    what are the probable cause of homosexuality

    +3  Views: 1467 Answers: 20 Posted: 10 years ago

    Honestly, the only people who should even be worried about this is homosexuals. Those who do not care, do not even question it. Those who listen to others say that it is wrong, are the only ones who may care why they are homosexual and can not fight it. I feel bad for them because they are influenced by the ignorant who's lives homosexuality does not even affect.
    terryfossil 1

    gidday Colleen,,,the gays do effect the straight,,i can not speak for women,but when most straight blokes see 2 gay blokes having a pash session in the street,it is a major turn off (sic),,so i wonder if gay blokes fell the same when they see a female and a bloke pashing...i dont know i am simply asking,,and before you say i am one sided,i feel the same if women pash openly in the street,,sadly some blokes see 2 women as a turn on ,,all the best Colleen,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    I have never witnessed 2 gay guys having a passionate session in the streets. It always seems to happen to others yet in all my 51 years on this earth, I've never seen it. I probably would tell them to knock it off and get a room and show some respect for those who do not need to see them making out. I have seen many heteros doing it though and I understand the turn off of having to see something happen in public that should be private. I have personally told people like that to get a room. It may effect your senses (like it does mine to see heteros getting sloppy in a checkout line), but it does not effect your life, at least it shouldn't. My life remains the same even after having to witness many make out sessions in public. A quick kiss or hug, no problem. But slobbering and touchy feely and acting like they are about to rip each others close off in front of everyone, no thanks.
    terryfossil 1

    you gave a fair answer Colleen, i had a friend at work who is lesbian,i have made it clear i do not believe it is right,,she is a very nice person,,so we agree to disagree,,and we continue with our friendship,,it is not for me to do the judging,,before i became a christian,i knocked around with a gang in place called Inala,,gays were not treated very well,,i am sorry for those days,,bad things happend on both sides,,i look at gays with different eyes today,,,again thanks for your answer and thanks for listening,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Well you can believe it's not right........for you. But it's right for her. You could never choose to be gay and be happy. Homosexuals can not choose to be straight and be happy. We are people and we love who we love and love is never wrong. I firmly believe that God has no issue as long as love is what is produced between two people devoting their lives to each other. When a person is under threat of death but still can not change and be straight, you have to realize this is not someone just trying to be a rebel or go against God just because they feel like it. I know God created me and I hold God close to me. I will not be a murderer just to spite God. Why would I choose to be a lesbian just to spite Him? No, I can not change who I am and honestly, I do not want to. I am content with who I am and it should matter to no one, Christian or otherwise, who I fall in love with and who I sleep with. I do not question if you have God approved sex. No one should question me about it either. ;)

    20 Answers

    I don't think there is a cause, you are just born with your sexuality.


    I agree with you on this. It can't be changed. I would hope people don't even want to change it.

    Bo saraxy - Very controversial subject - you can indeed research this yourself. Scientists are still trying to find a gene for this. It is also thought to be to do with too much testosterone while in the womb. This applys to true homosexuality if it is correct - but I belief there is a fine line here i.e. bisexual, homosexual and heterosexual which  can depend on circumstances, enironmental factors all of which can play a part here. Does it really matter in the scheme of things. Any which way finding a soul mate cannot be anything but a good thing.


    Maybe they could research why people are heterosexual. I agree with you Poppy .And I think that anyone who can find a soul mate is doing just fine.

    itsmee,God made most people hetero to perpetuate the human species.

    itsmee - they have done heterosexual thing - all about genes carried by the chromosomes. There are 46 chromosomes arranged in 23 pairs - all in the cell nuclei. One pair, the sex chromosomes determines the sex of the individual. The female has two X chromosomes in every somatic cell nucleus; the male has one X and one Y. All so science - also environmental factors - establishing gender identity etc. A transient state of homosexual conduct in puberty and adolescence is common (1/3 of male adolescents)but almost all who experience this, later become exclusively heterosexual in their preferences. itsmee all quite complicated - there are scientists around here who know so very much more than me - but would take too long to explain. xox

    Poppy: I may not quite understand what you said but like I said, 'Good to have you back!' xo : )

    itsmee - so sorry yes and didn't she go on and on and on. This is just the male and female genetic we all start with leaving the question. I have lost my body clock so will not stay here long just now x

    You stay where you are, young lady. We need you here. LOL


    Meaning what exactly?


    ROMOS - says is "cause" is just a poor use of words - I believe he just wants to know how/why it occurs.

    The cynic in me thinks not pops.

    ROMOS - ok - understood. I think.

    Love love |l?v| noun 1 an intense feeling of deep affection: babies fill parents with intense feelings of love | their love for their country. • a deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone: it was love at first sight | they were both in love with her | we were slowly falling in love . • ( Love )a personified figure of love, often represented as Cupid. • a great interest and pleasure in something: his love for football | we share a love of music. • affectionate greetings conveyed to someone on one's behalf. • a formula for ending an affectionate letter: take care, lots of love, Judy. 2 a person or thing that one loves: she was the love of his life | their two great loves are tobacco and whiskey. • Brit. informal a friendly form of address: it's all right, love. • (a love) Brit. informal used to express affectionate approval for someone: don't fret, there's a love. 3 (in tennis, squash, and some other sports) a score of zero; nil: love fifteen | he was down two sets to love. [apparently from the phrase play for love (i.e., the love of the game, not for money); folk etymology has connected the word with French l'oeuf ‘egg,’ from the resemblance in shape between an egg and a zero.] verb [ with obj. ] feel a deep romantic or sexual attachment to (someone): do you love me? • like very much; find pleasure in: I'd love a cup of tea, thanks | I just love dancing | [ as adj., in combination ] (-loving) : a fun-loving girl. PHRASES for love for pleasure not profit: he played for the love of the game. for the love of God used to express annoyance, surprise, or urgent pleading: for the love of God, get me out of here! for the love of Mike informal used to accompany an exasperated request or to express dismay. love me, love my dog proverb if you love someone, you must accept everything about them, even their faults or weaknesses. make love 1 have sexual intercourse. 2 (make love to) dated pay amorous attention to (someone). not for love or money informal not for any inducement or in any circumstances: they'll not return for love or money. there's no (or little or not much ) love lost between there is mutual dislike between (two or more people mentioned). DERIVATIVES loveworthy |-?w?rT?H?|adjective ORIGIN Old English lufu, of Germanic origin; from an Indo-European root shared by Sanskrit lubhyati ‘desires,’Latin libet ‘it is pleasing,’ libido ‘desire,’ also by leave2 and lief. 


    Anyone willing to let their heart rule their life _____________________. Fill out the blank for yourself. Love carries me through life effortlessly. I cherish every moment of my experience in living here. There is nothing else to live for.Try something other than love to live for and you would be dying.  




    also the drive for a guilt-less, irresponsible sexual relationship…now without cultural damning. Just a loving relationship without the hazards and long term commitment to ___________________.

    "Love is all there is. It makes the world go round." A Beatle
    I think you have come up with the perfect answer, robertgrist.
    Books have been written to answer what you answered so simply. : )

    Robert...Your comment only has 26 words (or so).Whatsa matter? Writer's block?

    I read every word. Honest. I like words.

    @Tommy...LOL (x2)

    I thought you would get it Ducky.LOL.
    Good onya Robert.

    I used to think that people from different countries, could never "get" each others' humor. I was wrong! lol


    Yeah ROMOS, we know you NEVER "get it"!! lol

    Trust me Ducky Dear.I KNOW your sense of humour now.LOL

    And I, yours Tommy. :))

    ROMOS...Will you please try to keep up. We can't keep explaining to you.

    Seems like we have to make allowances for Roy as well.


    ROMOS; Them kids got the giggles again. Just laugh along. : D

    Oh no. We're ALWAYS serious. :)

    I got Tommy's comment too, b/c I also have a dry sense of humor.

    mcm: me too

    Guys never get headaches when it really matters.


    digger - great answer.

    So digger....oh never mind.

    digger, before 40, it's the woman who gets the headaches.After 40, it's the man that says " Not tonight, dear. I have a headache "

    @Ducky Not now,Ducky. I have a headache

    @MCM. Perhaps that says more about the general condition of women over 40;-)

    According to MCM you're over 40, you old man!

    Ugly past girlfriends.


    ;-) I like the way you don't take silly questions seriously.

    Or in my case, my wife!

    Im not quite sure,but i feel a stiring in my lorns,


    I have always wondered where THE LOINS are. PS Hector wrote "lorns" I know that no one will see this comment. I'm thinking ... "lorns" Hmmmm?

    pet lions,huh, Hector ?

    You may like the opposite sex, what causes that?  I do too, but do not consider what caused it...


    Every now and then I wonder .... : X

    What causes bi-polar? The same thing. It is something one is born with………..


    right,jh. it's a chemical imbalence that they're born with. I have something along those same lines too.

    Julie and mycatsmom - I do not think so not all are inherited - sporadic (non familial) forms are not uncommon.

    I don't think anything causes it.It would be a state of mind that you were probably born with IMO.

    I don't think you can isolate and say definitely "this is the reason/cause".  A woman who has been my friend for over 40 years had a boyfriend all through high school and was seriously attracted to one of her female classmates.  
    She has been in lesbian relationships her entire adult life, and has confided to me that if the right MAN came along, she hang up her, well, never mind....


    Is she bi-sexual? I consider myself a true lesbian and there is no "right" man for me. My attraction runs purely for women. I could not even imagine what a "right" man would be. Men are so completely different from women in every sense. That's like saying there could be a "right" woman for a heterosexual woman.

    Personally, I don't think she is attracted to men at all. She still carries a torch for a heterosexual high school romance, but hasn't dated a man in over 40 years.

    I was just going by this..."has confided to me that if the right MAN came along,"....just didn't sound right coming from a lesbian.

    Yes, the comment doesn't ring true. She had a boyfriend during high school but was still obsessed with one of her girl friends. She has not dressed or acted " feminine" in years. Her work, hobbies, and appearance are masculine, not indicative of homosexuality, but those of us who stereotype would suspect.

    Who cares?  It is what it is.  Live and let live.  We do not have to "cure anyone of this", lets concentrate on something which we can cure, like childhood obesity, or illiterate adults, or corrupt politics..... 


    Aman, no cure is necessary.

    It is so good what you said!

    leave it alone ,,there are to o many differnt answers


    terryfossil 1 - You can say that again. You are so right - Thank You.

    terryfossil 1 - You can say that again. You are so right - Thank You. What a relief!
    terryfossil 1

    the debate regarding gays,right or wrong,yes and no,is every bit as long as the debate regarding christian belief..yet both debates are very closely linked, nice talking to a young fella like you Poppy 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Poppy is female ;)
    terryfossil 1

    sorry about the young fella bit Poppy3,,,and thanks Colleen

    terryfossil 1 - do not worry about the young fella bit - I was wondering which I was anyway - any which way will do boy or girl - (thinking of the days when I had a massive crush on my female music teacher) "am I bothered" - this is an expression from a very funny comedian here in the UK Catherine Tate. Hey thanks I so like the "young bit".


    It's still unclear to Drs and scientists what causes it. But, one thing is sure......... You're born with it.........just like you're born left handed, or if you're born color blind. Also, like anything else, it tends to run in families. I know a family in my town that had 8 kids. Two of the boys died of aids. I know other young gay men who have told me their uncle is gay.That doesn't mean it has to be heredity, like sickle cell or hemofilia. It just means that it tends to run in families. In nursing school they said that trait is called "familia ''    Another theory I've heard is that it's endocrine abnormalacies. The endocrine glands are excreting the wrong hormones. 

    Schiszophrenia is familia , too. My friend, Ron's brother has it , and their grandmother was in an institution for a long time.


    Yup, gays are born into families created by heterosexuals. So gay running in families can mean all families. Remember, not everyone comes out of the closet. Some gays get married and live the straight life all their life for fear of being persecuted by gay haters or religious folk screaming "SINNER!" at them. I believe a lot of those people screaming sinner at gays are gay themselves but that's just my belief. You may have gay family members and not even know they are gay. I noted that you made sure to mention the two gay men died of Aids. Because of this, I feel the need to remind you that Aids is not selective to just homosexuals, anyone can contract it and die from it. Even heterosexuals.

    I know a man who has three sons. The sons are all gay. The dad could be. I don't know.

    I know a family of 8 siblings and only one of the siblings turned out to be homosexual (me). We know of no more gay people in my family or extended family, past or present.

    Colleen - Homosexuality was at one time regarded by the American Psychiatric Association as a mental disorder - and not as now found to be a sexual variant - but hostility and prejudice as you say still remains - sadly. About 20% of homosexual men and 33% of homosexual women marry, but their heterosexual marriages tend to be unstable. I did the HIV and AIDS course even looked after these patients - Homosexuality is definitely not the only cause of HIV and AIDS even when sex is involved.

    mycatsmom - this is totally incorrect regarding homosexuality - you are speaking of genetic diseases some due to mutation and some inherited like haemophilia,serious genetic stuff."it" you say tends to run in families (how annoying is this!) - no way it is part of Humanity. The endocrine thing it is thought and only a theory (hypothetical)that maybe there is more testosterone around when baby is in the womb - I heard this as a theory but haven't seen this scientifically. In my opinion there seems to be so much prejudice and so extremely little, minute knowledge about this and I do not mean just here.What nursing school did you go to? - sorry couldn't help myself.

    I don't think any thing causes someone to be gay, you are what you are, and as long as you are a kind good living person, and kind to animals, it doesn't matter.


    I Only kick my dog up the bum once a day now,thats not to bad,is it,???????

    Boy this one really got people going. I personally don't want to start a fight, but i would love to give my opinion.  First of all i am not gay, however I do admire those that are.  For this reason: As the millionaire matchmaker, Patty, says on her show, everybody wants love, but some can't find it.  To me a gay person finds the courage to find love with another human, which is what we all should do, if we want to. Love is a greater and great force in life. So I appreciate gay people for finding love and not letting their love life be lost because their are not heterosexual. For a very long time since i discovered there was such a thing as homosexualiy i was very interested in why? I know and have known many gay people. There are gay people in my family. I have talked to many people re: what made them gay.  Most i have spoken with feel they were born gay.  When I first got out of college I got a job with the county as a counselor at a women's alternative jail.  Many of the women engaged in same sex relationships while incarcerated. We all had many candid conversations about why?  Some of the girls and women said they were just doing it while incarcerated.  Several were hardcore and indicated gayness was them and thus their chosen lifestyle. Now with my inquiries and observation over 20 years, i came to some disagreeable or maybe agreeable conclusions.  I do like the wonderer's answer "likes . . .and dislikes".  which is a fabulous viewpoint.  However from a psychological perspective I found that girls, from baby to maybe 5 years old experienced too much male affection/interaction and did not know how to respond to it and became turned off by men. For men i found that father/male emotional support was missing or minimal and/or mother/grandmother/female support was overwhelming and the boy began to emulate and identify with female while longing for the male love, interaction and support.  If the female care giver was also violent to the boy, like shaming or spanking, greater chances boy will be turned off by women and prefer men. I am not including transvestides nor transgenders, who are wonderful courageous people.  This is a fascinating topic, like everything about people. But in the end, love is the key. Now don't take my word for it.  Sometimes when you are with a gay friend or family member, have a sincere fun and caring conservation and delve into their family dynamics. How they were raised, who was the boss at home, did they get bullied and beat, were they control by anyone.  Did daddy or uncle kiss baby girl in the lips too much when they were a little girl.  Fascinating deep deep stuff.  Only have this talk with someone you love and admire. They probably will still disagree, but these dynamics will be present if they can remember remember remember back.  We all have the potential to be anyway in this world.  Plus we have the right 'to be'.  Research is showing 75% of what we do and who we become is due to our up bringing and environment.  Love Tabber


    Interesting conclusions but I can not agree unless you are speaking of people "hiding" in the homosexual world because they are afraid to trust a heterosexual counterpart due to issues in their upbringing. If you mean those people, then they need a psychologist or psychiatrist to get over their issues. Hiding in the life is unfair to themselves as they really do not get the full benefits of a correct relationship for themselves. They are always left half empty and if they do someday get over their issues, they run back to the hetero world and falsely claim "I was a homosexual but I changed and became straight". Not true. They were always straight but were hiding in the homosexual world. And, they are not fair to the people they pull into their world, partners who may love them deeply but can never quite reach the realness of them because they are hiding and pretending to be something they are not. The "hider" then ends up dumping the one who loves them truly because a long term commitment is not something they can get into because the life is not a real one. Factor that into the people you know who claim they are gay because of a bad upbringing or any of the reasons you listed and see how many of them end up in failed relationship after failed relationship. I can only really answer for myself and I can say honestly my home life had no influence on my sexuality. I was born to be who I am. Even as a small child, I knew I was different than the other girls. It just took some years and growing up and understanding sexuality to know how I was different. My parents knew long before I did. They let me figure it out on my own. They never had a problem with it. I do not dislike or hate men. I'm just not attracted to them that way and never have been. I have many male friends. I have more male friends than I do female friends actually. I do thank you and truly appreciate the beginning part of your answer. It's good to see someone get how difficult our lives can be when our sexuality is under scrutiny all the time. The only choice I ever made was to be true to myself and live who I was born to be.

    Below reply moved to where it belongs



    Thanks Colleen. No i am not talking about people that are hiding. I'm talking about, out, confident and fun people. True we all do have issues from our upbringing, but its all good. That's how we develop individual character that we all possess. I also feel that nobody needs a therapist to get rid of their gayness unless they want to. Personally, however, to me all people are great and fabulous. Also straight or gay, many people never know their partner on as deep a level as they might desire, but that's part of one of the things human beings go through while in relationships. With debatemanshp and love. What would we do without you dear Colleen.

    My point about a psychiatrist was not to get rid of a gayness but to put them back where they belong, in the hetero world. People who are truly born homosexual can not get rid of it as you know. They can cover it up. They can hide in a closet. They can enter into the hetero world, get married, have kids and pretend they are happy. But no matter what they try or do, they find they can not stop the yearning for the same sex. I still do not believe home life or environment sets a person's sexuality. I believe it may force them to change their sexuality in order to hide from the sex they can not trust but changing a sexuality is not the sexuality they were meant to be so it is a false sexuality. Always good to read your views Tabber. You put a lot of thought into what you have to say and I for one appreciate it.

    Colleen thank you for noticing. I certainly put a lot of thought and concern into this topic because I realize it is a sensitive subject, when folks start talking about 'who we are'. I appreciate your diligent monitoring and working to keep all the free spirited akaqa souls on the right track.

    But really it does not matter what people are, or what they like to do. Worrying about homo or heterosexuality is something like wondering if an ant is gay or straight. But I enjoyed answering the question, because i believe if a person thinks it's important enough to ask, then its important enough to take a good stab at the question, with an honest to pete answer.

    Likes....and Dislikes.....

    again, love    : )


    yawn yawn..does this question ever go away?!!..How are you its?? X

    It ceatainly does with a yawn like yours,

    Born to be however we were born to be!..Be happy with the way you were born to be!!..I am!:-)

    definitely a curse or pain in <edited by moderator>  from being normal


    Please do not use curse words or terms on akaQA.

    I suppose your answer is based on personal experience because you are homosexual? You seem so sure of yourself so I have to believe you are homosexual. Define normal. Normal is subjective and can not be clearly defined but I'm sure you will give it a go :)

    Are we going back to the dark ages when homosexuality was deemed an ??Illness..Oh DEAR!lol...I gather you are 23 yrs old and you don`t define people who are not heterosexual as being "Normal" that right?...I don`t think you`ll last very long in modern day society with such statements/views..I find it sad that one so young has such old fashioned views..if you truly believe what you said!..I`d like to know your definition of "Normal"..Hmmm sad..but interesting!I`ve
    Td`d you simply because I find your views offensive.

    Mills, This is the man who runs away from a super sexy ex girlfriend. I think we found the reason he broke up with her even though she is every man's dream girl according to how he describes her.

    @Colleen..running away from a "super hot"Hetrosexual babe...Is that "NORMAL"!lmao..Oh dear!:-0

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