    My son and his fiance interfere in my private life

    I divorced from my ex and am single now for over 3 years, But my son tries to interfere in me dating men, and tries controlling me and asks me continual questions about who the man is I may be dating.. My son's fiancée gets involved as well and adds fire to the fuel and makes me out to be a whore..

    All I want is happiness and to get on with my life, because I was in a miserable marriage for 20 years, and I believe I deserve to be happy..

    My son ridicules me and asks me so many questions like, where did I meet the guy how long have I known him etc..

    I'm too afraid to go out with my new boyfriend incase my son see's me and causes trouble, because he's the sort to destroy everything I have..

    I'm 54 years old and my son is 34 years of age.. I have my rights to do as I please and where I please without the ok of my son..

    That's my belief anyway.. But how do I stop my son from interfering in my life.?

    +2  Views: 1412 Answers: 10 Posted: 10 years ago

    a lot of it has to do with money . See my post below.

    10 Answers

    Fifty four and your son tells you what to do??????????

    Have you ever responded with an answer such as, "Listen here my dear son. I love you BUT....what I do with my life, is absolutely none of your business. Stop questioning me because, as of today, you will get no answers. If you don't like that idea, you will just have to do without my company! Is that clear?"

    Why do you let your son, walk all over you?

    Maybe your son is just looking out for your best interests and shows concern with the path you are currently following. Just ignore him he can't tell you what to do unless you want him to.


    I don't want or need him to tell me what to do, I'm old enough to know whats right for me and he doesn't own me.. He needs to consentrate on his own life and stop meddling in mine.. I will just ignore him but I do understand he's showing concern, But he's going the wrong way about it... He should be supporting me more than making me lose friends..

    Ask them for money every single time they come by...and if they call first, ask them to make purchases for you as you've run short on cash...etc. This'll work I tell ya....pretty soon they won't be so active in trying to wear your shoes....


    Well ... That’s good. Very excellent. Wonderful! That will do the job. Good saying, lindilou.
    Hope it helps you, J.D.

    LOL A bit of his own medicine, perhaps?!

    Ya Bobby"son, perhaps you could rethink your choice of life partner"...or maybe...." son, why are you marrying beneath you?"...or...well, you get my drift....or.."gee I could use your guyses help renovating...the whole bloody house!!!" LOL

    I practically give a standing ovation when my son takes the trash to the dumpster.

    Tell your son to go blow it out of another orifice & get on with your life.You're entitled to make mistakes just like anybody else.You're 54.Time's running out sweetie.Get on with it and good luck to you.


    Yeah Tommy, that's what I meant to say! lol

    Go to CODA Group meetings in your area….and after  a few meetings bring your son and daughter in law along as well.

    The answers to your question are in CODA. Welcome to CODA.


    ...I love you robertgrist...I mean make me laugh really loud man...roar! ;D

    what's CODA ?

    Most likely, no one will ever be good enough for you. My sons have a step-mother, but when I call her by that title, each one (26, 25, 23) adamantly insists she is "only Dad's wife".  They have all told me, individually, no one will ever be good enough for me. I am not all that and a bag of chips, so this is just a thing that my sons have about their mom being involved with someone else.  It just doesn't sit right, nor does their dad's marriage. 
    Your son has this problem, except he is rude and insulting, and his fiancee needs to mind her own business.  I suggest next time you are bombarded with questions and snide comments, you sweetly tell your son, something like, "I know you think no one will ever be good enough for me.  I agree, I deserve only the best.  But if I enjoy someone's company, that doesn't make me a bad person." The fiancee should be told something along the lines of, "I appreciate your efforts to support my son, but it would really behoove you NOT to do it at MY expense.  You should be aware of the fact that, as far as I'M concerned, NO ONE will ever be good enough for MY SON." 


    ROAR! Zackly Mama cita! lol xox

    I have practically bitten through my tongue NOT saying things to my sons' girlfriends. My sons KNOW they have chosen poorly. Thankfully, no one has tied the noose (I mean knot).

    Unfortunately, some people never grow old. Besides, most kids treat their parents as functions, not people. You are his MOM, and he is too selfish and stubborn to understand that you are also a WOMAN.He's jealous and doesn't want to see you in any other role. Let his read this

    And never listen to him.

    Although your son's behavior is pretty understandable, I don't understand his fiancée's bahavior. Probably, you should talk to her first.

    Jeweledelight: That’s a difficult situation. Your son has no business to check into your private life. When he starts in on you, just walk away and tell him your not interested in his ideas in this matter. Barring that ... Could you move?


    Is he jealous? there some person who can influence your son you can visit for help ?

    ....a close trusted friend, preacher/priest or family member

    my significant other's  son doesn't speak to him  or me b/c he doesn't want his dad going with anyone. He thinks it's disrespectful to his mother's memory . I think I lot of it has to do with that  he thinks his dad is spending his inheritance on me. But, I'm not a gold digger.

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