is pro-life oriented is another. Destruction of historical statues, and renaming schools are two more.
    You are free to have your opinion that politically conservative people are more narrow-minded than their liberal counterparts...
    but it's narrow-minded of you! :-]


    No. Not enough liberals. This is a god fearing, god praising, god ruling country and god is white.......

    terryfossil 1

    JH.????,God is white???..Nobody has seen God,,and Jesus had a deep olive complexion..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I agree with terryfossil Can't see the colors

    I'm not grasping what you mean jh.

    Ask any right winger and they’ll tell you god is white making white people superior. trump will attest to the better of white people. After all, there are some very fine people in the alt right. I’m a liberal.

    It's not like me, but I missed your "sarcasm". BTW, God is not only white but capitalized. :)

    Just so you know God is a woman. No man could ever create such beauty.

    Duck, I don’t capitalize god when using Him in sarcastic prose.....

    I have just deleted 16 of your duplicated comments and 16 of my notifications. That's 12 minutes of my life that I can never get back! It's the site that is slow. Please be patient or god, I mean God, will get you back!

    I just can’t help but think the problem is mine. Self degradation.....

    Nope. We're all in this together. :)

    I believe that Jesus's skin was an olive color or a tawny color.


    Do I think things are changing?  Slowly.  South Carolina has it all going on.  Respect is a large word in that part of your country.

    I have just returned and I can tell you, that place is special.   

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