    How do you get a girl to like you very fast?

    0  Views: 1148 Answers: 9 Posted: 11 years ago

    OK, it's been a whole day. Does she like you yet?
    If this helps, the BEST, and longest lasting relationships I have had have been with the guys who were my FRIENDS first. The amount of time it takes to go from friend to BOYfriend varies, but that trust and dependability you have with a friend is definitely something you want in a relationship. Keep us posted!

    9 Answers

    The fastest way to "get" someone to like you is to be a NICE person. Be clean and polite, and don't be a trouble maker at school. 
    Smell good.
    Be respectful.
    Have a good sense of humor.
    Don't be clingy or needy.
    At your age, CUTE will go a long way.
    Maintain a little mystery. The fastest way to alienate someone is to suffocate him/her with possessiveness.

    A girl would really like someone who is confident, personable, smart, and self-reliant.  Lets start with the smart, get good grades and you may make a favorable impression on the ladies.  Now get those books opened and begin to read!

    justin gee

    perfect,thats a very good idea,lets focus on the talking now,what would a girl like to hear

    She would like to hear that you are focused and have a "plan" for your future. It should include education as number one, with a career which is realistic for your abilities and interests. This would indicate that you could be a good provider. (women want to see this, big time!)
    justin gee

    shoo,that helped thank you very much bustieone why do not you beco
    me my answer pal

    You don't. Friendship grows slowly. Do you need a date for this weekend or what?

    justin gee

    no but i really love this girl badly that i want her to like me and later love,please help me here

    Relax and be yourself...if "yourself" is polite, kind, considerate, thoughtful, and involved in life, she will eventually notice you. You can't force someone to like you!
    justin gee

    and after that what is next

    justin gee

    what patience,will she just like me all the sudden dont i need to tell some nice words

    Enough now Justin. Go and do your homework!

    You have to buy a sports car,A big red one preferably. Get a job & make lots of money so you can buy her lots of nice things.And if that works you will probably realise you don't love her that much anyway.:)


    Best answer! lol
    justin gee

    good but not fast,i need a one time action and boom she likes me,dont you have any program that you can recomend for me to get fast useful tips

    What's the rush? Are you 100 years old ( I don't really know if you were born in 1996)?

    justin gee

    no am not and yes am born in 1996 so please help with some tips

    Run after her faster than she runs away from you..


    Oh, I thought she was running away from you.  :)

    justin gee

    am seriuos man,so make yourself some use here

    Justin gee...If you are a rude person, as you have shown here, she will NEVER like you. Manners are important which is why the word "polite", was the first word on my list (above).
    justin gee

    thanks that really gave me courage and what kind of sweet words would a girl like to here?

    Enough now Justin. Go and do your homework!
    justin gee

    i just asked nothing else,maybe you can tell me at least five or soooooooooo.

    Hello, how, are, you, today.
    justin gee

    not those ones,the sweaty,lovey,babe etc but not the ordinarly words

    Justin, I do make myself of use here, however, your question is without merit. Meaning, there's no answer! So the best we can do is entertain ourselves with these pointless unanswerable questions. There is no way to 'make' someone like you 'fast'. The speed of human acceptance is nature's call, not yours or hers. However, being polite, understanding and never pushy helps a lot to gaining 'like'. Sometimes, absence will work in your favor assuming you left her feeling good about you. Good luck.
    justin gee

    thank you vinny,that was great of you to say that,got some tricks?

    There are no 'tricks'. You can not make someone like you with a trick. I do believe in love at first sight, its a chemical thing but sometimes it only goes one way. The only way to find love is to make yourself available to it, eventually, it will find you. Means get out and be among. Never waste time chasing one person, you'll never catch her by running after her. If its not there, its not there, move on, make yourself available. also, if you are a chaser, the word gets out and then you'll never find love anywhere in that circle.

    What attracts women quickly is usually great great GREAT looks, or some talent, the looks of wealth, the looks of being interested in her,and appearing to be the best catch on the planet.  However, most of this is effective, but superficial if not true and real.  I say be yourself, honest and caring thus making for a better relationship if you two really turn out to like each other.  Don't worry to much about "fast". Think more about what's "real".

    Climb into  her bedroom window ,and leave a box of Black Magic chocolates,while she is asleep,

    country bumpkin

    LOL, do you have a death wish, Dennis?

    Can you still get them, haven't seen them for years?

    yes they are still on sale,try tesco,yummmy,

    Black Magic? ... They must taste better in your part of the world Dennis... :)

    Or Cadburys milk tray,for my fishy,

    You are a man who knows the way to a woman's heart Dennis:)

    treat her special  . Treat her like a queen. Act like  you can't wait to see her again . Let her know you only have eyes for her. Keep yourself clean and smelling good. Ask  her questions about the things she's interested in.......such as her family or her pets. Really listen to her. Be nice to her parents and siblings.

    justin gee

    that rocks heh thank you very much,thumbs that will really work

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