    if my only uncle has an only sister who has an only son, what is the relationship between me and that only son?

    +2  Views: 1098 Answers: 4 Posted: 10 years ago

    4 Answers

    Its you.......ha! very good you clever I right xx

    chong Li

    yeah you

    Good job for getting to the answer first! It is a good one!
    That makes them your second cousin, so you can't marry them no ... Don't do it !!!

    I have a feeling this has changed now, always said too close related for intimate relationship as the a new born could have defects. I know you had to have permission from the pope (if catholic or whatever!!) but now with all these genetic tests available it is possible to define any potential abnormalities before and during pregnancy.the risk is nowhere near a high as previously thought. x
    Deleted User

    Either way I wouldn't sleep with my cousin, would you? Lol

    Can I ask you without prejudice please, why you have decided to put your statement in "about" as not going to participate anymore ?? I find your contributions very helpful x
    chong Li

    lol guys... I ment the family relationship, like are we cousins? or something like that... not an affair.
    Deleted User

    Because sometime ago the karma system changed to make it unfair for people like myself whom answer questions, you only have to look at the weekly contributors board..
    It's whom you know not about the answers you give, I came back to prove this point. I changed that about 2 months ago.
    Did someone set you up to ask me this question?
    Deleted User

    Chong its your second cousin your related.. So make sure they invite you to their wedding then lol

    That would depend on a lot of things!..... I dont class this as incest. I do have some very gorgeous cousins......Though not close or living near so I hardly know them Scattered all over the place, even America and Canada x
    chong Li

    lol.....hahahaha no he is not my cousin, try to look at it from another
    Deleted User

    Ewww stop visuals lol
    chong Li

    hey billboy, how about you hook me up to some of them

    My dear girl absolutely not! I wouldnt know how to message or be messaged outside of what we do now! just curious as quite new to this and enjoying making contributions. I was just suprised at your comments. Dont really understand the importance of Karma.!!As far as I am concerned You do a great job with input xx

    Chong, you cheeky person..ha! I doubt you need my help to get fixed up x good luck have a nice lifex
    chong Li

    Sam 2 you Bill...

    are you sure its not first cousins ? maybe hes been this a trick question do you think x
    chong Li

    not cousins at all... let me give you a clue... your uncle is your mother's brother... now think of it from there

    Note: First cousins are those who are not brother & brother, sister & brother or sister & sister, i.e., do not have the same parents , but have the same set of grandparents. Second cousins, as above but they don't have the same grandparents, but have the same set of great-grandparents. An offspring of a first cousin is a first cousin "once removed."

    Actually WD, if the karma system change had taken place as the admin had planned, you would have benefited from it for the points you would have received from the karma app just for answering questions. They never made the change because of all the drama that ensured for weeks here. If you came back just to cause problems over the karma again, I suggest you send your complaints to the admin, not to the forum members. Drama about karma is no longer tolerated on the forum. Send your complaints to the admin.
    Deleted User

    Colleen I was asked a question regarding my karma and I thought it was my right to answer that question honestly. As for bring it up that it was an unfair system, my point has been proven. As for writing t admin what's the point? I have suggested to admin how to make it fair a 5 points for each answer given. If people aren't prepared to vote for good answers, I have seen silly comments like whoopy doo or blah blah that will get more thumbs up than a link I have provided, that has answered the question.
    I didn't come back here to cause trouble was a mere observation.

    So, getting points for answering a question in the first place might not be a bad idea. I would suggest that NOT be retroactive. I can only see that causing more upset.
    Wonderdyke makes a valid point. I know, for a fact, that some people will seek out a favorite member and give TU to that person. It is a little discouraging, but I enjoy the site, asking and answering questions, and visiting through comments with other members.
    As far as links to answers, PERSONALLY these are not the ones I give my first TUs, because I would rather read the answer at akaQA.
    I understand your frustration, though, and I don't have a realistic solution to the problem.

    Sometimes sites do not allow copy/paste so giving a link is the only way.
    Deleted User

    Because of copywrite its often easier just to post the link ...

    Wonderdyke: I'm not consistent with giving credit where credit is due, but I try. You are right.

    It's  you

    You have one uncle. He has one sister. (A definition of "only" is "the only one left). What this means, is that either your father or mother had your uncle and this aunt as a sibling. An offspring of one of them is your first cousin. If however, this sister is not a blood relative and has a son, there is no relationship.

    chong Li

    nope read the statement carefully, you are not far from the truth.

    If this sister is your mother, then it's you.
    chong Li

    yes clonge thats right. but unfortunately im now out of vote ups

    I Make it your great Grandfather,?or great Grandmother,depending on thier sex,??

    Chong Ive given Clonge thumbs up x

    Thanks, Bill!

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