    Can you give me a list of cakes

    I'm looking for a long list of cakes

    0  Views: 739 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago

    6 Answers

    Check out Wiki’s list of cakes:

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    Angel Cake 
    Angel cake is the first of many cakes native to the United Kingdom which are of an unusual shape. Unlike traditional cakes, they are most commonly found in lengthy bars with small widths, or already cut into small pieces. In terms of composition, an angel cake is sweet sponge cake composed of two or three layers which are traditionally pink, white or yellow, with cream between each layer. As such, they look rather whimsical, light and airy.

    Bara Brith 
    As bara brith is original Welsh for "speckled cake", it has currants, raisins, and candied peel among it's bread, which is enriched with dried fruit. As such, this United Kingdom dessert somewhat resembles a cross between fruit cake and fruit bread.

    Battenburg Cake 
    Like angel cake, the battenburg is a type of spongecake. It is characterized a checkered pattern (typically two squares across and high) which can be seen when it is cut in a cross section. Traditionally, these squares will alternate between pink and yellow, but various other colors are typically used. Raspberry or apricot jams are added between each section, and a solid color made from marzipan drapes the cake's exterior.

    Butter Cake 
    As the name suggests, butter cakes predominant ingredient is butter. In turn, this makes the butter cake very gooey and easy to make. Any number kind of flavoring can also be added and the United Kingdom sells various flavors, including hazelnut, pumpkin, and vanilla.

    Carrot Cake 
    Carrot cake is made by actually adding shredded carrots, which will soften and enhance the look, taste, and texture of the cake when it's done baking, along with raisin, pineapple, coconut, or other ingredients not featured in the dessert's name. Despite sounding healthy, many carrot cakes have a cream cheese frosting and are topped with marzipan carrots. Like in the United States, carrot cakes are always available in major supermarkets.

    Cheesecake is popular today, but it's as ancient as the Greek Empire. Like carrot cake, cheesecake reveals its major ingredient in the name. However, cheesecake is one of the most versatile kinds of cake, as virtually any flavor or topping can be added. In the United Kingdom, cheesecake is most popularly made with a crushed buttered biscuit crust and topped with fruit, usually some sort of berry, in sugary syrup, and sometimes flavored with lemon. This differs from the cheesecake sold in the United States, which is so commonly chocolate.

    Christmas Cake 
    In the United Kingdom, Christmas cake is a holiday fruit cake which may have any composition or frosting. However, as a holiday dessert, those from the United Kingdom commonly depict festive scenes and pictures on the top of the cake with icing or marzipan.


    Chocolate, Carrot, Cream, Jam sponge, Cheese, Banana, Tea,   Cake. And have your cake and eat it cake.


    chocolate cake,carrot cake,strawberry cake,

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