    Is anyone totally sick of the lies that governments need us to believe!

    stop the planet, I want to get off! 

    Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Myth Exposed in Mainstream Media in Australia. 

    When do you think the governments will remember who they work for?

    +2  Views: 831 Answers: 4 Posted: 10 years ago

    Hi Grit. Haven't seen you in quite a while. How've you been ?
    Grit Savage

    Hi ya, all good here just busy busy renovating and gradually sliding off the grid, at the moment rewiring the house to use even less electricity with the aim of being totally self sufficient (power wise) within a couple of years. all good fun :-)

    4 Answers

    Is anyone NOT totally sick of the lies that governments need us to believe!


    I Promise if i get elected Miss Bob,We will all have bigger and better Bowling Alleys,

    Do you need a campaign manager?

    They do not lie,They are just economical with te truth,


    They don't lie. They just don't tell trues.

    Terrible mess we're in.  But we put the chef in the kitchen, now we gotta eat what he and his helpers prepare for us.

    We are the government. It only does what we allow it to do and tells the lies that we tolerate. It's strengths are something we can be proud of because we as voters are indirectly responsible for the structures and policies that constitute those strengths, just as we are to blame for any negative consequences that are the result of our governments unethical actions. If we are dissatisfied with the actions of our government then we have the tools to correct it's course. As Benthere says, VOTE!  Governments only last in their current form as long as the people allow and that's all governments.

    Grit Savage

    but as you know, whatever political party needs your vote will use every lie possible to get it, then promptly ignore the voters once elected. the unelected powers (petrochemical, agricorps, banks etc etc) hold all the real power and are totally unaccountable and have been put above the law in many cases. they tell the governments what to do and governments comply. I have always voted, but never for the mainstream parties who do not have my best interests at heart.

    That is true, but it still boils down to what we allow the government to get away with and we have many tools at our disposal built into the system. For example, getting more involved with politics at the local level. As someone said, who I can't remember, all politics is local. You'll have more control and affect the system more because the variables are more concentrated. And the effects of local politics flow upward. Also, like you in this last election I voted for a third party candidate. Sooner or later our voices will be heard.
    Grit Savage

    I really hope things do change soon, me and the wife are doing our bit locally, but what it really boils down to is $$$$$ as soon as some uber corp waves a fat cheque at a politician/government the will of the voting populace slide even further down the ladder of importance.

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