    Are you ever 100% sure about anything.......?

    If so what......

    I’m 100 % sure of my love of GOD....

    I’m 100 % sure the sun will rise in the morning....

    I’m 100 % sure my wife loves me as I do her....

    I’m 100 % sure of my love for my family....

    I’m 100 % sure my dog loves me....

    I’m 100 % sure this country is in trouble if things don’t change soon....

    I’m 100 % sure God is control of it all....

    And i'm 100% sure I'll think of others soon......

    I'm 100% sure Colleen will get on my case about something....

    +5  Views: 1117 Answers: 13 Posted: 11 years ago

    13 Answers

    Yes.  I am 100% sure about a few things such as:

    There is no sure thing when glaze firing pottery

    I love Belgian chocolate. 

    I am allergic to chocolate and it gives me migraine headaches.

    I believe that if a person doesn't cast their vote then that person has no right to complain about the political party or politician who wins power and I am 100% positive that I won't change my mind on that.

    Smoking is harmful to one's health on one level or another.

    I am 100% positive that if I plant flowers and shrubs that promote bee activity then I am doing something benificial for the environment ... if I plant double the amount then I will cancel out the minimilistic approach my next door neighbour has to gardening and the betterment of the planet.  If I plant triple the amount then maybe just maybe I will cancel out his 'toys'. (The last part I am only 35% sure about).

    I am 100% sure that I know and understand the true definition of 'hypocricy'.

    I am 100% sure about the colour wheel.

    I am 100% sure that I will age with each day passing.

    I am 100% sure that I will never be a fan of Shania Twain's or Celine Dion's music.

    I am also 100% sure that you don't carry your head around in your hand all day long Mr. Headless.  I am 100% sure that your head rests securely upon your neck which is attached to your shoulders and supported by a torso and a couple of legs. 





    Headless Man

    Are you sure I have two legs.......

    I said that I am 100% sure that your head rests securely upon your neck... the rest of the sentence was just an 'add on'... One leg, two legs, or no legs, you get on with things... that I am 100% sure of. :)
    Headless Man

    LOL, ok ..... two legs so far.

    I think you would look cool with a wooden leg and an eye patch... How is your Mommy dog doing?

    Celine Dion ... Bahhhhh. How did she get so popular. I’m not well acquainted with Shania Twain. But I’m sure it’s the same.
    I never learned the color wheel. I use the sequenced color of the rainbow.
    Headless Man

    Good idea Fishlet, I've been thinking about changing my

    I'm 100% sure that I am sick and tired of being in pain!


    Bless you dear friend I wish a painless "Christmas to you .

    Thanks Dowsa! That would make my Christmas!

    Me too, doo.

    doolittle, Have you tried Methdone? (It kind of helps. Look it up. It’s hard to explain. It’s not addictive. I hope you have something to help you along.

    Thanks itsmee

    I don't know what to say to you about the pain Doo.I wish I did.You're a good person & you deserve better.I hope you feel well enough to enjoy your Christmas.

    Thanks Tommy! I try to have a very positive outlook and I'll fake it if I have too- no need to interrupt the fun!
    Headless Man

    Pain can be a part of life...
    I'm getting sick and tires of being sick and

    Pain people out there: I’ve been shopping, wrapping, frosting, flossing, mailing cards, making cards, wearing a terrible outfit to my grandaughter’s Christmas program, baking, hanging lights ... on and on.
    Any way, I’ve had it with Christmas this year. I’m going to wait until this pain subsides and invite my little family for second Christmas.
    I’m so damn sad about my little Sheltie. She’s gone. It’s good cuz there’s frost on the roof now. But where did she go.
    So ... Do you want to celebrate now or wait until you’re feeling better ... That day will come. Depression can just lay me low.

    Itsme I didn't know you lost your sheltie :( On the other side of 'life' I haven't baked or decorated and still have gifts to buy...some Christmas seasons are just like that. Hang in there and know you are in my thoughts and prayers...and it's the reason for the season that really matters!

    doolittle: I've been feeding and housing a beautiful Sheltie. Her "house"is a box across the wide, quiet street in front of my house. I've been caring for her for 7 weeks and can't get anywhere near her. I believe she has a collar but she was totally traumatized by her past. I've called all the animal agencies and noone can catch her. Anyway, I've worried that she wouldn't make it when the frost came. She disappeared right before the first frost. She looked at me like she wanted help. (Hard to explain.)

    Not hard to explain- you did a great job and I am a true animal lover! Lets hope she found a warmer spot for now- and don't be surprised she may show up again- animals know when people care!!!!!

    I am 100% sure about my faith in God and his purpose for me.

    I'm 100% sure that I should have remained single!


    Well, if I was the right age and everything was right, I’d propose to you and we’d get married under the Mistletoe on New Year’s Eve ... Oh wait, I have a husband and you have a wife ... Nice try, itsmee.

    Well now,what makes you think your not the "right" age? If I recall,you and I are a couple of old school hippies.

    Yes, I’m old-school hippy but there are other problems standing in our way. : )) Fun to think.

    I'll throw mama from the train. :)

    Death, taxes and the earth will still be here Dec. 22, 2012. 


    Shoot, that means I have to go away with my family this weekend. C'est la vie.

    It means I have to go to THREE Christmas performances. The one I dread is Kindergarten. I wish they’d cancel it. I do.

    YES I am "Sure 100% When my wife is " Happy" with me or "Angry" She smiles when she is pleased with "me" "Bares her teeth when "displeased with "me" .YOU don't have to be a "PHYSIC" TO know that !! Hee Hee "OUCH"

    I am 100% sure about my faith in God and his purpose for me (and for others)

    Ann, I’ve noticed that we have the exact same beliefs. Do you believe in the part in parenthesis?


    Certainly I do. I just did not write it down.

    I'm 100%  about somethings just because I feel they are so.  I have my doubts in others......

    Everything is changing very nicely.

    I'm 100% sure this world has fallen and a new one is soon to come..


    Me too, Daren. We are both optimistic about this.

    No you are never sure about anything your mind just thinks you are sure. your body is never sure or at least 100% sure

    Headless Man

    OK 100% cowgirl.....

    When I post in the wrong spot I feel like a BAD  person. I’m always sorry but I get so confused I’m apt to do the same damn thing again.  Colleen, we beg your forgiveness. It’s good to have someone who knows how to do it right. Our bright bulb, you are. You ought to have been a history teacher ... I had one just like you.

    i am 100% sure that im tiping write

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