    If you feel a friend of yours is depressed, what do you say to them?

    +1  Views: 866 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago

    6 Answers

    Best to be gentle but firm. Let's go for a walk. Let's go out for lunch. Let's go to a movie. Depressed people do the opposite to what they should be doing. They will stay home, locked away alone, not answer the telephone or the door etc. To get the person outside of their environment, is the most that you can do for them. They may also need some counselling. Keep in mind, that depressed people often will not listen to your advice because they feel awful and completely hopeless. Try to give assurance that the person is valuable in your eyes. Good luck.

    Leave myself wide open and inviting to talk to. Listen, some people just need to be heard...........


    What's up, Donny? How can I help you?

    We know this works, don't we, Julie.

    Yes as most people have said, listen to them, and then try and help them to feel more positive about themselves, point out the things that they should be proud of or pleased about.And if you can get to the root of their problem, try and help them deal with it.


    Unfortunately sunny, that is the problem. A depressed person will never believe you when you point out his/her positive qualities. The root of the problem can only be found by a professional counsellor...sometimes not even then. Movement and exercise is about the only place that you can start. (Been there)

    "You seem upset.  If you would like a listening ear, I've got two."


    Oh, no. I am completely single, and not that distressed about it anymore.

    When you are typing your thoughts, you can control what goes on the "paper" and edit it. My stress factors are cash flow (of course) and my kids and mom...their health and safety. As for beautiful, thank you. :)

    Donnie, I think just getting into the habit of saying "Thanks, God" for even little stuff, like the light staying green, keeps you closer to Him and more aware of all the good around us. Takes less than one second to say, but stays in your heart.

    Very true, and sometimes just the slow down we didn't know we needed.Thank you, God, for Don.

    We'll see. Anything is possible. :)

    Ducky is right; and so is  jh.

     My friend, Carol seemed depressed. So I said, " Are you depressed " ?    and she said  " I think I was born depressed "  So, ask them if they want to talk about it. And when they tell you their problems,first reflect back to them what they said, adn then  try to offer them alternatives And like Ducky said, they need to go out and get moving ,b/c  a lot of them will sit and read or watch TV or drink and all of the above. .

    pray and ask god for help


    I see that you've never been depressed.

    Actually, Ducky, when I am feeling really down, a quick prayer DOES pull me up. My cousin told me she was just sobbing over ??? the other day. She said a prayer and felt the answer she got was, "I got your attention, didn't I", and was reminded to keep close to God. There is tremendous power in prayer with even the tiniest amount of faith. :)

    @Bob...Sorry Bob but I beg to differ. Being really down, is not the same as a severe or suicidal depression. It will not end, from one hour to the next and may even last for years! Serious help from a professional and sometimes medication or hospitalization is required. And yes, I am a believer in the power of prayer. I even believe that God leads some people to become counsellors and it is not a sin to seek help from them (some believe that it is) and Christians should seek that help and not "just pray". If prayer doesn't work, they should not be accused of having a spiritual problem. That is just so wrong, in my opinion. I once heard an alcoholic being told the same thing...just pray! She died a week later, outside in a snowbank, alone and drunk! :(

    Ducky, it sounds like we are on the same page. I've been depressed for decades and have a low dose med that just keeps my head above water.I often feel renewed after prayer, but the underlying illness is just below the surface. Prayer is awesome, but I believe in therapy and medical treatment, too.
    It annoys me that anyone is told to just pray away their woes. We need to be proactive in our lives. Faith and prayer can guide us, but ya can't just sit on yer butt waiting for your ship to come in.

    Agreed Bob. Faith, prayer and all the rest of the help that is available. Sometimes pastors lead people away from asking anyone (but God) for help and that so annoys me! I'm glad that you took the additional assistance. Depression is a hard thing to live with, isn't it? After several years of it, mine dissipated but I remain vigilant as it is known to recur. The best to you.

    You, too, Ducky. :D

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