    WHAT was the biggest commandment Jesus preached?

    I think it was MARC 12::28 29 30  can anyone write the verse youmust have bible.

    0  Views: 884 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago

    Googled this:
    Mark 12:28–30
    The Great Commandment
    28 And one of the scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that he answered them well, asked him, “Which commandment is the most important of all?” 29 Jesus answered, “The most important is, 'Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’"

    the only christien denomination that follow THIS commament that Jesus preached is UNITARIENS. ALL others worship Jesus, HIs mother MARY,ets. WHY do they do that? DONT they see what JESUS said THE LORD GOD IS ONE.LOVE HIM.WITH all you posses.???????????????IF realy you want to follow the teaching of JESUS ,start by following this great commanment.THAN you can say you are true CHRISTIENS.Jesus worshiped hisCREATOR . HE did not worship himself.

    Why can't people worship the mother of Jesus as a saint? Why can't they love her and God too? Why do you feel the need to control who people look to for guidance? Could it be that God made these sainted Souls to help people get through their lives? God has a universe to look after. Why shouldn't he have a little help? No one calls Mary, God and that is the primary point of your argument concerning her. You make the claim through the words you use that people see her as a God. They do not. They see her as a sainted mother. You should pay attention to the answers more instead of immediately trying to come up with an argument for the answer which has yet to say Mary is God. She is mother of God according to Catholics and Evangelists and maybe a couple others. They believe God came to earth as a man to walk with the people and remind them of himself in heaven. He spoke of himself as a second party yet also said, when you see me, you see my father (paraphrasing). Speaking in the second party is done all the time by man, why not God? Do I believe Jesus is God? No, but I leave others to believe it if it makes their world more clear and brings them closer to God. Any belief in God brings the Soul closer to God. No matter how they view Him, no matter what they call Him.

    And then Jesus said, " I'm going to add another commandment to that- - -- Love thy neighbor as thyself."
    And,Yasseen, you were misinformed when someone told you that "the only Christian denomination that follows this commandment is the Unitarians " They don't follow the scriptures literally ,like the Baptists do.They are quite liberal and some people even consider them to be a cult.
    And you said "all other ( Christian denominations)worship Jesus, and his mother Mary" No, it is only Catholics that worship the mother (Mary) of Jesus .
    ( don't shoot the messenger )

    It really doesn't seem like a valuable way to spend time, discussing Christianity with you, yasseen, when you don't really have all the facts about each denomination of the faith, and you are bashing it and casting aspersions as you go. Your grip on English spelling and grammar is lacking, as well. For myself, it's hard to respect an opinion that doesn't present itself intelligently by MY standards (which aren't all that high from the get-go). Have you a point to make, or are you just yanking people's chains? By the way, THAN is a comparison word (I am smarter THAN you), whereas THEN denotes an element of time (I will write this comment, THEN I will do something more worthwhile with my time).

    BOB i want to thank you for comments , it seems you are more infomed and more knolegeble than i am . iam still a student of life,always ready to learn. i know one thing its better to be illeterate than a very educated person who can beleive in illogic belief, such as GOD having a son ,a mother or three person in one,tELL me BOB you who have very good spelling and grammar CAN YOU say thats logic?With all my respect to all religions, i cant stand what is illogic.HINDUS worshiping COWS,Buddest worshipind Budda,Chatholic worshiping MARY mother of JESUS,CHristiens worshiping Jesus i could go on and on.GOD almighty gave all prophets the same commandment worship HIM ONLY.that is plain and a clear commanment. Hope i did not offend anyone,

    yasseen, you keep making the mistake of believing God is 3 people in one. It's been explained to the best of anyone's ability here. God is not 3 people in one. Either you will truly try to learn and understand it or you will not. Only you can make that decision. But you keep making yourself appear ignorant every time you make the claim. You worship Allah. To me, that is illogical. God's name is not Allah. IT's true name is not even God. IT has a more ancient name than all the name's the religions have come up with to call IT. For IT is not a man nor a being. It has no form and IT has no voice. IT is the energy, the Love that all of creation is created from. Atheists would call all of this illogical. This is where free will enters. We are all free to believe what we choose to believe no matter how illogical someone calls it.

    yasseen, it is always offensive to me when someone criticizes another's faith. Who are you, who am I, who is anyone to dictate what is truth and what isn't in today's world. It is a matter of faith, and, last time I looked, I am allowed to have my faith, and you are allowed to have yours. Your purpose seems to be to criticize and taunt. I fully believe you mean to be offensive and obnoxious, so you may consider your mission a success.
    As far as command of the English language, I taught English for years and am proficient and conscientious in my usage of it. We are all students of life, and we approach our lessons in our individual ways. For you to pass judgment on faiths that aren't yours is arrogant; a student of life would be learning some form of tolerance. You do not want to learn or understand; you want to goad and ridicule. When you speak of faith, try to understand that it is a personal relationship one has with his/her "God", "Buddha", "Allah", "Cow", "Virgins", or whatever.

    6 Answers

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    To LOVE………….


    That was my thought too.

    which verse did jesus say love?

    You should get a copy of the bible and read it instead of selectively picking it apart.

    colling i have in my hand the new testament its in french i will translate ,marc 12 :29 jesus answered listen oh Israel our lord GOD is the unique LORD marc:30 you will love your LORD GOD with all your heart,with all your soul and all your thouth and all your power,THIS is the biggist commanment Jesus preached. WORSHIP ONE GOD.He nerver said take me and my mother as two gods.IN the rosory pray they say HOLY MARY MOTHER of GOD MAKing jesus GOD and mary his mother, TELL me how a created person be the mother of her CREATOR?&????????????please answer COLLEEN

    That is the Christian belief. It is not for me to answer.

    There are several references about loving your neighbor as you love yourself.  Here's a resource for you to check:



    Yasseen, You seem to have a thirst for knowledge of Christianity. So I suggest you get the bible and read least the new testament. I studied all the major religions when I was about 19.....including the Qu ran. And yes, I went to a  mosque and partook with them the post ramadan feast.     b/c I don't think anyone should say they are a this or that, just b/c their parents told them they are. I think when  you grow should study the religions and pick the one that you most agree with....the one that sounds like it's the way to worship God. That's what the Beatles did , even they were raised Catholic.

    love your neighbor as yourself


    you got it, Ken

    new translation 

    the word of GOD


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