    I just like you to know. my little Dachsund, Sabrina is in Doggy Heaven, may she rest in peace. 21/7/13

    Earlier tonight she suffered a severe stroke, by the the time i got her to an emergency vet she deteriorated dramatically, she didn't even respond to me at all, i had no choice but to put her down to end her suffering, the trouble is my wife is working and i have yet to tell her, pretty misty at the moment, i will miss her terribly.""

    +13  Views: 1253 Answers: 16 Posted: 10 years ago

    Thank you all for your kind words. i have just dug her grave this morning,waiting for my better half to get home, i'm dreading it.

    Oh this is so sad to read BM. Such a beautiful little dog and family member.
    xo F

    I gave my wife a printed copy of this post yesterday when she came home before i buried Sabrina, she cried and cried, and she read the poems as i was buring her.- We both really appreciate the comments and Answers - 'THANKS'.

    xo for the both of you. I have been down this road many times and it never gets easier. Sabrina was a very special family member.

    16 Answers

    Sorry for your loss.  These poems from others are so beautiful, I hope they are of comfort to you and your family.

    So sorrey Bulletman,my thoughts are with you,and belive little Sabrana,spirit will never leave you or your wife,

    So sorry Bm, I know how you feel.

    High up in the courts of Heaven today
    A little dog angel waits;
    With the other angels she will not play,
    But sits alone at the gates;
    "For I know that my master will come, " says she,
    "And when he comes he will call for me."

    She sees the Spirits that pass her by
    As they hurry to the Throne,
    And she watches them with a wistful eye
    As she sits at the gates alone.
    "For I know my master will come for me
    If only I just wait patiently."

    And her master, far on the earth below,
    As he sits in his easy chair,
    Forgets sometimes, and he whistles low
    For the dog that is not there.
    And the little dog angel cocks her ears
    And dreams that her master's call she hears.

    And I know, when at last her master waits,
    Outside in the dark and cold,
    For the hand of Death to open the gates
    That lead to these courts of gold,
    The little dog angel's eager bark
    Will comfort his soul in the shivering dark.


    This is too sad, and our little pets wait inside the golden gates and have a wonderful time with our loved ones. x



    CB, that card looks like heaven; b/c in heaven , all the animals, and all the people get along well with eachother. Why can't we be like that on earth ?

    I don't have the words for  once. I guess there aren't any to express enough my sorrow for your loss. My heart goes out to both you and your wife.     jhh

     So sorry to hear of your loss bulletman. Try and take comfort in the following poem.

    **Your Canine Guardian Angel**

    I know that you must miss me,
    By the tears rolling down your face.
    But believe me when I tell you that,
    I'm in a very good place.

    There are meadows here to run in,
    And plenty of rabbits to chase.
    There are other dogs to play with,
    To frolic with and race.

    So please don't worry about me,
    My spirit feels light as can be.
    There's no more pain to plague me,
    I'm young again and free.

    And I'll be watching over you still,
    of that you can be sure.
    I'm your canine guardian angel,
    And my love for you remains pure.



    beautiful says it all. x

    Bulletman, we all who own pets, or have owned pets share in your sorrow.  It almost seems more of a loss than with a human family member, since we must authorize their demise.  You had no choice, and know that I truly do share your feelings, I had to have my beloved Buster put to sleep in 2007, one of the saddest days of my life!   I wish we could euthanize our relatives who are suffering with terminal cases.  You gave "the last great gift" to your beloved Sabrina...  Regards.


    Even when our parakeet died, my dad said a pray for him and cried.
    That was when I was 19.My mom had to bury him :(

    I buried my children's hamster in an oil filter box, with him looking out the plastic after a funeral with flowers arranged by our daughter. Funny the stuff we forget!

    My Dear Friend I am so sorry and sad to read of you losing your gorgeous pooch. In heaven playing with the angels.  Its so painful, they give such love , totally unconditional, and joy, they are our babies. xx

    She will never leave you, her spirit will always stay with you. The void is unbearable now and many tears shed , you will grieve and must to accept........... Im crying myself for your loss.  I lost my little yorkie and Ill never get over it, just have to learn to live differently! Thats the cruel thing about life, our pets and children are not ours to keep x always loved. love and light to you all  xx

    There are never any words that seem good enough for times like this. I am so sorry BM. My heartfelt sympathies to you and the Mrs. 

    I'm so sorry to read of the loss of your little dog, her dear little face shows how much she loved you too.bless her. I know how you and your wife must feel , and my thoughts are with you. 

    Hey mate,I know exactly where you are at,at this moment.I lost my little red dog back in 2011 after 17 years.Like you,I buried her in the back yard that she loved.For over a year after she went the local people would see me out & about & they all would say the same thing."Where's Pippa"? She was a part of me & I still miss her.


    Too sad for words. I've lost several pets over the years and I know that it feels awful.   :((

    So sorry to hear my friend...

    aaaawwwww . She was so cute. Sorry, Bullet.  I know an old lady who's dacshund had to be put to sleep and this lady said the dog slept with her everynight for 12 years. it was a long -haired dachs with slightly wavy hair like your dog.

    My heart goes out to you and Mrs. Bulletman; Sabrina was a beautiful dog, and I know how much fun a dachshund is.  Lost my Ernie so long ago and still think of him.....doxies have such great personalities and are so loving. Your Sabrina shows in her eyes how much she loved you. 

    Please know that your grief is shared by all of your friends here. Hold those memories close and know that you did the right thing for her.  My love to both of you. :(

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