    what is the weirdest question u ever ask someone? :-)

    +1  Views: 1156 Answers: 9 Posted: 10 years ago

    9 Answers

    Is the body under here?

    Right here?

    Right where I'm standing?

    You're kidding, right???

    nice, nice

    omg! that is really funny!
    country bumpkin

    ROMOS SHuuuSH!
    nice, nice

    WWWWhhhhhaaaatttt! lol! hahahahaha! :-) :0
    nice, nice

    i mean what? but i just acting very surprise! get it! lol! :)

    Hellooooooo n,n...!


    "Seriously?" ... Usually they say, "Yes".


    The Great Goat thing is happening today.... I feel compelled to share...


    ... And, of course your complimentary cute fish photo...

    Pink Skunk Clownfish... oh so cute...



    Have an amazing week,




    Goats are great, the fish,lovely. Friends on rented land, had three goats. The owner came by to check-up on the hippies he had rented to and all three goats jumped to the top of his luxury car. As he attempter to get the goats off, one would jump to the hood, another to the trunk lid and as he became more frantic in his attempts one of the goats broke through the closed sun-roof and into the backseat where it took the opportunity to strip off a piece of upholstery to eat. Of course this occurred before a group of stoned hippies who could not move for laughter.

    Goats are hilarious... I once very seriously pondered buying a house because of the herd of goats. ... They were here... They were there... they did this... they did that. The entertainment value is astonishing. The owners said the goats were not for sale but I could have the pigs. Dang! Pigs sleep a lot, cute as they may be and yes, they are as smart as dogs ... the entertainment factor is just not the same.
    nice, nice

    thanks fishlet! i know i answering late but i was busy u know my usual! school work and focusing to get good grades so just come back for a while and then going off a little later again!

    There is no pressure involved... I was gone for the best part of a year. ... Welcome back!
    nice, nice

    tahnks! lol! "No Pressure!" do u know that song by Nadia Batson? :-0

    No, but I will look that artist up.... I grew up with the doors, the Who, Roxy Music, Pearl Jam, Nine Inch Nails and many more... I will go in for a little listen. I am kind of about Regina Spektor at the moment.
    nice, nice

    who is that? :0 anyways nadia batson is from t&t! i will ask romos and i will see what he answers!

    I asked Colleen to help us with the email thing. I'm not sure I did it right or even sent it to the right place. I love Regina Specktor! I've got to go look her up.

    To get the perspective of 'weird'.

    weird |wi(?)rd| adjective suggesting something supernatural; uncanny: the weird crying of a seal. • informal very strange; bizarre: a weird coincidence | all sorts of weird and wonderful characters. • archaic connected with fate. noun archaic, chiefly Scottish a person's destiny. verb [ with obj. ] (weird someone out) informal induce a sense of disbelief or alienation in someone. DERIVATIVES weirdly adverb, weirdness noun ORIGIN Old English wyrd ‘destiny,’ of Germanic origin. The adjective (late Middle English) originally meant ‘having the power to control destiny,’ and was used esp. in the Weird Sisters, originally referring to the Fates, later the witches in Shakespeare's Macbeth; the latter use gave rise to the sense ‘unearthly’ (early 19th cent).

    Someone told me something that was so weird that my mind completely rebelled to what that person said and invoked a directed renunciation at him that I did not want to hear that crap, angrily and walked me away from that person. I calmed down and had no idea what he had said and to this day do not know what set me off about that.

    On a different occasion, two women came to my door and asked a question that I did not understand, I asked them to repeat their question, but when their words came to my ears it sounded like a strange foreign language and their lips appeared to blur optically. I asked them to write that on my clip-board but their handwriting was illegible and looked like the scrapings an infant with a pencil and paper would make. Soon they simply left. 

     Weird personal question to a politician who I disliked…Have you stopped beating your kids? His seven year old in the audience jumped to his feet and screamed “No!” everyone’s mouth fell open.   



    About the women at the door: There are times when things happen and we will just never ever understand.

    About the politician: I sure would like to know who it is ... maybe. : )

    Can you sit in the middle of the floor and hang your feet over the edge?

    'What's the difference between a duck??"



    nice, nice

    omg! lol! that is very funny!

    ...and a Ducky?

    Funny funny funny. The kind of thing some people might not "get" I'm going to try it out tomorrow.

    are you a ufo?


    That is slightly out there... did you receive a 'yes'? And, if so, do they really beam up bovine creatures?

    We all want to know if Mavis is OK.

    What's that smell?  Is it YOU?

    nice, nice

    (laughing right now)

    Is this your lovely wife? The answer was no. It was also no the second time I asked. The third time I asked him, "Do I ask", he said, "No".


    Was that person from Uganda? I had a similar experience.... and then his adorable and expensive car actually fell into the river... no worries, the man picked up the tab. He made a living based upon the components of air.

    He also thought swear words were involved in the way we speak. ... I changed one small thing.


    No. The man was from Connecticut. He seem to cheat on his wife with just about every woman in town! It took a long time before I ever met his wife. That was 35 years ago and he is still married to the same woman. Life is strange.

    i Asked my greengrocer this am if the drunk weather beaten man she works with was her I know her husband has alcohol problems...she said "No he`s my son"!!..Oopps !:-)...luckily she saw the funny side..I`m not sure he did!:-Z

    nice, nice

    lol! as funny as h.....

    He`s a bit strange..he bought a new mountain bike a couple of weeks ago and took it out on the Sunday morning...He reckons he didn`t get home until 18 hrs later after traveling 300 miles as he said he took a wrong turning!!..I think he must have stopped off for a drink or twenty! LOL:-)
    nice, nice

    hahahaha! lol! so i do think that he took a wrong turn! or maybe not! probably he went to wrong way cuz he know that there was a bar there or whatever! i don't know just assuming!

    I think he started off o.k..I think it ended up as one very long pub crawl..I wouldn`t have wanted to see the state of him when he got back home!!!LOL X
    nice, nice

    yeah me neither! can we chat for a while! i am a little bored and i desperately need someone to talk too! can't go on facebook and can't go on twitter or whats app none of those sites! sad!

    Hey nice,nice..I`m sorry I missed your comment re`s 05.00 hrs here in the hopefully you`ll be sound asleep at the moment!..It would be good to chat and you can ask Colleen for my E.mail address So long as you O.K. it with her and your guardian..?Your Grandma I THINK??...Because you are young not sure how old?...but I think I need permission to chat to you online sweetheart!..(Maybe your Grandma etc might want to speak to me quickly first to see that I am who I say I am and not someone bad online)!..I am a Mother with kids who lives in London,U.K..and yes I`d really love to chat with you but I think it`s good that we find out if that`s O.K with your guardian first..agree?..(I know you are a very sensible young lady and will see where I`m coming from..right)?..Very sorry I missed your message.(You can tell them that I`m a Registered Nurse as well if that helps and I can show my documents in an Email if they`d like to check me first...I just need their permission for safety reasons!..I hope you have a good day at school today honey! XxMillie

    Yup, you were lucky there Miss MILLIE! (Maybe she just played it off well ... no ... that couldn't be. Pretend I didn't say that. Never to worry.
    With my Anxiety Disorder as it is if I'd uttered those words, I would have fallen flat down. THUMP.

    What was the fox say ???


    nice, nice

    u mean what DOES the fox say! yeah when that song first came out i used to always ask people that! u are not alone!

    Who made that song ?

    The bookstore is out of the Fox book. I like to sing it with my grand daughters. It will be better if we can see the pictures in an old-fashioned book. (We're really good! I shouldn't brag but it's soo much fun) And we're sooo good. She's five and knows all the lyrics. I have to peek. peak? peek.

    Thanks Romos... You found something far more painful than E.L.O. and you managed to make ABBA look not sooooooooo ridiculous.

    If I need surgery to have that song physically lifted out of my cranium, I expect a "Get Well Soon" card from you.

    Hail! Hail! KOTF!!!!

    Get well soon my little fish.


    Such a thoughtful man. ... They are wheeling me in now.
    nice, nice

    lol! hahaha!

    Cutting the cranium open as I write this... I am the Queen at multi-tasking... "Song be gone!".
    nice, nice

    u funny! i can multi-task too! is just that i can't be on this site and do h.w. at the same i will not be able to focus!

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