    Would you like to have a $30,000 watch?

    A company gives their employees a Rolex with this price tag after 25 years of service. I would really like your opinions.

    Pythonlover  moved answer  to here >>> I would not want a $30,000 watch. I’ve never worn a watch and I sure won’t start now. Your Smart phone will give you the time and much else. At one time, my hippy friend and I wore pocket watches. I’be be embarassed to wear a very expensive watch. I’d also be afraid that someone would steal it.

    +3  Views: 1062 Answers: 12 Posted: 10 years ago

    12 Answers

    I'm curious to know which company rewards today's 25-year milestone employee with that kind of remarkably generous award. Do tell.


    The Bankers,


    What a great company to work for. I know them quite well as a past customer of mine. I wasn't aware of their generous milestone awards but do know that their compensation packages are amongst the best in their field.
    I've never hung around for more than 10 years with any employer so no possible Rolex for me.

    digger: The problem I see is that they move their employees all over the world. They go to dangerous and remote places and leave their families for a long, long time. He was in the mountains of Peru to get to the plane he had to go on a terrifying bus ride. It takes a certain kind of dedication that’s for sure. I think it’s good that you did not stay on.
    ps: The food on the mountain was horrible. And how!

    Bechtel does move you all over the world & they really don't give you any options.That's why my son in law left them.

    Tommy, how long did your son-in-law stay with Bechtel? You’re right about them moving allll over. An employee for that company has to be willing to live a different kind of life. I think it’s not good.

    Itsmee, he was with them for 10 years+.The overseas postings were OK & a lot of fun before the kids came along so he moved on to a more localised job.He still gets sent Overseas but only for brief visits (And by himself).He was with Bechtel when we visited the U.S.Stationed in Houston TX & then in San Fran.

    No thanks. My timex will do nicely.


    Takes a licking...and keeps on ticking.

    I can see that guy's face. What was his name?

    John Cameron Swayzey. Had to google it.

    lol I just did the same.

    Digger ,those commercials sold A LOT of watches. They were fascinating to watch.

    I'd rather have the money. I do not wear a watch. 


    Well I do wear a watch but I would like the money instead! Of course the employers who give these watch's probably think the price tag is a drop in the bucket!

    Yeah well try selling that watch for 30K. You'll be lucky to get $8,000 for it.

    I’ve heard that #8,000 is what you’d get.

    I always wore a watch till I got a cell ph. As you know, they have the time on the screen.

    I stopped wearing a watch when I retired.But..... I would rather have 30 x $1000 watches.Geat Xmas gifts.(If you are into re-gifting).LOL


    Sure Tommy. You can "re-gift" one to me. :)

    I would be willing to take the remainder. I’d find a good cause. You bet!

    I don't really need a $30,000 watch, itsmee.  It kind of bothers me that the company has that kind of money lying around for 25 year service awards. Do they give nice annual bonuses?  


    I don’t know about the bonuses

    Like Collen I to would prefere the money . who needs to know the time once your retired !! JMO


    That's when you'll need it most. How else will you avoid missing the seniors early bird specials ?

    Money comes and goes quickly.A memorable gift or momento is priceless and outlasts the short-term benefits of cash.

    sounds like a waste of money.That money could be put to so much better use........such as teaching them how to find and dig a well in developing countries, where they only have dirty streams to drink out of.


    If they did that what would be the reward for the workers who totally change their lives? The work simply wouldn’t be done unless the rewards were good.

    in my dreams , I WISH I WISH I WISH

    No. I'd have to insure my arm.


    LOL. Welcome to akaQA!

    We have another question somewhere that asks, 'would you walk around in public wearing expensive things?' or something like that. I imagine your answer would be, not without insurance? ;)




    No thanks. My $30.00 watch will do me.

    only if I could get it on 'tick'

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