    what is social discrimination

    please i need a correct answer

    0  Views: 503 Answers: 2 Posted: 10 years ago

    2 Answers

    When the majority consistently opposes the constitutionally guaranteed rights of the minority. The black rights movement is a good example of this. 


    Did you know that last week it was announced that whites are now in the minority? I'll see if i can dig up the source. I don't think this will be a big media frenzy. It will be censored like so many other legit news stories that break and then they disappear.

    Well with the added 11 million or so illegal Mexicans here in this country, I'm sure that has pushed the whites back in being the majority in skin color.

    I wonder if when it is officially announced that the 'new minority' will get the same attention and benefits. Ironically, withe this amnesty proclamation making these 11 million illegals now legal, I wonder if they even want it. No more free stuff, they will be like the rest of us. maybe the left has an idea here?? make em legal and they will leave! HA! No real reason to stay anymore and from what I see here in CA, they rather fly their mexican flag than ours anyway.

    As American citizens they will no longer be able to fly the flag of Mexico unless they fly the flag of the USA above it.

    Well ain't that a hoot. If that's the case, what's the difficulty of locating these people? There's thousands of the displaying their heritage flag, on trucks, apartments, everywhere. And one business in Oakland had the Mexican flag displayed on a auto repair shop with the American flag underneath and upside down. That was about a year ago and actually made it to our news channel.

    Just remember, as "undocumented people" aka (illegal aliens) they have rights that American citizens do not have. This means they can fly the flag of another country anywhere they want to because even though the US Constitution does not say so, "they have rights"!
    The Westboro Baptist church also displays the flag upside down. This is not illegal as it is used as a distress signal.

    Yeah, I am aware of what the inverted flag means but my question is; if these illegals have rights that we don't have then why are they so difficult to find? 11 million of them and they have no clue who are where they are but they have rights.(?) Westboro baptist church should be electrocuted. They are an embarrassment. That's another extreme. The problem is that moderates on both sides have no say, the far right and the far left make the rules, mostly now the far left. because the speak out and the media covers it. I consider myself as moderate right leaning. I believe that the common sense g'ment is down the center right/left. Problem is that we have politicians that pander too far right and too far left to secure votes. Seems nobody wants to vote for a moderate, either you are slammed to the left or slammed to the right. However, you may be assured that with the amnesty or legalizing 11 million Hispanics that the Democrats have increased their votes by same. I listened to a liberal democrat on MSNBC last night, he didn't hide the fact that this is the agenda, they are proud of it and now advertise their success. Pelosi said 'we don't really need a two party system'. The wishful thinking is to destroy half of America and execute the conservative republican Party. I see a revolution on the horizon.

    They do not have documented rights. Just suggested rights passed though legislation passed in secret meetings. The IRS knows they lie on tax returns and claim kids that they do not have. Until legislation is passed to stop this practice, the IRS claims they can do nothing about it because the tax forms for illegals are far different than those of the legal citizens. Because of this, it is "suggested" that the IRS do nothing about the cheating until the law makers look at it and do something about it. The opinion of the officials is that it would cost too much money to track down all the illegals and deport them. Even if they knew where they all are, it would still be too expensive according to them. We know this is a bold faced lie. It would be cheaper in the long run to pay the expense of deporting them than to pay for them for all the years of their lives. Government reform is our only way out of this mess.

    any race/religion/etc that discriminates against other races/religion/etc.

    Gone amuck! Totally out of control today.

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