    My uncle might come for Christmas. It's a 2-hour flight. He's brilliant and healthy. Should he fly his little plane here? He's 84!tle plane. It's a Mooney-Rocket.


    +5  Views: 1349 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago

    YOU should fly down to Gladstone for Xmas Itsmee. You would love our different Xmas.

    6 Answers

    If he still has his license in good standing, and his doctor has given him the "OK", it's going to be his decision.  I would express my care and concern for him flying alone, suggesting he bring a friend or other family member (?).  I would NOT mention his age.  
    And you are blessed to have him, itsmee!   I have one aunt left, living nearby, who called my mom every day to check up on her (sister-in-law).  It is my hope to do nothing less than make that daily call to her (she has two daughters who can be more difficult than my sister and I).  


    Good Karma for you, P. : )

    Let him come for cry-yii-yi but encourage him to travel with someone else for “company”.  84 is a little long in the tooth for travel alone…...

    He's healthy and no matter how old you are, under those circumstances, you don't "feel" old. He's brilliant so he can make good decisions. He probably makes all of his own decisions, all by himself.            :)

    He must be fit enough, otherwise he would not be aloud to hold a licence. However, I think if I were you I would encourage him to bring someone with him just in case.


    It would be for the best if the person who flew with him also was a pilot. : )

    Yes I think it would be a good idea itsmee .

    My mother-in-law ("woman hitler" juxtaposed) flies her own broom at 84. She doesn't even have a license. Bob/Pkb's answer is on-target. Have him check the weather forecast and proceed or not, accordingly. ""

    Not a chance. Anyone over the age of 80 should let somebody else do the driving and flying. Sit back and enjoy the ride. Be glad to be alive.


    Why? Is 80 some kind of magic number?

    If I live to be 80 & someone tells me I can no longer drive,they can go blow it out of another orifice.Driving is a priviledge I don't intend to give up easily.If I was a flyer I would be even more adamant.

    @Tommy...unless I become totally incapacitated, no one will tell me what I can or cannot do...ever...especially based solely on the date of my birth!

    I don't blame you Ducky.As long as you are competant,why not?

    @Ducky. "unless I become totally incapacitated, no one will tell me what I can or cannot do...ever..." only if you become "totally" incapacitated, will you "volunteer" to refrain from endangering the lives of others? What if you're partially incapacitated, as in being physically unable to turn your head either way 90deg in order to safely execute a lane change or avoiding backing into your neighbour's dog? Will YOU be the best "objective" judge of your physical limitations? Not if you treasure the privilidge,which you evidently consider a God-given right, of driving your vehicle until the day that you "...become totally incapacitated...ever..." How inconsiderate is THAT ?

    @digger...Now back to my question. Is 80 some kind of magic number? You can't just throw out your arbitrary decision as to what age someone else can take over another person's life decisions. Some people at age 90, are more intelligent and decisive than others are (or ever will be) at 30!
    BTW...Eyesight, hearing and general fitness needs to be taken into consideration and I base my opinions on myself (currently) and no one else.

    Ducky, You're evading the issue. Will YOU be the best "objective" judge of your physical limitations? (which will surely deteriorate eventually)

    YES. I plan to stay young forever so just get outta my way and quit arguing with me will ya'!!!! :)

    I will continue arguing with you until you reach the ripe old age of 80. After that, you'll just have to go along with anything this young Turk says.;-)

    Okay then. I have a few years of freedom left and I'll make sure that my "protectors" are aware of you and that you will be trying to take away my license...on my 80th birthday. (Don't show up at my party!)

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