    Have you ever been in an earthquake?

    +4  Views: 853 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago

    7 Answers

    Yes, I remember waking to the shaking and my boyfriend telling me to stand in the doorway.
    The huge front window burst, the power was out for nearly a week, and my BF spent an entire afternoon barbecuing everything that had defrosted. 
    Highway 101 near College of the Redwoods actually cracked and separated. Fortunately no one drove off the broken road. 


    What year?

    My daycare kids were all drawing the rainbow. Their crayons were set in holders -- red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple. A white paper was taped to the wall. A crystal was hanging by monofilament at the window. I told them how the rainbow is sequenced and then I said, "Pick up your red crayon" THE ROOM STARTED SHAKING. little cars rolled across the kitchen floor. Dolls toppled from the shelf. The fishbowl water almost splashed out with the fish in it. Pots rattled. Dishes chattered. The crystal swung wildly. I grabbed Lauren, 18 months and the rest of the kids all slid under the sturdy table. Somehow I got me AND Lauren under there with them.      It was the 1989 Loma Pareita centered in the Santa Cruz Mounains. It started just as the World Series started. It was 5:02. The parents came in for the kids. All were safe with us. Others were killed. Roads were torn up. Freeway onramps fell ... Major stuff.     Have you been in one? Expect one?  Be prepared. 1989


    Mine was sometime in mid-late 1970's. The epicenter was probably off the coast of Alaska. There had been a major earthquake in Alaska in the 1960's that nearly flattened Crescent City, about 80 miles north of Arcata/Eureka.

    I am so drawn to northern California. Crescent City is about as far north as you can get and still stay in CA. Houses were torn down? People killed? It's so isolated. Scary. What town did you live in? Do you miss N. CA?
    There was another one and it started rattling the Victorian house where my psychologist did her practice. I wanted to quit. She said, "You're not ready." We argued about it and then... WHAM ... EARTHQUAKE. It sounded like the building would crack open I handed her a good bye yellow rose and ran and braced in a door way. She stood in the middle of the floor and asked me what to do. I think she thought I started it. No one was harmed. I don't remember the year ... just the rattle and roar.(Sallnas)

    You saved the children without thinking about yourself. I knew you were that sort of person, even though we have never met.

    No I haven't, I'm glad to say. 


    I'm very glad you're here. I like to talk to you. We are invisible friends. : )
    We are spirit friends would be one way to say it.

    Yes that's it itsmee, we are all invisible friends. But its like we all know each other very well, yes spirit friends that's what we are.

    (((sunnyB))) <--invisible spirit friend hug <3

    Oh thanks itsmee that's very kind.

    yes i have been



    Were there any injuries? Where was YOUR earthquake? Were YOU ok? You got me wondering, Eldragonoid. (P.S. I love your name) : )

    No itsmee i dont have any injuries then it is happen last 2 years

    P.S THX ITSMEE :):):)

    i'm glad you're ok. Where was the earthquake?

    its happen in Philippines where my country.I am
    in my school studying and then we heard the earthquake so we run to the safe ground.

    It's good you knew exactly where to run to your "safe ground." Everybody should be prepared for emergencies, DUCK, COVER, AND STAY!

    I don't think we have anyone from the Phillippines on akaQA, I hope you'll stay and talk to us.

    The sound of a coming earthquake is terrifying. What are you studying? Do you have great hair like most of the people from the Phillippines?

    Yes itsmee we have a safe ground and rules to obey

    I am studying my lesson then we heard something and it is terrifying sound so we run to our safe ground.I am studying Science.No itsmee I Dont have a great hair. :)

    I've been in an earthquake. I was in the car with my dad and his girlfriend, but WE didn't feel anything. They dropped me back off at my Grammy's house and she was shaking. "Are you okay? Did you feel that? I'm glad you're here." "Yes. No. I'm glad I'm here too... I guess." APPERANTLY there was this big shake at the house and water spilled everywhere and things fell off coffee tables. But It was short. It was about a year ago.


    Yes, it seems like people who are driving or riding don't feel the quake. I liked the way you wrote your earthquake story. Made me smile. And I join you and your grandmother when I say, "I'm glad you're here too!"

    We had quite an earth tremor in El Salvador when I was there in ' 78. There was a whole of of shakin' goin' on . I was in my bunk sleeping ,and I dreampt that someone was shaking my bed.

    Then, in S.E.  Michigan, we had some rare earth tremors in the fall of  1985 .In my apartment, I saw my coffee table and everything that was on it shaking. I thought it was maybe there was some heavy construction machinery goin '  by somewhere near. I did what any good all American girl would do.......I called my mom ! She said it was an earth tremor. When in doubt, call your mom !

    P.S. I called her too, right after the world trade center buildings were  "bombed " with the planes.

    Many earthquakes, everywhere I have ever lived. Some rattled and shook for days, most were short bumps. I felt seasick in three. Mostly along the "ring of fire" but also in Virginia, Washington DC and Michigan. a few in Texas also....over a course of over 60 years. Lots of dammage due to things fallong off shelves and broken plumbing. Thought I had a flat tire when driving on a freeway so I pulled off to check my tires when another hit and other drivers looked like they were driving drunk. There are odd feeling waves of energy before, after and during earthquakes that animals and other people sometimes feel. Dogs bark for no apparent reason. I have bells that will ring when there is a earth-quake-like bump. They help to let me know to sit down and that it's not me about to physically collaps...and perk-up to whatever may be falling soon. Of course there is a volcano 20 miles south (Mt Shasta in California) and several more along the ring-of-fire.     

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