    my brain is weak

    tell me midicin

    0  Views: 1169 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago

    7 Answers

    Cut back on the sugar and processed foods.  If it's "white", limit your intake of it.  
    Get up and DO something.  Go for a walk, sweep the kitchen.  Write a letter or start a journal.  Try a Sudoku or crossword puzzle, or a word search.  

    Your brain, like the rest of you, becomes stronger when it gets exercised.


    Yes, Bob ... I sure do agree with that one.
    "If you can't do it all. Do something." Exercise will sure help you to think better ... or it does me. : )

    Go to a doctor for a blood test or you could die.
    Sugar does diminish test scores and dims awareness. Hypoglycemia is over-reacting to sugar by producing more insulin than needed to assimilate the sugar consumed. Diabetes is not producing enough insulin to assimilate the sugar, raising blood sugar levels. Both of these states are hazardous and “feels” quite similar…tired a lot, not thinking clearly, fainting and migraines. A blood sugar test just tells you where your blood sugar is at the time. That info will help get that under control. Alcohol is absorbed without the need of insulin to assimilate it but when taken in a sweet drink wii tend to spike blood sugar levels because the alcohol is absorbed first.

    robertgrist; You say, "A blood sugar test just tells you where your blood sugar is at the time."
    When I go to my interest she always gives me the finger stick to find out if I have Diabetes. The test always reads high but doesn't go over the danger mark.
    I have MANY relatives who have or have had Diabetes. I tell her that but the good doctor tells me not to worry.
    I think I need the test where they draw blood from your arm. I'm scared of Diabetes. Should I push her to give me the test that I think I need?

    That is the glucose tolerance test. Regular, high levels of glucose is avoidable and in someone,s theory, desirable. What level is that ? When mine goes to 40, I’m about to faint and at 160 I feel I have eaten too much sugar and need protein, headache and physical shut-down follows. Both extremes of the blood sugar level can be fatal…painfully…and then there is hypoglycemia which is like crashing either wall every day all day. Diabetes( no or very little insulin) caused by fat deposits in the around an in the pancreas ( dulling glucose response) feels like you’re driving a truck with a 55 gallon drum in the back rolling around on every turn. Headed to no body knows. Diabetes caused by the failure of insulin production can kill anyone not treated.

    When I was pregnant with my third son, I had gestational diabetes, complete with insulin shots and a couple of low sugar episodes. I am more prone to diabetes because of that (and my dad was adult-onset diabetic). My recent FASTING blood test showed 96 blood sugar, on the high side of normal. I'm trying to eat healthier, and I'm SURE I don't want to be poking my finger and giving myself shots/taking pills the rest of my life if I can prevent it.

    Try some akaQA. It's free!



    Could you please explain what you mean by 'weak brain'?  Do you mean you feel unintelligent? Do you mean you can't solve simple puzzles? You can't build a spaceship to jupiter??

    Everyone's brain is different, what one person excels in another does not, hoever, that person may excel in another 'talent'.

    A bird may try to teach a fish to fly and the fish will  try and try to fly, eventually it will think it is stupid, however, the fish can swim, the bird can not!

    Find your talent! That's your medicine!


    Vinny that is just so good!

    Thank you, I try. :)

    When I used to say "I try" My dad would say, "Yes, itsmee. You're trying!" : )

    Funny you say that. In my upbringing, I said 'I'm trying' my father would say.. 'Not interested in your trying, I want to see you doing it." To say 'I'm trying or 'I tried' is saying I give up, its too hard for me. I have raised my only son the same way, today at 34 years old, he stays with a problem until its solved. rather than say "I'm trying' he will say, 'I'm not finished."

    My dad had a different idea. When he said, "Itsmee, you're trying." He meant I was driving him nuts. : ) He really didn't say it with a smile on his face.

    he said something about it's his medicine that make's his brain weak.Maybe he feels mentally fuzzy or lethargic b/c of his meds.

    Go to Mental Health and get a diagnosis and meds. Really. 


    Another good one ...

    There is no medicine for a weak brain. There are products that claim to help brain power and there are recommended foods that are suppose to be good for the brain and then there are brain exercises you can do. 


    You have not said what type of weakness because each type may have different solution. Take care.

    khanigan: I read over the comments that these members have given you. I hope you will read them over a few times.  Check back to where robertgrist makes a comment. You might want to find out if a medicine will help you. I have ADD and medicine REALLY helped me to think. Saved me in a way! ADD is Attention Deficit Disorder.

    I don't think you necessarily need to go to a mental health place ... just your regular old doctor might be able to give you some answers. 



    itsmee…Personally, I go to Mental Health to help keep my brain functional and in great operating condition like an athlete goes to a gym. The stigma on "mental health” culturally, is based on ignorance . Mental Health presently is involved in enabling folk to solve problems and remaining fit and able. There are many advances in mental health that advance our understanding and appreciation for this remarkable faculty.

    I mentioned family doctor first because I don't know what other people know. I've been to one kind of Mental Health from the day I was born. (ha ha) : )
    Family doctor can refer.
    But I do know what you're talking about. You explained it well. For medicine, of course, you have to go to a doctor with an MD degree.

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