
    The doctors office knew they were going to deny treating my child due to an unpaid bill. I was not the one who brought him to his doctor. Had I been there i certainly would have paid the bill. I was out of town and my son got sick and his biological father took him in. He also would have paid the out standing bal but they refuse to treat my son or talk to his father about the money issue. This  doctors office gets off on a power trip. I have plenty of money and great credit they miss judged me and this was not the first time they did this. 

    +1  Views: 1583 Answers: 5 Posted: 10 years ago

    5 Answers

    I always thought it was illegal to deny medical attention. Call your Dr’s office and make arrangement to pay your bill and ask if you can bring you child in…….


    I wouldn't go to that particular clinic anymore, if I were her.

    Please talk with the business manager about clearing up the account. As I suggested in a comment, finding another doctor may be a better choice, but when you have a doctor you respect and trust, especially one for your child, it's preferable to work out the problem. I hope your child's father follows through on this. 

    Like Julie said, I'm shocked the guard dogs won't allow your child to see his doctor because of an outstanding bill. One thing that bothers me very much is being forced to pay in advance for services.  I paid half of the out-of-pocket expenses for two procedures I was scheduled to have yesterday. I only needed one of the procedures, and wonder if I'll be getting a refund of some sort from the hospital. I know I paid more than what THAT procedure costs. 

    that sucks. Don't go there anymore. Go to the E R . They have to treat you or your son.....whether you can pay or not. Tell your son's father to take him there, if need be.


    In my opinion, I think it would be wiser to find a new doctor if the problem can't be resolved. A visit to the E.R. is extremely expensive, and you WILL be billed. There are so many people taking illness to the emergency room that could be taken to a regular medical office or clinic. Emergency rooms are supposed to be for emergencies. There's no good reason for an emergency room to be filled to overflowing during regular office hours.

    Emergency rooms are kind of dangerous because of all the germs that lurk. It's always cold in the ER because bugs hate cold. However, if you gotta go, you gotta go.

    I  have had a lot of experience with doctors because of my back problem. Unfortunately, way to many are horses rear ends. If they were sufficiently unpleasant, I'd write a letter (on paper) fold it into the shape of a paper airplane and fly it over their brick wall. I was refunded money two times. Once from a large teaching hospital called Stanford. I felt like framing the check.


    lightingbolt, have you considered changing doctors?

    I have known of doctors who have refused patients for non-payment of an outstanding bill. You can't expect service in such circumstances. I have know folks who think it is their right to take vengeance  in their own hands for such refusal by a doctor. They have an odd way of reading their Bibles where it says "Vengeance is mine.....". Some folk cling to that view as if they are the right hand of god...etc. The same mentality that sends our military out to crush dictators who abuse their power over others. Look out for those folk.  Cross-em and it could cost lots more with a clan behind in the shadows.

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