    Is anyone else irritated?

    This site seems to be overwhelmed with advertisements. In nearly every answer and/or comment, at least one word is in green and if my cursor stumbles across it, I am bombarded by an advertisement of some sort blocking my view.  Imagine California Highway 1 covered with billboards on both sides...

    +6  Views: 1044 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago

    Moderator of life's necessary evils...akaQA, television, radio, phone books, newspapers, sporting's everywhere and keeps things operating. Without it, a lot more things would be on a "pay as you go" basis. :)

    That;s Bixby bridge. I love Big Sur. Used to go to a cool little hamburger place where they played jazz on the weekend and you could have your beverage of choice while you sat on chairs in a trickling river.

    6 Answers

                      I don't like them either.


    Hmmm ... I've never seen an ugly baby ......................

       Don't know what you mean!!!!

    Edited: Image removed by admin.

    Of course I do, and it annoys me too, but I guess they have to get finance from somewhere to keep akaQA moving along (slow as it is now).


    I love it....AND can relate

    If you need cash here, let us past a sale item for ten days, or a lottery, or do a little craft fair for members over 10000 karmic points with 10% feed back. Or members send in lottery tickets for upcoming draws so we can all share the winnings, I can just see us win a $300 million dollar jackpot. I would think we, as members,  could do a pool even though we are globally based. Make up the rules and post it. I could Paypal you $10.00 a month  or so and we could all see what pops. Aka can carve off cost as it goes.


    Good idea rg, what would it cost me though?

    As is a $1.00 ticket yields 100% of the prize or $1.00 for the loss. If 10 people put in 10 different amounts ($1+$2+$3+$4+$5+$6+$7+$8+$9+$10=$55) If $1000.00 is won then 1000/55=$18.18 is returned for each dollar entered by each of 10 players. Payouts are $18.18, $36.36, $54.54, $72.72, $90.90 , $109.09,
    $127.26, $145.44, $163.62, $181.80 =$999.91 averaging produces the $.09 error. What would it cost? $1.00 per ticket…so do the math. Chance of winning more than you put in totally is extremely small, Odds are calculated by the lottery and are available. I haven’t looked it up because I rarely throw a few dollars into the ticket machines. From what I have seen the lottery is not an investment to rely on.

    When i was a kid a local guy raffled a donkey...he made 2000 bucks and the donkey found his forever farm home!! Hilarious!!

    lindilou ~ Gee, I'm so happy for the donkey and the man. Why can't good luck come my way?

    I was going to say...I'm sure any ole jackass'll do...but I thought better of it....LOL!

    Meeee tooo. I thought I'd get a 404, for sure and everybody's words would vanish. I wasn't going to put "jack" before the other word. : )

    LOLOL gee...hope nobody heard me...HA HA HA!!!

    Robert, you like to crunch numbers.Wish you worked for our U.S. Treasury

    Sign, sign, everywhere a sign....blockin' up the scenery...blowin' my mind Bobby...blowin' my mind.

    I guess The answer is blowin' in the wind my friend...LOL   ;D


    Do this,don't do that.
    can't you read the sign?
    Luv it!

    One of the all time greatest eh Tommy boy? I actually think it is my very fave song...sang it to my father when I was about 10 or 11 and when he thought I had wrote it (seriously...I was a blooming poet/songwriter) I actually began writing it! ;)

    Tommy & lindilou: You two sang ALL the lyrics that I know. I guess we can sing in perfect harmony.

    doe rae me fah so la tee doe!!! :O

    Doe, a deer, a female deer
    Ray, a drop of golden sun
    Me, a name I call myself
    Far, a long long waaaay to run
    Sew, a needle pulling thread
    La, a note to follow sew
    Tea, a drink with jam and bread
    And that will take you back to Doe ... a deer a female deer ...
    Help! I can't stop, lindilou!

    hahaha! this version...second verse...not the same as the first!
    Dough the stuff you make into bread....
    Ray, a guy who works with Bob...
    Me, someone who is not you...
    So-ooooo what?
    And that brings us back to..Dough!!!

    good song---from the late 60s or early 70s ?
    Why does today's modern music stink?

    Doe, a deer a female deer ....
    It's stuck in my brain ... Yikes.

    Money makes the world go around , seems as though were just puppets in a world full of greed , time to turn the page to a new chapter find a new book write a new script and leave this sorry world behind...theirs a whole new world waiting at our wings..


    That could make a good song Daren,

    It needs more adverts on ten pin bowling Bob,

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