    How much do you pay your dental hygienist for a simple teeth cleaning?

    I pay $220.00 and it seems high. 

    +2  Views: 1670 Answers: 9 Posted: 10 years ago


    Have been putting my tax info together. My cleanings cost $95

    9 Answers

    Just for cleaning the 31 teeth I have, it's right around $100.  I now skip the fluoride treatment. X-rays would, of course, add to the bill.  I can't believe you pay that much!  I don't even HAVE dental insurance. 


    I saw this particular dentist 4 months ago. After I had my teeth cleaned I asked to pay for the bill. The hygienist didn't know how to record the payment. I called about a month later and requested a bill. They didn't send it! And again I called ... My next appointment is next week. I'm prepared to talk to them tomorrow Yes, it is VERY high for our area. I think there is some mistake.

    If you have the time and inclination, I'd call around some of the dentists in our area and get some idea of the going rate. That way, you have a good reference point from where you live.

    Oh, Bob ... I have changed dentists twice now. (In three years). I'm on my third. There is something wrong everywhere it seems. My internist recommended the one I'm going to now. I thought maybe THAT would be a good referral. Not so. Anyway, today is the day I make my calls. I gotta do something. Gotta.

    Dentist COHEN. Hygenist MARYELLEN. Tell them I referred you.

    OK ... Better you than my daughter or doctor and I really really mean it. I'll have to see where Cohen has his practice. We'll see what happens when I start this phone thing ...

    He's just off Shaw, just west of Palm (Fig Garden Village)

    Bovines, Porcines, need to watch your back. Masters of disguise!

    He is the president of the fan club, Fishy. Can't override the prez. I'm always happy to see you have some time to visit! Hope your 2014 has started well! :D

    Hi Bob: The mystery is solved. We have Blue Cross dental insurance. My name was under my husband's name and the Blue Cross office didn't notice it. It caused all sorts of drama, but not we know. I found out that all dental insurances go by Social Security numbers. Blue Cross goes by name and that's why they have the problems with dentists.

    Good to know it got straightened out, itsmee.

    I sincerely appreciate your help during this time of dental problems, P

    I live in the UK, we still have to pay a wee bit, NHS is a great system.

    My sympathies with your teeth.


    <--chattering .... I'm due for another cleaning in two weeks. You have a good system. I can just imagine that some people simply can not go. I can go, but it's not easy.
    I'm thorry! I gave you a TD. Let me know if it's not corrected.

    All fine thweetheart.

    The dentist in our local mall is charging $350 (Au).That's 300+ in U.S.


    "Malled" by your dentist! How much would he charge for saltwater croc?

    Big sign on the door."WE DON"T DO CROCS".LOL


    That's high! Wow.

    Everything is high here including wages.It's one of the most expensive countries in the world to live in.That's why General Motors & Ford are pulling out.Wages are too high.So everything else is high.

    Yes, our son is doing well. I can only guess HOW well.He sent us a Cristmas gift that almost bowled me over.
    He said there were no homeless people around gladstone. Everybody is wealthy? Maybe Bechtel will pull out? Lot of questions there, Mr. Australia.

    We DO have homeless. Probably not as visible as yours but they are around.Gladstone is prosperous at the moment.My Son In law worked there when he was with Bechtel.(Boyne Island).
    terryfossil 1

    hey tommyh,,we have a lot more homless than what you think,the government has pushed them out to where they are not commonly seen,,

    Our homeless seem to be mostly downtown. terry fossil, where are your homeless sent? Out to the country? Working farms?
    terryfossil 1

    hi itsmee,,the homeless and drunks ,used to stay at st.Vinnies and salvation army,,they used to both be in brisbane city,,,they have both closed down and moved to the outer suburbs,,,nice chatting,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    There is a semi religious organisation called the Tribe of Juda which does a lot of work to help the homeless on the southside of Brisbane.
    terryfossil 1

    your on the money again tommyh,,,the story on the bloke who runs tribe of judah is great,,,,,,,his name is terry somebody,,,ex bikie and ex crim,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Yes.I met him once when I was doing volunteer work at foodbank.Honesly can't remember his name but he seemed like an OK bloke to me.

    I didn’t use them but found this:  

    $59 Teeth Cleaning - Austin TX new patient special


    Maybe I should fly to Texas from California and have my teeth cleaned, Julie, how did you get that blue font?

    I just copied and pasted, had no choice……..

    Oh ... I've always wanted to type in color. I thought maybe our new wonderful machines was allowing for that now. Mine just continues to make waffles and knows no new tricks.

    In the UK we pay about £15 for a check up , and about £20 for a clean. That probably doesn't sound much, but remember we pay a lot of national insurance all the time we are working, that's on top of income tax.


    I Just take mine out of the glass of water every morning,

    hector, terry fossil would tell you to "Hang on to your teeth>" Don't drop them choppers.

    My brother-in-law dropped his in to the toilet bowl as he went to flush it, and he washed them and put them back into his mouth. Rather him than me.

    sunnyB: Something about the way you said that made me laugh so hard I ... .... ...rolled right off my chair. : D
    My condolences to your brother-in-law. I would have just let them go.......or go without ....................MAYBE!

    $197, which includes x-rays. My dentist is in New York City.


    Do you have insurance?

    I have insurance but it only pays about $32.

    you are being ripped off,,i got a cheap dentist,,,two pills in a glass of water,,beat that itsmee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


    Well, I've never had a tooth ache and I don't want to start now.
    terryfossil 1

    itsmee,if you still have your own teeth ,,then hang on to them,,,my wife still has all her own teeth and she is 67 ,,i think,,we are known as (the lady and the tramp)she grew up in private schools,i grew up in and out of lockups,,anyway she got great teeth and i have not,,,short learning curve,,,HANG ON TO YOUR TEETH nice talking itsmee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    I'm almost 72 and I still have all my own teeth. No dental insurance either but I've done without some other things, in order to pay for dental care. (Cleaning at my dentist costs about $170.)

    OK ... those were good words. I've been thinking of passing on the teeth cleaning this time but your voice plays in my head:
    HANG ON TO YOUR TEETH. Thanks, terryfossil.

    You certainly do not look it Miss Ducky,wish i had your silky skin,

    And my bright and shiny Duck eyes? <blush>

    and Ducky, What sharp teef you have!

    Yes itsmee and clean too. :)

    Yeth, tho clean and thooper sharp!

    A water pick is just a great invention for a clean fresh feeling.


    Be true to your teeth, or they'll be false to you   ;-)


    How true!

    Oh yeth! How true!!

    I get free teeth cleaning through my dental insurance. 


    We have dental insurance and the amount I mentioned is WITH dental insurance. <gag ... chatter> I guess our insurance isn't good enough.

    Time to go insurance shopping.

    Or dentist shopping ...

    No, you need better insurance that covers a bigger percentage of the cleaning fee or covers the cleanings completely.

    Yes ... that's better.

    Colleen, is your insur thru your union ?

    I've posted this in another place. It's important.
    For those who have Blue Cross dental insurance be sure your dentist looks for the second name on the policy. Our dental office always has trouble and Blue Cross doesn't automatically count the second name.They are the only insurance plan that goes by names. The others go by social security numbers. That caused us a lot of trouble just finding it out!

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