    Garage Sale

    Today is ( national) Garage Sale Day

    Have  you ever held a garage sale or do you like to attend garage sales, and what  is the best bargain you have purchased?

    When my son was only a few months old, I bought him several designer outfits for a dollar a piece. If I would have purchased them from a clothing store, they would have been approx thirty dollars or more per outfit.

    +6  Views: 990 Answers: 6 Posted: 7 years ago

    6 Answers

    ....attend garage sales bargains have been tools

    country bumpkin

    I went to a garage sale approx 10 years ago that was almost all tools, you would have loved it.

    Love going to the sales but when there is nothing you want,  how to leave behind a good impression? I'm going to have a sale soon as I get around to pricing Mary's stuff and drag it all out. Would leave us a good ten sq. Feet to play with..... 

    We live within a few miles of US 127. I can't explain it as good as if you google 127 yard sale. And no we don't do the whole thing, but we do know people that try to at least make it through Ohio.

    country bumpkin

    I would love to see all of this, how neat!

    That's it country. We really hit just a few sales this year but sometime we would like to take a day or two and head south to see how far we can get. Probably better take the truck if we do that.
    country bumpkin

    ...and a trailer too. LOL

    I was gonna add trailer but didn't want to push it..

    There is a garage sale in our village every year during June. Each household who wants to take part pays £5.00 ,that goes to a charity, and what ever you take from sales is yours. We did it the first year, it rained hard all day we made about £10.00 and I finished up with a van load of all sorts to get rid of . My wife does it now with a friend, they have done fairly well the last two years.

    country bumpkin

    There is a car boot sale planned for Sunday, August 21st at one of the schools here. I really want to go, this will be my first experience attending a c/b sale.

    I've never done a car boot sale, around here you need to be there about 6am my neice has done a few, she usually does well.
    country bumpkin

    So you guys actually attend garage sales held inside of a homeowners garage? I've been in Scotchland for over three years and I have yet to see one.

    It's very popular around this area, perhaps it's more an English thing .

    Whenever we have garage sales we start them at 6:30 am. People will come out early to get the bargains . Other garage sales wont start until 8:00. That leaves people to stay around and look at things for a while. They get mad and say its not right to have sales early because they have to get up earlier. They usually wont walk away empty handed because if they did it makes them feel they wasted their time getting up early.

    country bumpkin

    Sounds like a profitable business tactic.

    Michigan had its long garage sale this weekend! It goes on US12 from Newbuffalo to Detroit! QUITE a few miles!   The ones I saw were crowded!


    country bumpkin

    You have been missed here on aka, stay away from the garage sales. LOL

    That's close enough I'll have to watch for that one too.

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