    {x+2y=2-4x+3y=25 solove by addition method

    0  Views: 823 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago

    3 Answers

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    x+2y   =  2-4x+3y  =  25 
    x + 2y = 25
    2 - 4x + 3y = 25 
    x + 2y = 2 - 4x + 3y  This is the only one I can work on quickly for you.  Try to adjust your equation to have "2" all by itself. Do this by adding 4x to both sides of the equation and subtracting 3y from both sides:
    x + 2y + 4x - 3y = 2 - 4x + 3y
    5x - y = 2
    x could = 1 and y could = 3
    x could = 2 and y could = 8
    If x = 3, then y = 13
    X can't = 1 if 2 - 4x + 3y =25
    x can't = 2 if 2 - 4x + 3y = 25
    x can't = 3 if 2 - 4x + 3y =25
    If you see the pattern, you may come to the conclusion I have, that there is probably not a rational answer to this question.  It will be interesting to see if another member can come up with a valid answer for you.  I'll be following this question, just in case.   





    Problem: Addition Method > Multiply the first equation by 4

    x + 2y = 2

    -4x + 3y = 25

    4(x + 2y) = 4(2)  =  4x + 8y = 8

    Now put problem back together with new equation. The 4x's will cancel out.

    4x + 8y = 8

    -4x + 3y = 25   


             11y = 33   >  divide by 11 on both sides

               11     11

    y = 3

    Now solve for x. Use either equation and put 3 for the value of y.

    x + 2(3) = 2

    x + 6 = 2  > now subtract 6 on both sides

    x + 6 - 6 = 2 - 6

    x = -4


    (-4, 3)



    Why do you think this is two separate equations?
    I am reading it as blah blah = blah blah = 25...

    You have two = signs and Carlota want to solve this problem by the addition method. You'll be solving for x and y. This problem is called: Systems of Linear Equations.

    I'm totally impressed chelleanne! Excellently done.

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