    End coin and paper money in favor of debit cards and the like for all financial transactions would we benefit 0r suffer in the process.

    I think we would all benefit by ending the use of coin and paper printed money for several reasons :

    (1) money is a vector for disease, spreading disease from person to person by its use. The change you handle has been through how many un-washed hands before crossing your palm.

     (2) The cost of maintaining the coin and paper infra-structure is how much compared to a paperless monetary system.

    +1  Views: 687 Answers: 4 Posted: 10 years ago

    When we use our credit-debit cards, currency does not move, just the data about where “currency” is…so, as a result, the amount of currency in circulation is lower than the transactional amounts. Cash is used less and less every year. You know our governments see this and allows the myth of finance, in the hands of the people to live on as a narrow little winding stream of whispering lies. A sale at Walmart, a 20 year mortgage on your house….counting every penny and carefully folding precious green paper slips into tight bundles to die for. The energy spent on green paper slips and stacks of metal disks is amazing. And the meaning that it has for you, I get it, I must be crazy for thinking all that could ever end. Getting a grip on reality is like going on a diet…stop eating so much and you will loose weight…so what happens when you stop using money like an addictive drug….to go a step further.

    4 Answers

    I rarely carry currency.  As for the transfer of disease, how can you prove this?  During the course of the day,you come in contact with hundreds of potential germ carriers from banisters, elevator buttons, grocery carts, you name it, someone touched it before you did.  Soo, I don't buy the disease carrier argument.  But, I do see the obsolescence of currency and coin.   As for the homeless guy needing a handout, he needs to get a job and get off the streets or get on Obama's payroll. 


    Sorry Vinny for my kind heart,but it is my bucks.

    Yaa Vinny, you have it wired!

    Rick, I too have a heart, you can give a person a slice of bread or teach them that if they work they can buy steak. I would like to see these people (the healthy ones) make something out of themselves and it would be good for everyone. make them proud,.

    How would I give the homeless person a few bucks?I'll stick with paper.


    check into it, most pan-handlers in my area drive away each day in better cars than I own!

    Not in my area bustieone,as a matter of fact 99% of the people I give a couple of bucks too never ask for a dime.

    Con, we would lose privacy if we were to go to an all card system. The card is encoded with personal information. Money is not. 


    Just germs. I don’t consider privacy very important. The more you know about someone, the easier it is to ignore them.

    I don't give up my constitutional rights that easily. Carry sanitizer if you're that worried about germs. I've never gotten sick from the money I've handled, at least not that I know if and if I did, it wasn't a serious illness.

    What I'm thinking is..... How will the drug dealers buy their supplies ? How are the druggies going to buy their preferred drug from the streets ?

    As for germs........Money is not the only thing that harbours germs.They are everywhere.


    They can get those handheld credit card devices.

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