    What color is your bathroom painted?

    +5  Views: 1214 Answers: 15 Posted: 11 years ago

    15 Answers

    Taupe walls with white tiles and cabinets and "chrome" towel racks, lighting features, etc.  The folks before me painted it- not really my cup of tea- I like colors so I've accented it with shades of purple / or aqua- turquoise (towels and such).  The rest of my walls are "rental" off white with white ceilings, molding, etc...Knew I wouldn't be here too long so painting wasn't on my list..going to move soon and I get to pick the colors!!!  That will be fun!  Before my marriage I had a little house and got to paint it shades of yellow, pink, mellow white, and green!  Had I lived there longer I was going to paint the little bit of wall my kichen had a light purple (it had charcoal colored countertops and opened into a yellow dining room.


    There are some mighty good designs here but, Dr. Doo, I think you are the winner. You really love color;
    We lived in a little cottage by the sea a few years ago. I painted the cupboards and cabinets in a Mary Englebrite style. White base with lots of shaded round flowers and little kids. Oh! I had fun. My husband said I would have to paint over everything when we went to sell it. That didn't happen. Our agent brought all the agents in the area in to show them. She brought fancy cookies and sparkling cider. It sold in one day. Only one person saw it. We did really well on my staging.
    If I could start over with a career, I'd take lessons and learn to stage houses. It's late to start ... and there's my back. Oh well, dreaming is a good thing.

    Thanks itsmee- you can design the staging, pick out the furniture and accesories and have other people do the lifting!! I say why not!

    STREWTH!! Sha asked for colour ideas,not an autobiography!

    Well Tommy it seems as though she liked my color biography!

    Strewth!... T, Sometimes I’m not sure if you’re speaking in Australian
    or if you made a typo. Yep, I liked this one. I’ll be heading for the kitchen when I’m done ... it will be awhile.
    By the way, I would really like it if we did real autobiographies. I get so I feel like I know the people here but there’s always puzzle pieces missing.

    Itsmee that is an interesting idea but I'm not sure I want my unsensored autobiography on the web

    Well ... Hmmmm ... My writing teacher told the group that if any of us wrote a real true autobiography we’d have to leave our family, our friends, our town, and our country. The more interesting of us would no doubt have to leave this universe.
    Despite all these problems, I still am in favor of autobiographies!

    @Doo.The bathroom idea sounds nice,real nice.But couldn't you have used less words?LOL.
    @Itsmee.Strewth..(God's truth)shortened Aussie style.

    @Itsmme.I couldn't write my autobio in a column like this.I would need at least 500 pages.LOL

    @ Tommy- ok

    @Doo. OK??? What's that mean? Are you unstirrable now.LOL

    No Tommy, just being as brief as possible LOL

    Off white.

    I actually had to go look, it's that unnoticeable....uh, various shades of white........



    I think I like that, wish I could paint my bathroom mauve........

    Yes it looks good with the white tiles and lavendar coloured towels.I love anything purple.

    "When I am old, I shall wear purple with a red hat which doesn't go..........." a cool poem

    Upstairs is peach on the walls with aqua & magenta trim with lots of fishes,dolphins & sea horses decorating the walls.I did it for the kids.

    Downstairs is white walls,white glossy wall tiles & charcoal grey tiles on the floor.The walls have chrome & bright red feature tiles running vertically.Not too many,just a splash of colour.


    Very nithe!

    yeth,we think tho.I do thound a bit like Thethil the interior decorator,don't I? LOL

    Yeth you do thunthine!

    Sounds artistic both up stairs and down. Beautiful. Who is the decorator in your family?

    The wife & me.& we get a lot of advice from ROMOTH.LOL

    Yeah yeah, ROMOTH hath hith ways. : ) Maybe I can get him to come and paint my bathroom.

    ROMOS decorating a bathroom??
    Tartan towels,tartan curtains,White walls with a big blue cross.Yeah,it might suit your taste.

    Blue walls with a big white cross my Aussie mate.

    OOPS! sorry mate.I knew it was something like that.LOL
    White with Sand couloir tiles

    Upstairs is Sage green with accent colors for accessories.  Downstairs is white bead board with a yellow color walls above, cabinets greyish white. 

    White tiles mainly, some tiles have pink flowers.

    ""I have a 50's Ranch house that has a bathroom with peach tiles and black trim. I painted the walls above in a faux-finish marble look.


    That’s beautiful. I watch those shows on TV where people buy or rent a house. I could watch for hours.

    That's a posh bathroom witchie.

    Very schmick!!

    Apart from the ceiling being white, the bathroom is fully tiled, also have a two person beigh spa-bath, gets a bit crowded sometimes. lol.

    Off white tiles with a grey and black patterned tiled round the centre.

    Our main bathroom is still in renovation mode.  My husband will not commit to any colour that I choose.  Sad and true because he is about to tear out the upstairs bathroom... eeeeek!


    I was wondering about that -reallly. I know what renovation brings to a family. Oh yeah.

    Curiously enough itsmee, it is now water off a duck's back. I have desensitized!

    Can I please nominate this question as the most irrelevant, trivial, and pointless ever posted on this site?


    LOL. I second the "Emotion". My exact thoughts.

    I loved it! : )

    Yes, well you did ask it.

    I think Itsmee is just trying to get ideas for her own bathroom.Nothing wrong with that.Cheaper than paying a colour consultant too.

    : ) <3 Tommy, I’ve come out from under my quilt to face the world again.

    Blue .



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