    who agrees that the term " minimum wage " gets scrapped and is replaced by the " LIVING WAGE "

    0  Views: 826 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago

    3 Answers

    What people don't seem to understand is that when the cost of doing business increases, the cost gets passed along to the consumer, plus a little extra.  Who, exactly, IS the consumer? YOU, and those folks who just got the "living wage".  NOW, what have we accomplished?  
     Higher prices for everybody, and nobody is gaining anything.  
    What would make MORE sense is for companies to roll back their prices and see a little less profit on the bottom line.  Actually, they'd probably see MORE profit on the bottom line, because a more reasonable price is going to result in more sales.   If something costs $8 out the door, sell it for $10-12 instead of $16. Maybe the CEOs and Boards of Directors can settle for $10,000,000 instead of $50,000,000.  


    Bob, you DO like to dream the impossible,don't you ? Now...about that Tuscany thing...;-)
    Bob/PKB own little world....

    The minimum wage is what politicians say people can live on , it's a bit different from a living wage. Politicians don't really know what either is, becaues they have never had to live on either.




    Yep. The amount that they receive here, is enough to pay the rent and that's about all. Just one more reason why people cannot eat a proper diet. Grrrrrrrrr......
    Sadly though, the other side of the coin is that, the day the checks are received, they flock to the casinos in this area. :(

    In the UK it's "heat or eat" at this time of the year.

    What a brilliant answer! Right there in a nutshell. Thank you, sunnyB
    Ducky, I seldom go to the casinos around here (or anywhere) for lack of adequate funding (:D). Last time I went, the woman pouring coin into the machine next to me kept mumbling, "Just enough to make my car payment".

    When people go to a casino with the expectation of "getting ahead", they are already in deep trouble. Sad indeed. :(

    Slave wages = minimum wages. Getting out of that rut requires more than getting a better job or multiple jobs. If your goal is to become a free person in this culture You have to change your thinking about what is, and what is not real freedom. We all grew up in a culture where things are symbols of wealth and stacks of paper slips define you as a wealthy and free person. Those considerations do not define real freedom. Being irresponsible and wild are in an illusion of the slave mentality where the burden of ones toils have ended, and that is thought of as free. A”living wage”…does that mean we get more oats in our diet? asked my horse.

    It ought to be whatever the market bears. The problem with a legislated minimum wage is that it become the defacto "market price" wage for generally all unskilled labour. Minimum wage earners are trapped when all other jobs that they qualify for pay the very same wage. Employers like it because it minimizes their need to compete for unskilled employees.

    ...and I ain't no Tea Party follower, believe me !

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