
    Me and my family have no beds for keds,3 kids two boys and one girl. I have a worn down bed that hurts my back, due to spine problems, me and my daughter get SSI low income, not able to get the Things we need. We also need a car due to we have no way to get to places,such as store only rides to doctors with our insurance assistance program. We need help with some of our bills for water bill. Car insurance and pay off tickets for Nisha (daughter) and parking violation@the city hall. And i have a speeding ticket that is paid for but it makes my insurance high and i need to try to remove it off my record. I have had problem with my body since 1999 and it has worsening. I have been trying to do something to make money but my doctor advise me not to do so at this time until they find out what is all wrong with me. My daughter came to help me out due to me falling at times when my legs go num when i Sleep. I want to be able to help myself and i would love to help others like me. That's my dream. I REALLY NEED HELP FOR ME AND MY FAMILY, GRANDKIDS NEED A BED AND THE TRIMMINGS FOR THETE ROOM. AND I NEED A BED THAT WOULD HELP MY BACK AND DRESSER, CHEST, AND WHAT EVER IS AVAILABLE FOR ME. I'M NOT GOOD AT WRITING THE PROPER WORDS. 


              Thank you

               CARO OATES

    0  Views: 911 Answers: 4 Posted: 10 years ago

    Your avatar name does not do much good for you!

    I've removed your phone number because this is a worldwide question and answer forum that is not secure, meaning anyone can see it. You should never publish personal information unless you know a website is secure.

    I’ve decided that I want a car, too……….

    Maybe you can have sososexy's. She can't afford the insurance on it anyway :)


    to sososexy, Where did you get the money for a computer or a smart phone, and the internet ?
    I want a new car, mine's an '03.And I want a big screen HD TV, a lap top, a new garage door,; I need, not want, a new carpet, and new couch.I want a dish washer.; and a phone that gets the internet, such as an Android.I want someone to repair the inside of my garage......The raccoons ruined it.

    4 Answers

    Parking violations?

    Speeding tickets?

    I need help?

    Answer:  Sorry but I have to wonder what other laws you break.

    Since your bed hurts your back, give it to the kids that do not have a bed. Sleeping on the floor would probably do your back good. My father did because the firmness of the floor helped to keep his weak back aligned. You need to budget better. If both you and your daughter are collecting and are low income and kids are included, then you are getting enough food stamps. Budget, do not waste them on junk food.

    You say you need a car because you have no way to get to places and have to rely on your insurance company to pay for rides to doctors but then claim you need help paying car insurance and to pay for a parking ticket your daughter got and the speeding ticket you got. Which is it? Do you have a car or not?

    Tell your doctor he is not paying your bills and you will look for a job that you can do that does not stress your health issues much. A Walmart greeter just stands at the door and says hi to people. They are even allowed to sit. Try Walmart. Why is your daughter collecting SSI? Is she disabled?

    Try your local churches for furniture. I bet one of them will take up a collection of used furniture from their parishioners. People always have excess furniture that they would like to give away rather than pay to have it sent to the dump.

    Contact your local social services dept. There should be one in your town for help with heat and electricity. They do not help with water.

    I suggest you try the Salvation Army or other charitable organizations  Some of your problems seem to be self induced.  This is a question and answer forum! Very general- You need a more focused group which is not at this place! Good Luck!

    The furniture,etc at the Salvation Army ain't cheap.Beleive me, I've been there......many ,many times.

    In my sub division, people put decent furniture,and sometimes appliances  out by the curb on trash day. Some salvagers come by with a truck and pick it up.So, if you know someone with a truck, go out with him on trash day and get furniture and appliances.

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