    Where can i get a brand -new car for $1,000

    0  Views: 762 Answers: 7 Posted: 11 years ago

    7 Answers

    In ya deams.

    I asked the owner about this one.



    He said to tell you, "It's just like new".





    This is a junk yard...and good for gabbage

    So I shouldn't believe the owner?
    country bumpkin

    It reminds me of a duck without feathers.

    And missing wings. :)

    does it have an engine ? Hahaha

    Don't look! :)

    You can get a brand new car for $1,000 in the year 1935.  Can you time travel?? If you can, go for it, then bring yourself and the car back to 2013 and sell it for 275k and get a new Bentley.  This is a win-win situation.


    Brilliant, so all I have to do is master time travel to be able to go down the street in a gas-guzzling automobile, emitting puffs of noxious fumes at ever greater expense to everyone health and global resources. And for that privilege all I have to do is invent time travel. Amazing…and I use time travel every day I walk to the store. I wonder if I can get yesterdays discount if I walk to the store backwards…that didn’t work when I got there yesterday. They said I had not gotten there in time. The clerk was playing a game on me, I just know it. I’m going back a week and tell the clerk off, before the sale, just to see what he has to say about the sale, day after tomorrow,

    You are a brilliant nutcase Robert.ROTFL

    Actually, the cars of old used far less gasoline and emitted far less pollutants.

    From what I read a couple years ago, cow farts are a big cause of global warming as well. Myself, I would rather sniff carbon monoxide than sniff cow farts all day. In CA we have 'harris ranch' on I-5, about 5 miles of cows (cattle) as far as the eye can see, they poop on each other and there's big bulldozers that push the poop into a big heap, the cows think they are supposed to climb that heap and poop s'more. When you drive through there especially in the summer it'll knock you silly, rolling windows up doesn't help, it's the only section of I-5 that the hgy patrol will not cite you, they don't want to stop there no more than you do and they understand your hurry, some laws you just need to break in order to survive, that is one of them.




    that's cute, Col

    At the Hobby Shop, there are some racing cars there for about a grand...

    You can't . And you can hardly get a used car for  $1000. .....not even an old , crummy used car.

    Have you tried Toy shop, for a childs car ???

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