    will there be free energy power in the future

    +2  Views: 767 Answers: 8 Posted: 10 years ago

    8 Answers



    damn Klingons are everywhere!

    I surjest you take it easey on the hard stuff,Ted,

    Not likely.Who's gunna give it away?


    The necessity is that you give it to yourself first, then to friends, and family. That way everyone has free energy. But a funny thing happened in route to publication and global sharing, our government halted its spread and declared it too dangerous to use or even to know about or talk about and sited National Security as the reason for your ignorance. And so everyone in the world overnight became ignorant slaves. Otherwise you-all would know….. gas pumps, and power poles, and pollution, would not exist and you would have far more.

    After your million dollar!



    I see you are ekco friendly Miss Ducky,

    I would need more money than I have, in order to build this. :)

    It just looks like a big Duckhouse to me,

    The energy might be free-but the ways to obtain the energy will be costly. Like wind power is free-but you need a windmill or turbine to convert to energy.

    Energy is free and abundant. But because the methods of producing a salable commodity in the various forms of energy, their price is high. We the people, are taxed on our ignorance and the units of energy we buy is a ruse that insures your eternal enslavement. You get to drive your car on the fuel it needs in exchange for your time in those jobs you despise. The deal is tragically simple, your life…comfortable as it may be, for your ignorant complacent enslavement. It is the only deal in town.    


    I'm going out for a walk ;)

    As we say in Essex, Not on your nelley.


    Thats funney they say that in surrey as well,

    Yes Dennis Nellys are common in the south of England.

    You sent some over here too.

    common sense says yes Astromind,however money comes before common sense,,most people in Aussie could afford to put up enough solar panels to run their own house,with a few modifications,,then comes the (sting),,the power companys that sell you the power are no longer selling you power, they lose money,,the government that owens a percentage of the power companys also get no money,,......OH MY what will the government do..?????  I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!! lets tax the people with solar panels a small percentage of what they get for free because they should pay their way just like everybody else....damn i should run for government,,now that would be a STING....thanks for listening guys..............................


    A frictionless economy is possible only in dreams. Reality is so harsh that the weak are forced to suffer enslavement. Everyone must die. All beginnings create their own ending in their own birth and death. Duplicitous creations of beginnings and endings. No wonder Shakespeare’s stories endured the tempest of time.

    mabey because its not the fiverter wiet


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