    * * * Not a question, just a message * * *

    First the good news.  After extensive examinations and consultations with my psychiatrist I have reluctantly decided to heed his advice which includes a cessation of active participation on this forum for the duration of three months starting at midnight CET this 23 day of December 2012.

    The bad news.  If, after three months absence, I have fully recuperated then I shall assess the situation and consider offering my services again.

    Putting aside the few occasions of friction and misunderstandings on both sides I can say to all of you its been great fun and a pleasure for me being here with you.

    Wishing you all a merry Christmas with your loved ones and a happy new year it is now Over and Out.


    +11  Views: 1144 Answers: 20 Posted: 11 years ago

    20 Answers



    Fishlet you just amaze me.xoxo

    Hey Fishlet you must be so busy - I am sure early this am I read you said you had children you must be really busy but really:)

    Fishlet three year old son - you need eyes in the back of your head - full time job but as you say worth it.

    I wish you well, west- bus. Hope you have a wonderful christmas and a very "Happy New Year.

    Never quite thought this site as being "stressful" wb, if the break helps whatever you are going through all is well, look forward to more of your input in the near future, have a good Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

    Same here, West Bus. Have an awesome Christmas and a  spectacular New Year!

    West-Bus be well and much joy this holiday season and for the 1st quarter of the new year!  Please at least 'stop by' this spring so we know you are ok.  Peace!

    Best of luck West-Bust,happy xmas and hope you are back very soon,

    But I like your occasional comments. You'll be missed. I'll wait the three months with baited breath. (I don't even bring up akaqa with my own shrink). Merry X and a wonderful New Year to you.....


    That's probably why he can't figure out where your stress originates. Confess. :)

    Ducky you are so funny - just something else.x

    Okay west-bus.  Drop back in, some time in the future, when things are better. All the best to you and yours in the New Year 2013!

    Hey,all the best westbus.Health comes first.Take care of yourself.

    Merry Christmas & a very Happy New Year!

    Merry Christmas west-bus And a Happy New Year!!!

    Merry Christmas to you and yours! May PEACE be with you!

    Have one or two for me, West- Bus, enjoy -  Merry Christmas mate!.

    Wishing you all the best west-bus..good LORD willing I know you'll be back in the new year.HAPPY HOLIDAYS !!

    Take care West, you will be missed, I hope that your health improves remember to stay positive and we will see you again soon xoxoxox

    Sorry to hear of your departure West-bus.I hope your health improves in the new year.All the best, bye for now.

    other akaQA members stated they've had a  " nervous breakdown " too, since they started spending too much time on this site. So, I guess I'm due for one.


    hope you feel well, Westie, and come back as soon as you're able. We'll miss you.

    I understand West Bus. Totally. I have never mentioned akaQA to my psychiatrist. It wouldn't do me any good. He and I don't speak the same language -only kind of. He's has a strong Indian accent and I have a strong english accent (to him) Everything is just fine between us if he understands ,,,"I still have anxiety disorder. Please prescribe my little purple pills." 

    I take breaks and then am able to return. Hope it works the same for you. xx itsmee  Have a peaceful holiday. 

    Regards West, tend to your health needs first and foremost.  We will hold the fort, and try to save some corkers for you to answer on your return.  All the best, be well.. 

    Dearest West-bus - I haven't been here i.e. on this site  for a while myself and do not know if you will receive this message as I have only read it just now at 3.15am 4th February, 2013. I never did ask Colleen to give you my phone number and will endeavour to do this by e-mail - I feel sure she may help me with this. I cannot understand you not being here but there again I haven't seen all the postings and not sure what has upset you - I do know how sensitive you are however,and hugely understand. Oh my I am feeling so sad for this and do hope I can get into contact with you maybe Colleen will even give me your phone number - I will try - strange I have been thinking of you since I came back here it is because of you that I opened this stupid laptop at 3.15am. Please take care of you - please xoxo. I hope people do not get the wrong idea about this remember you did ask me to ask Colleen to give you my number, didn't know if she would and since then I have had endless problems  -  it is in no other than wishing to befriend you and give you any help whatever you may need if I can help I will. Bob/PKB was so very kind to me at one time there I was surprised and will not forget this, but we are the same sex  - this is nothing like people may think - i.e. because we are of the opposite sex and I seem to recall you have a wife. Just to add talking and understanding is good and it is said that this will be a year of peace and healing for us all - please God. Please try not to be sad. xo 

    There was a time when this site stressed and angered me, and I was spending hours and hours of every day right here on akaQA.
    Absolutely, if you are aggravated here, take a break. It's not something you HAVE to do or be. Come back soon, though. 

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