    What to get for a 10 year old girl for Christmas?????

    +2  Views: 1348 Answers: 10 Posted: 11 years ago

    10 Answers

    Is she into the Nintendo DS games ? Very popular with the kids.Furby's are the number one toy at the moment, but expensive.


    she already has a furby:)
    But thanks anyway

    Tell me about it..10 minutes in the company of a Furby and your head is f****d up for life:-( just can`t shut the annoying little bastard up...and to add insult to injury you mustn`t call it an it!..It has to be "Him/Her":-(..."It`s" a toy for God sake!...Don`t get me started on Furbies:-(...(Oh no,you already have)!;-Z

    What? are actually telling me she has a furby..and your still sane;-?

    Buy her three acres on the moon. Yes it can be done. Did it for my son several years ago. Yes it is for real.


    I thought they were sold out,maybe a star perhaps?

    ROMOS - you are such a scream - I am sure if zorro says it can be done - it can be ----done. How I would love a star though.

    Why thank you all.

    Mumsnet has some ideas here  >


    Thanks I will definitely be checking out that website.I think im going to get her the ipod touch 8gb any idea how much that is?

    thanks so much!!!!

    a puppy, a pony, a purple sweater.


    I'd like to have all 3 of those too .

    I know mcm- some dreams never change

    What ever you decide, you had better hurry and get out, there will be nothing left on the shelves, and they may be closing early!  Hurry up, get out there now, come back to us later!

    Nowadays - they just want Money to buy what they like - also there are January Sales.


    poppy, that's what my late husb said too, about his kids and grandkids; and he told me to give my neice and nephew money.

    Yeah sounds about right mycatsmom - you will see they will be pleased, kids are so fussy these days and cannot tell you how it upsets me when I give them a gift - do not have children myself - and they just look and not even say thankyou and I have worked with so many kids over the years - so very different from today and I do give what I think are great gifts only to be dissappointed in fact even the Aunt of these particular kids said they are hard work and she is a millionaire. You seem like a lovely mom.

    Yeah..they always want money:-¬..They bleed you dry!:-z

    millie111 Hey do you know I only noticed on catch up that you had an operation - I do hope this went well and seem to recall they were good to you. I do hope your quality of life has improved for this and perhaps your relationship with your son. I remember saying my family situation read like a horror story - somewhat hyperbole - mainly selfishness and greed. Take care of yourself keep wellx

    what ever she really wants .Like she might want a barbie or a dollhouse or maybe even a bike.So just what she asks you.



    Little girls like any color, as long as it's pink.

    Get the girl what she wanted. Ofcourse there is one time your daughter was begging you for some thing but you didn't buy it buy it for her. Now it's your time to buy that

    buy her something shes into like girly girls want barbies and pink stuff but 10 year olds are into the internet or membership for online games most 10 year olds dont really like pink cause my daughter is 10 and hates pink but think for a while what has she always  wanted as a en year old

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